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On Monday, August 24th, I saw my interventional pulmonologist  and he told that I would need to get a Bronchoscopy and that a woman from his scheduling office would call me to set up an appointment. I didn’t hear from anyone last week, so Friday afternoon I called his office and left a message. Then yesterday and today, still no call. I tried everything to get through to a human being on their phone system and nothing worked. All I could do was leave another message today. I am beyond frustrated waiting for someone to return my call. At this point I just assume there is a problem in the scheduling office. Hopefully tomorrow I will hear something so I can start making plans for my procedure.

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Oh, I feel your frustration--that's the sort of thing that makes me nuts. 

Keep trying. One thing I did to move my biopsy along was to call my surgeon, who was able to goose it along. Do you have another doctor who might be able to call and see what the holdup is? They are able to get through red tape that we mortals can't penetrate.

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Thanks Lexi, good idea. I will call the Oncologist’s office tomorrow to see if she can speed things along. They all work together in the Cancer Institute.

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I’d go bang on the practice door! Phone calls may be ignored, but irate patients, not so much!

Stay the course. 


p.s. My family had a summer home in Ocean City so I feel part South Jersey....

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Isn’t that just frustrating and unbelievable?  I hope when you leave a message they can hear the frustration in your voice?  

I can’t believe some of the things I have witnessed and experienced in the medical setting lately.  Example was today.  My husband had an appointment with someone other than his PCP (couldn’t get one with him which is another story).  Anyway he had a minor stroke last fall and we had about 5 questions, some stroke related and a couple not. After issue number 3 was addressed she said, “give me one more thing you’d like to talk to me about today, the most important” to which I said, “ we have more than one”.  She replied “this is only a 20 minute appointment so you’ll have to make another one with your PCP”.  

Are you kidding me????  Needless to say, we are finding a different clinic for him.


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That is TERRIBLE!!!!  I hope you told her (and/or your PCP) that you were planning to leave the practice as a result.  I have NEVER had our internist (or anyone in his office) fail to spend whatever time was necessary at ANY visit.   Yes, he sometimes runs late because he extends the same courtesy to all of his patients, but it is well worth it.   So sorry you had to put up with that. 

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