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Bob 91361

Bob P

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Hi everyone,

I'm Bob from Southern California.

I got diagnosed with <2cm. Non-Small Cell LC, aggressive type, in early summer.

Had my Ultra Sound, MRI, CAT Scan, Needle Biopsy, PET Scan, in fairly fast order and had the bugger out, along with a lobe, on June 13.

2 days in the hospital and very little pain. Back to work in 2 weeks.

I consider myself VERY lucky and very unlucky. Unlucky to even get LC since I've never smoked or been exposed to Radon.

VERY lucky to have found it early before it could spread.

Interesting story on how it was found:   Routine blood test showed high bilirubin so PMD did a ultrasound around my liver that showed a shadow on my pancreas. CAT scan showed: "No problem in the pancreas but possible nodule in lung".  Further testing revealed LC for sure.  The ironic part is that LC usually manifests as LOW bilirubin.  So I'm just really glad the doctor didn't say: "Well your bilirubin is a little high but probably nothing to worry about" and sent me home!  Probably saved my life!

So I'm cancer free and can exercise without a problem (no marathons) but I have this persistent cough and shortness of breath about  2 or 3 times a day for no reason.  I'm going to check the forum to see if anyone is having the same problem.

Thanks for letting me go on-and-on.

Bob P

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Welcome Bob and so happy for you that your cancer was detected so early and taken care of. Hopefully your shortness of breath and cough will diminish with a little more time.

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Welcome to the forum Bob I'm really pleased you got this under control quickly and are doing so well, I'm sure someone will be able to help you with some answers on here, goodluck with everything Take care Justin 

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Hi, Bob, and welcome. Glad to hear there was prompt action and good results. SOB and a cough are definitely something to check with your doc ASAP— no one wants a pulmonary embolism. (I’ve had one.) A pulmonologist would be a good place to start, if you have one, or obvs. your oncologist or surgeon. You might even mention you are concerned about a PE and ask how they can rule it out. Best of luck!



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Hi Bob, I developed a persistent cough about a couple of weeks after my lobectomy surgery. It lasted many weeks but finally subsided. I cough on rare occasions now and it is minor. As to SOB, I do get that when I exert myself like when on a brisk walk, climbing stairs but not when resting. Given my heart rate went up after surgery and chemo, they also had me do a chest CT to rule out pulmonary embolism. Try to stay vigilant and pro-active as this disease is very sneaky and all treatments come with some form of risk. If reassured by your care team, enjoy life and your good luck of catching the disease so early! Take care.

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Welcome Bob!

A persistent cough will almost certainly resolve and hopefully the same outcome for shortness of breath. I have about 30% of total pulmonary capacity having my right lung resected and tumors treated in my left lung. I can do most things but I certainly can't climb many flights of stairs nor run in the mile-high city of Denver. You might even eventually run a marathon missing a lobe!

Stay the course.


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