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AI program for CT scan


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Greetings peeps! 

Haven’t posted or even been through here in a while, but I haven’t stopped thinking of you and praying for all of us as well as a cure. 
So, anyway, I was wondering if anyone knows if it’s possible to get access to an app or program that one could run a CT scan through? I recently had a serial non contrasting scan of my chest, abdomen, and pelvis areas done. Thankfully, there wasn’t any sign of my cancer again. It’s been over a year since we ended chemo. Surely, someone has written a program or knows someone who can?

The overburdened radiologist who read mine the other week didn’t go into much detail in regards to anything outside of his search for cancer. I would like to have it run through an AI program too if possible? As though of you may remember, I am a big proponent of “thinking outside the box”.



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Hi Jack,

Good question, but I've not heard of any program like that.  We need to realize that AI is still in an infancy stage (regardless of all the press we hear) and I would expect that type of software to be something that would be dedicated to doctors first before the general public.  I would also expect early versions to be filled with bugs, and that is why a doctor should be able to review both the program output and the scan itself in order to ensure that any "AI reading" has been double checked.  

The real crux of the problem does not seem to be a lack of AI but a doctor that hasn't taken the appropriate time to make you comfortable about your results.  In my book, you need to advocate for yourself with your doctor.  My experience is that a radiologist will look at the scan and comment on what they see.  Those comments and the scan are then passed to the doctor for review with the patient.  Please see if you can speak to your treatment doctor (or oncologist) directly.My answer may not have helped you too much but let us know what you find on your search.


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Thank you LouT

I was advised by the tech that the radiologists were behind and it would be read in seven to ten days. I found tge results posted three days later through my portal, the morning of my appointment with her. I told her what the tech had said and she said that they had requested that it be read sooner. I mentioned AI and she said that they were reading it both ways. 
I researched the radiologist and he is a veteran of twenty years and has a good back ground. I am confident in regards to the cancer assay, but I have several other issues in regards to cardiac, vascular, and urological stuff that I was wondering about. I should have mentioned it to her but I didn’t.

No big deal, I will mention it to my Cardiologist who I see next month, and to my PCP who see in October. Thanks I appreciate your insight as usual and I’m glad to see you!


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Jack, it is a good idea you have about asking your other specialists about questions/concerns you have in their areas re: your scan.  They will also be more knowledgeable in their respective areas.  I had a question about recurring note of a "patulous" esophagus showing up on my chest CT's scans to monitor ground glass.  I happened to have a video appointment with my esophageal/swallowing doc earlier this week (she is 4 hours away).  I asked her about it and if it was part or all of my esophagus.  She was able to pull up the scan (same system) during our appointment and answer my questions.  As I suspected it is due to one of my autoimmune diseases and involves my entire esophagus.  My pulm and/or onc may have answered my questions though I felt much better about it coming from an esophageal expert.  Hoping the same for you and your questions with your respective specialists.

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@jack14, I recently read a report that some Aussie researchers have had some promising results in a study looking at AI use. I'm sorry I can't direct you to that URL-- it was early stages of research, so I just mentally filed it for the future. 

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