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Brain Surgery update from 4-6-04


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Hi Karen

What a wonder it is that you could do so well following such a time at the hands of a doctor. God was with you.

I only went through the removeal of my left lung, but I did the food thing also. I ate my way out of the hospital so to say in 3 days, LOL... I was in ICU and woke up asking for food, I got a tray withing 10 minutes and they even got me up and let me sit in a chair. So I can understand how it helped you. Sure is good to have God looking over your Shoulder as he was with me also.

God Bless You and all of My Prayers and best wishes to you and Your Family...

Grunpy One lung (in Michigan)

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Guest Phyllis

Hi, It is so good to have you back posting. I am glad your surgery went well! I am also waiting on the results of a brain scan, so I will following how you do. I know you will do great. You are an inspiration.

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Please forgive my belated post.

Thank you for posting--we had been wondering how things went on Tuesday.

I am so thrilled to hear how well your surgery went. Horray for clean margins, no pain, and being able to go home!

I am sorry to hear that you have to undergo WBR--as you know, we are in the same boat.

But your positive attitude and faith--anything is possible!

You are in our thoughts and prayers.


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It was great to read your post and I rejoice with you in all that went so well. You are one positive, strong woman and I'm so glad to know your story and be part of your life. Take a rest when you need it and enjoy every morsel...life is GOOD and prayers are answered.

God's Blessings,


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