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Katie B......about the lung cancer ribbons..

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O.K......I read a whole thread on lung cancer ribbons. It seems that there is a problem with folks getting the lung cancer ribbons. I, myself, would like to have one also. I totally understand you not being able to shell out $500.00 for ribbons that may or may not sell. Here is my proposal....if someone has an extra LC ribbon that they will send to me, I will try to find all of the materials, etc. and make a bunch of ribbons. Katie, you could put these ribbons in the LCSC store to sell. Hopefully, that could help keep this place going. I, of course, would buy all of the materials and donate my time, etc. for the cause. If anyone has an extra ribbon, please PM me. I will send you my address for you to send the ribbon to me. I will see what I can do. Surely they can't be that hard to make. (I make almost all of my girls' hair bows) Does this sound like something we could do? You guys let me know.


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Do you need a ribbon per se? I have a crystal lung cancer pin I can send you. Yes, I spent $15 for 3 crystal pins from ALCASE at diagnosis. Interesting how fast those came when I paid $45 :) I got pins for me, my mom and my mother in law. However two broke because I tried pinning it through the hole on my purse (west coast term)/ pocketbook (east coast term). So I have a pin I acn send without a backing, but it is metal, not ribbon.

PS---my case just went to the jury, so my break from posting is over :D I no longer have to be focused and it is ok for me to get upset and cry and thinjk l ung cancer all the time :D

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PM me your address and I'll send you one. Shouldn't be real hard to make... Grosgrain ribbon in a loop and a safety pin - I received a "free" breast cancer pin from a local department store a while back. It was just a loop of ribbon (MAYBE three inches) pinned at the connecting area with a safety pin of the craft class (no circle at the end away from the head - the tail?). If I can find the pink one, I'll send it to you as a template. I'm guessing THOSE were less than a dollar a dozen or less... The ribbons I ordered from Choose Hope were like hat pins...



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I am probably going to post this where I did in activism BUT for my sisters wedding she was planning on donating money to lung cancer research. I suggested lung cancer pins for the guetss with a note stating where the money went. She got the "plastic" pins from ALCASE. They are just gold outline hollow stickers??? I though they were actual pins??? She needs something cost effective too since she wants to donate the money that would have gone to favors to lung cancer. Any suggestions OR places to get pins? There were a few suggested but they were closer to the $5 range.

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Okay, next pay day I'll purchase some ribbon and pins and give this a whirl. The Choose Hope site sells their ribbon pins on a card with information on it. I bought some printer friendly business cards a couple of years ago when making my own wedding invitations to enclose driving directions - can try that for a sample...

For wedding favors, the card could have the name of the bride and groom, date and the message that a donation was made to LC research (along with statistics, etc.).

I have to wait until payday to purchase ink for my printer, too. Darn thing just drinks the juice...

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