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Looking for real info on how the chemo feels


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Everyone has a different outcome from chemo. I had no major side effects other than fatigue and lowered blood counts. I did not suffer from nausea which hits a lot of people. It just depends on the chemo regime and how YOU take it. There are several other drugs they can give you to avoid the nausea.

What type of cancer have you been dx'd with and what is the treatment plan they have layed out?

God Bless,


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Hey Jen....I'm a newbie too. And I just started chemo yesterday and had the second dose today. My doctor gives some Decadron and Zofran by IV before they drip the chemo drugs...and I have had NO nausea at all.

They also sent me home with some meds to take later...and a schedule for them...and that included some Ativan in case I had trouble sleeping...which I did last night. I think the anti nausea drugs can sort of wire you up a bit.

I think, for me, the anticipation has been worse than anything. Not knowing makes you nervous. But now that things have started...I feel like something TANGIBLE is being done to fight the cancer...so it's making me feel really good, really positive!

I refuse to "borrow trouble" and I'm keeping as positive an attitude as I can. I think it really helps. When I get a bit nervous, I close my eyes and try to do some regular, deep breathing...and I also do postive imagery. I imagine my body healing...the cancer leaving. My symbol is a yellow hard hat :) and I picture little miniature hard hats running around in my blood vessels kicking the cr*p out of the cancer!! 8):wink:

Try your best NOT to be nervous. Take some notes of the questions you have and ask. I found the oncology nurses to be SO sweet and so willing to answer questions...so ask away. Knowledge is power...and having a strong, positive attitude might just help you NOT suffer many side effects.

I will have radiation with my next round of chemo...so realistically, I figure I might not feel as good as I do this go round. But I will continue to practice the breathing, the positive imagery AND getting as many good laughs in each day as I can....even IF that means watching reruns of The Nanny or Seinfeld!! :D

Hang in there...don't hesitate to ask questions here or at your doctors...but I'm sending out a prayer that you do as well as I've done on this first go around of chemo. Truly...even my appetite is better now that chemo is underway. I think that Decadron has something to do with that....but food is tasting better and I'm keeping my weight up...which is important too!

Good luck. Let us know how you do...but I'm betting you do just great!

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For me the thought of chemo was worse than the actual effects. They gave me anti nausea drugs which worked fine for me. Fatique was my major complaint but that was probably more from the radiation than the chemo. When you understand the nature of this beast, all other concerns about temporary side effects diminish. Kill it with every thing avaible. It needs no encouragement by our fears of treatment. You found a good place for support and info. Keep us updated.

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I feel like I say this all the time, but for my Dad, besides the fatigue, he has really complained about constipation. He hadn't expected it, and was miserable! As the treatments went on, he began "preparing" for it by eating prunes, fiber, etc., and eventually got some medicine for it. I don't know if this is common, but it was awful for him.

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I only got tired. I never got nausea or anything like that. I did loose my hair but its back. I had a couple of rounds of chemo again after surgery til my feet got numb and they stopped. Donna G

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I agree with all of what's been said here already, and would add these two things:

1) If you have some problems, talk to the oncology nurse or doctor about them--they have heard all this before and are there to help you get through this--they do have solutions to a lot of these problems.

2) Try to take extra good care of yourself during this time--get plenty of rest, eat right as much as possible, and drink a lot of fluids. Again, they have a lot of good hints at the chemo place for that kind of thing. Don't push yourself too much right now--it just won't work.

3) Try not to be too scared--it seems a lot scarier than it really is.

good luck

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My worst fear was the chemo...but like my doctor said, I was UNDERWHELMED. I ate like a horse the day of and a few days after chemo and took antinausea meds to help with the rest of the time. I found myself tired and took the doctors advice and rested when I was ready to rest. I ate as best I could and watched alot of sitcoms to make me laugh. I lost my hair but it came back and except for the cough and wheeze I feel great most of the time. I still seem to need more sleep than before but I feel blessed. I hope you feel as well as I did and that your treatment kicks the cr*p out of those cancer cells. Let us know more about you.


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First, regarding your previous post, get a second opinion definately! If you want to share what city you are from, I bet you can get a lot of dr recommendations from people right here :)

Second, chemo is different for everyone. My mom tolerated it really well. It was bad for about a week, but they gave her new medicine and she did great!

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Hi Jen,

I had really good results with my chemo. I never got sick. Oh the third day after treatment I would be really tired. I contunued to work during most of my treatment. I was ill for several months prior to treatment. I started with radaition first and then about half was my chemo treatment started. I was really scared also. Good luck to you.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest marie foley

not doing too well with chemo. :(

Going for blood work today to see if my immune system is still with me will keep you posted


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