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i have been looking around here and gathered a lot of could information

for a few weeks now. My mom was dx with adenocarcinoma stage 4 with mets to bones in late april. she started radiation and chemo (carbo/taxa) but had to stop after 1st chemo because of low blood counts. She has been extremely tired since then. The doctor said that she needs to be built up before she can continue with chemo. So she is currently on iressa and we are hoping that it works. Next appointment in july then we should know if iressa is working. just looking for some positive thoughts todays.


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Shiva welcome and glad to have you join us. I have read many good things on this drug Iressa (which by the way my husband will start taking later in the week). Just take the time and read some of the posts and I think you will definately walk away with a better feeling about things. Take care and God bless you and your family.

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Guest bean_si (Not Active)


Hi and welcome. I've heard a lot of good about Iressa. Hope it's the wonder drug for your mom.


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