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Jennifer D

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My dad just got the news that the tumors are regrowing after a SHORT 2 month vaction from chemo (he has stage 4 lung with met to brain)

The new chemo will include Texatere, anyone here of it or know where I can get info on it....


The days just get better.....So stressful

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Hi Jennifer,

Yes, Don is right, the best way to find out about this is to go to the internet. Our oncologist made the side effects of Taxotere sound like a "walk in the park" but that was not the case. My husband has experienced allergies, weeping eyes and constantly stuffy nose. He is also having trouble with his nails. I found some nasal rinse for him which is helping, it is called"Sinus Rinse" and is a NeilMed product. (I have no interest in the NielMed company.) I also found that "Sprite" and "Zinc Losenges" help with the "mouth thing".

Good Luck to your Dad with this treatment.


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Hi Jennifer,

I just wanted to say that my husband is currently on Taxotere and has been since the beginning of April. After 3 treatments there was shrinkage in all tumors-that's the lung, lymph nodes, left adrenal gland and 2 nodules in his left lung were smaller. He has had 2 more treatments and will have a 3rd on August 9th , followed by scans. He has tolerated it quite well so far, but it does make him tired. The doctor told me to paint his fingernails and toenails with nail hardener. He said the nails can become brittle and come out. We were also told his skin around the nails may become dry and to use a good lotion containing aloe to help. None of these things have happened , but we are prepared. :wink: Our best to you. God Bless you.


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My mom was given Taxotere with Carboplatin as her first chemo right after diagnosis last year..........she tolereated it quite well, had to take a little bit of anti-nausea medicine and got really tired, etc., but she had her good days too!! After a couple months of cycles her cancer went into remission..........so it appears to be a good choice of chemo!! However with her stage IV situation, the cancer returned and she then got met's to the liver and brain, and lost her fight in Feb. of this year. This is a tough cancer to fight, but many people win or at least do very well for a long time!! So overall, I say Taxotere was a good chemotherapy, but everyone is of course different................Hope all goes well. God Bless.

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