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Update on Lucie's New Chemo

Don Wood

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I don't check all the topics daily,and I just saw this post. I see that Lucie has begun her new chemo cycle. I tell you, Lucie is tough. I admire her tremendously. She motivates me, as I am set to begin my own chemo Wed.. I am glad that the nausea lightened up and she was able to eat a good supper. Does Lucie have a port? Thanks for the update, as always she is in my prayers.


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Yes, Lucie has a port. We kept it in after she completed the first chemo last May, and we are glad for that. Last night, Saturday, and today, Sunday, the chemo has really kicked in and she has been more nauseous and fatigued. She is doing okay. As our son told us, we are better equipped with knowledge this time on what to do. Don

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I hope all continues to go well. It sure warms my heart to hear words from such a loving and vigilant(sP?) caregiver. What a lucky lady she is to have you. Being the caregiver sure seems like an exhausting job ... just hearing what my mom goes through tells me this ordeal takes great strength.

Hugs to you both.

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