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I'm Back! and Moms not very well

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Moms in a hospice program now. She has a hospital bed and a nurse comes twice a week to check in on her. Today she refused to drink any liquids. I got her to eat/drink some Jello, half of a vanilla milk shake and a cup of chocolate ice cream. She won't take her medicine, any of it. Right now she's not talking to me. I realy must of ticked her off.

All she wants to do is sleep. She will wake up for a while, then it's back to sleep. She has a pain in her right lung. She tries not to cough. Tuesday, I took her back to the Cancer Center. Her Rad Onc was on vacation. This new doc (Dr. Andres) said he thinks the tumor is pinching off more of her air way. He wants to start a radiation treatment program next week. It has not been two weeks since they finished zaping her brain and now they want to start zaping her lung. He told her it would realy cause her some major fatigue but he said it should releive the presure on her airway and let the crap that's backed up there drain.

Her energy level is somewhere below 0. I have to put her in lined paper pants cause she does not have the energy to get up and use the bedside commode I bought. I have to lift her in and out of the bed, wheelcahir and her recliner. Last week I paid a big price for doing this the "wrong" way. I hurt my back, big time. When I was lifting her I felt something go snap-crackle-pop in my lower back. I was in "bad" pain for several days. By Tuesday, the pain had eased enough so that I can function more or less normally. Friday of last week, I told Mom "I" needed the hospice program more then she did. The nurse showed my how to use a folded sheet to move Mom around on her bed. The PT showed me how to lift and lower Mom "the right" way.

The new Rad Onc told her that just because she's in Hospice, that dosen't mean she won't get any treatment for her lung. Her PCP is pushing for just pain releif. He dosen't think she should get the Rad treatment. He thinks her brain is suffering from a lack of oxygen (funny, that never stopped me). When she is awake, she is barely conscious. Up to today her memory was fine, but now there are some holes. He (her PCP) thinks she will continue to sleep more and more. He said she might reach a point where she can not be roused and will enter into a comma like state. Mom said twice this week, that if I can get her to the Cancer Center, she wants the treatment.

I have not even mentione the war I am having with her bowel and the "huge" "Mega" big probl;em I had with my computer. I ended up spreading more virus then Typhoid Mary, but that's another story. I've learned some new things. Now I know what Zinc Oxide cream is used for and that corn starch is better then baby powder for keeping the butt dry.

Tomorrow, we'll see if they want to start the treatment on her or if they think it's not worth it.


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I am so sorry to read about what has been going on. This must be a really tough time for you. Are you the sole care giver? Do you have any other family? I hope you are being more careful with your back now!!!! They can be a pretty delicate part of the body, as you seemed to learn. How are YOU coping with all of this? You seem to have alot of love and care for your Mum, but I am also concerned about you.

Am sending a bundle of love to you and your Mum, and hoping for some kind of miracle



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I'm sorry you're having such a difficult time right now. As the other poster asked, I wonder if there is someone for you to share your Mom's care with and someone for you to lean on as well. You are under tremendous stress and sound physically (and probably mentally) exhausted too. Somehow or other, you need to get a little time to "rest" and not be on duty.

Prayers and thoughts are with you and your mother.

Gail P-M

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I am glad to see your post. I know you and your mom are going through a really tough time. I am sure it is a hard decision to make about the radiation. But if your mom wants it ....and you can arrange to get her there...why not at least try it. If it makes her breathe a little better maybe her brain will be more active as well. She may just be too tired to go through it all again. My radiation left me drained and there was nothing else wrong with me. I wish you the best, no matter what you decide to do. Take care of yourself as best you can. I admire your devotion to your mom.


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We are all so glad to see you back. There were at least two APB posts looking for you and asking if anyone had heard from you.

I am so sorry to hear about your mom. :cry: I lost my dad a month ago, and it sounds like your mom is feeling a lot like he did. He also slept a lot, and when he would wake up, he would be confused. He never got angry or short with anybody, though. He would wake up and ask where was he and why was he here? It was so sad. It's so sad to see them like that and I want you to know that I know how you feel and your love for your special mom sings right through all of your posts.

What can we do to help you, Don? I'm with the others. I hope you have some other family or friend(s) that can be with you right now and help with her care. Not only that, but if it's her time to go, what will you do? I don't think you've ever told us much about yourself, your family, your work, etc. We all care very much about your mom, but we have all become very attached to you.

Some serious praying going on in my house for you and your mom tonight.

Keep us posted.



P.S. Glad you got your puter fixed!

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So good to have you back. It sounds like things have been rough for you and your mom. Wish I could say something or do something to make it better.

Please know that we care about you and your mom. If we can provide any comfort, let us know.


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Guest bean_si (Not Active)

Don, I was wondering where you were. Try not to disappear, okay? :wink: But I guess if I was going through so much physical and emotional crisis, I'd thinking about disappearing. Be careful with your back. I hope you find help in caring for your mom. I hope her pain lessens.


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