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Cravings as coleslaw and three bean salad


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My hubbie craves sweet/sour coleslaw and three bean salad (a portion of each on his plate) about three times a day. I find myself making fresh batches for him every two days to keep in the refrig. Anyone else have strange food cravings? He is currently labeled at 'stable' while still on Iressa. I can't help but wonder if these two cravings are helping him to stay stable. Anyway, it's worth it to see him enjoying it so.


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How funny this was posted, my mom says she is pregnant (total joke) b/c the smell of chicken makes her sick, yet suddenly she had a craving for whtie fish and now her biggest newest craving is for something called Borscht. Borscht is found in the aisle of Jewish food and is basically like a beet soup and you add sour cream :)

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No real cravings, been eating lots of grapes. They have a high fluid content and feel good after the radiation burns!

Lots of problems smelling foods (hope it goes away!), eggs and italian make me very sick to my stomach and I loves both (can't eat it now though).

Thank God for cotton balls up the nose!

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Thank God for cotton balls up the nose!

Beth, that was FUNNY! LOLOL!

My husband has been off chemo for quite some time and on Iressa for 2+ months. I don't think he has cravings, but he turns his nose up at foods he used to like A LOT, i.e., pizza, spaghetti & meat balls, cheeseburgers. He says some things "don't taste right" and some "bother his stomach". I don't think his taste buds have ever fully recovered from all the chemo treatments. His appetite is fine, just the choices are different.


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This never made sense to me but while I was on chemo and nauseaed I still craved KFC...the extra krispy. That didn't make me sick. And chocolate milkshakes, which I still crave but limit myself. Now I would not eat KFC, although I love it because of the high fat content, but while I was on chemo I talked my husband (who is a health nut) into getting it for me several times. All of the books said high fat things would make the nausea worse, and most did...but not good ole KFC. :)


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Ah, to indulge these cravings WITHOUT either being pregnant OR having cancer, eh? :wink:

Some things I've always loved...I cannot tolerate these days...or the mere smell of them turns me off. Much as I used to love the smell of garlic....now it makes my stomach revolt. Same thing with onions.

But other things, yes....I've been craving. During radiation...of all things, it was Taco bell tacos! Early on, with chemo, I ate a lot of chicken sandwiches for lunch...and egg salad sandwiches. Now....chicken sandwiches don't appeal. Haven't yet made up any more egg salad...but at least the thought of it doesn't turn my stomach.

But in the past two weeks I've had Big Macs twice (and if I have two a year, normally, that's a lot! :shock: ) And of course, Chinese food....I'm REALLY craving now!!

I think chemo and radiation just does a number on us. The first time I got sick...it was after a granola bar. I haven't had one of those since. The next time I got sick...it was after a banana...but by now, I am able to eat bananas again...although that first one was hard to get down without the memories of the one prior....coming back up. :shock:

Cheese is something I've been able to tolerate all along....and the same for yogurt smoothies!

But these days, it's junk food or take out....I guess because I didn't have any of that sort of thing during radiation.....and so once it was over, I couldn't wait to indulge myself.

Don't even ask me about vanilla ice cream with caramel sauce! :roll:

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sounds good to me too! it's a good thing that he's craving things that are healthy too (i've been eating buckets of haagen dazs ice cream on the otherhand). and i'm glad to see that he's stable. my mom just started iressa on saturday. how's your husband dealing with the side effects? take care, and my prayers are with you.

God bless,


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I really didn't crave anything during treatment. Not that I can remember anyway. Lately I have been craving peanut butter. Can't keep it in the house. If I'm not eating a peanut butter sandwich, i have a spoon full of it. I don't double dip. Really never cared for peanut butter before now.

I the one thing I can't eat anymore is chinese food. I really use to like it.

I would get take out about every two weeks or so, but I can't remember the last time I had it.


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