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"City of Hope"?


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Karen had the brain tumor surgery elsewhere, but she had radiation treatments to the tumor bed done a City of Hope.

City of Hope National Medical Center in Duarte, California, is a Cancer Center and Research Facility.

One of our former members, Janet Kukawsky, was treated there. Janet passed away in October of last year.

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hi paddy,

i don't have direct experience with the hospital, but i believe my friend's grandfather was treated there several years ago for cancer. i have only heard positive things from the his family about the hospital. i pray that your experiences there are also good. please let me know how things go...by the way, what facility is your husband going to be treated at? i see that fay has mentioned one in duarte, but i know that there is one in los angeles, not too far from st. vincent's/good samaritan (those are the hospitals from where my mom receives her treatments).

God bless,


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Thank you all very much. I asked the question because Dave and I were thinking that we might go for a second opinion at COH. I have a friend who has Non-Hodgekinsons , (sp?) and he has recently started treatment there. He seemed impressed with the doctors and to think that we should try it too. We will have to give it some thought.


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Hi Paddy, my youngest son (he's 11 now) was an outpatient at City of Hope when he was a toddler for ITP (immune thrombocytopenic purpura.) It was, by far, the best medical care I have ever experienced in my life.

I think City of Hope is wonderful, and would recommend it to anyone who is considering treatment there. I only wish my mom was there instead of 260 miles away. :(

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I also have heard only wonderful things about City of Hope, but never have been. I had an appt there for my mom, but didn't need it b/c we found a closer onc who we love.

Just to throw it out there, in Southern California, we adore my mom's oncologist at Hoag Hospital at Newport Beach. He has people from all over come see him.

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