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Where are Southern California people?


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Does anyone have ANY info on ANY events in Southern California benefitting lung cancer? I tried to do an internet search and nothing.

I want to get involved so badly. My family will let me get heavily involved, just not speer head it all on my own without a co-head or poeple.

It is hard for me to comprehend with how large and vocal Los Angeles and Orange County are that there is just nothing. Thousands of AIDS walks and events, but no Lung Cacner.

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Excuse my ignorance, but is "Folsom, CA" in Southern California? I saw a post about an event there?

Andrea -- you have just hit the nail on the head though -- there probably ARE NOT any lung cancer benefits in Southern California, because there are not any lung cancer benefits ANYWHERE!!!!

Try doing a google search for "lung cancer benefit" or "lung cancer walk". You will probably be as shocked and dumbfounded as I was.

Then try doing a google search for "breast cancer walk".....and your dumbfoundedness will turn to determination to change things a bit!

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Hi Heather, that area is up north, maybe like 7 hours away by car.

I think what really irks me is that this is Los Angeles/Orange County!!!! Don't the movie stars have relatives with lung cancer???? There are an overabundance of rich and powerful people in these two counties. There seems to always be charity events going on, but yet nothing on lung cancer. I don't understand. PETA charity events are huge here as is AIDS walks.

The only cancer events I notice are either woman cancers (breast and ovaries) or prostate. And of course Relay for Life is HUGE out here. We have Relays in almost every city in Orange County. But I don't see events for brain, lung, pancreatic, kidney, etc. It is odd.

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Hi Andrea, Tomorrow we go to Dave's oncologist. I will ask the nurses there about benefits fo Lung Cancer. I know they have had them for "Breast Cancer" but not sure if they have had one for LC. I will let you know what I find out. Yes, Folsom is in CA. Have you hear of "Folsom Prison"!? Love, Paddy

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Hey Andrea, This is sad isn't it? That problem isn't just in So. California, it's pretty much all over the world my dear! But, I'm sure you'll get something up and running real soon, and you WILL make a difference my dear in Awareness for Lung Cancer. They did it with Breast Cancer, we can do it with Lung Cancer. It'll happen!!!!!!

Love & Hugs,


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I was thinking of a benefit in the park, but I have hardly any family here. We are a small bunch. Only Brian, my parents, my inlaws, brother in law and a few of Brian's cousins. The family gets togethr like once a year.

I love the idea, like a big party in the park, and you know what I decided, it does not ahve to be in Nov just b/c that is LC awareness month. Right now my parents would veto it b/c I have to work on some personal issues right now. However, if I get those personal issues taken care of, then they will be supportive and I can have a big picnic or something of the sorts.

PS--Nat--Laurie now lives in Arizona.

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They just referred me to Alcase.org where sadly I found nothing of any value. It seems that a lot is done for Breast cancer, but next to nothing for Lung Cancer.

Actually, if I can ad a side note here -- ALCASE actually DOES have a "calendar of events" that they just added --http://www.lcam.org/involved/events/events.html

and surprisingly there are several events taking place across the country. Certainly not to the magnitude that breast cancer has, but we have a slow trend in the right direction starting!

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