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Everything posted by Ann

  1. Order your cookbooks today!!! They are definitely worth having and make great gifts. Everyone that I gave one to absolutely loves all of the great recipes!
  2. (((((((Karen)))))))) I'm so very sorry.
  3. Tell us about your most memorable family vacation.
  4. Rich...We are all so very lucky to have you as a friend. It is always a pleasure to read your posts, as they are always full of great advice, well needed info and lots of smiles. I look forward to many more posts from you!!! You are a true inspiration to each of us.
  5. All I Need To Know About Life I Learned From Trees * It's important to have roots. * In today's complex world, it pays to branch out. * Don't pine away over old flames. * If you really believe in something, don't be afraid to go out on a limb. * Be flexible so you don't break when a harsh wind blows. * Sometimes you have to shed your old bark in order to grow. * If you want to maintain accurate records, keep a log. * To be politically correct, don't wear firs. * Grow where you're planted. * It's perfectly okay to be a late bloomer. * Avoid people who would like to cut you down. * Get all spruced up when you have a hot date. * If the party gets boring, just leaf. * You can't hide your true colors as you approach the autumn of your life.
  6. An Indiana farm wife called the local phone company to report her telephone failed to ring when her friends called -- and that on the few occasions when it did ring, her pet dog always moaned right before the phone rang. The telephone repairman proceeded to the scene, curious to see this psychic dog or senile elderly lady. He climbed a nearby telephone pole, hooked in his test set, and dialed the subscriber's house. The phone didn't ring right away, but then the dog moaned loudly and the telephone began to ring. Climbing down from the pole, the telephone repairman found: 1. The dog was tied to the telephone system's ground wire via a steel chain and collar. 2. The wire connection to the ground rod was loose. 3. The dog was receiving 90 volts of signaling current when the phone number was called. 4. After a couple of such jolts, the dog would start moaning and then urinate on himself and the ground. 5. The wet ground would complete the circuit, thus causing the phone to ring. Which demonstrates that some problems CAN be fixed by pi$$ing and moaning.
  7. Ann


    This is great news!!!! So happy for your mom and for you!!!!
  8. Ann

    Sad Today

    Laura, I'm so sorry that you're having a bad day. Please know that the way you are feeling is to be expected and is completely normal. I think your friend is right about the major meltdown. It sounds as if you've been holding everything together for everyone else and while taking their feelings and emotions into consideration, you have probably put yours on hold. I also agree that you need to talk about your loss. After I lost my husband, I talked about him to everyone that would listen. Usually, people won't bring your dad's death up to you because they may fear it will upset you to talk about it. Holding all of these emotions inside is not a good thing. I know you have a lot of responsibility right now with that beautiful baby but please make some time for yourself. You will probably find that even some of the smallest things may help you to release. Sometimes, it's just hearing a song on the radio that gets my tears flowing overtime. I always really do feel better after a long cry. Plus...we're all here to listen. Freinds are a lot better than shrinks...because we're free!!!
  9. January 3rd – National Chocolate Covered Cherry Day 8th – National English Toffee Day 26th – National Peanut Brittle Day February 15th – National Gum Drop Day 19th – Chocolate Mint Day March 3rd week – American Chocolate Week 19th – National Chocolate Caramel Day 24th – National Chocolate-Covered Raisin Day April 12th – National Licorice Day 21st – National Chocolate-Covered Cashews Day 22nd – National Jelly Bean Day May 12th – National Nutty Fudge Day 15th – National Chocolate Chip Day 23rd – National Taffy Day June National Candy Month 16th – Fudge Day July 7th – Chocolate Day 15th – Gummi Worm Day 20th – National Lollipop Day 28th – National Milk Chocolate Day August 4th – National Chocolate Chip Day 10th – S’mores Day 30th – National Toasted Marshmallow Day September 13th – International Chocolate Day 22nd – National White Chocolate Day October National Caramel Month 28th – National Chocolate Day 30th – National Candy Corn Day 31st – National Caramel Apple Day November 7th – National Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day December 7th – National Cotton Candy Day 16th – National Chocolate-Covered Anything Day 26th – National Candy Cane Day 28th – National Chocolate Day 29th – National Chocolate Day I like these Holidays.
  10. Cindi...I think everything that says organic and comes from a health food store automatically raises the price. This is the "raw" form of vinegar, without all the processing to make it "sanitary." wouldn't you think that would make it less expensive that the store brands? I guess fermenting and the time it takes has something to do with it.
  11. My mom always told me to follow my first instinct about right and wrong. She said I had been raised with the right things instilled in me and I ever questioned a decision, the right choice would probably be the right one. I have passed that on to my three boys and it seems to still be working. I try and remember that if I have an important decision to make.
  12. What was the best advice you ever got from your mother? Do you find yourself passing that advice on to your children?
  13. Shelly... How many times are you taking the ACV? Are you doing any other dieting besides taking the vinegar? Have you noticed any other affects from taking the ACV? I know you once mentioned an increased energy level. Is that still happening or was it just at the beginning? Thanks for the info.
  14. So very sorry. Prayers being said for peace for your mom and for you.
  15. Your Favorite Color: What it Says About You Adapted from “The Healing Power of Color” by Betty Wood (Inner Traditions, 1998). Simple Solution Whether we’re a vibrant Orange, or a peaceful Blue, our color preferences are a key to understanding our personalities. Find out what this color expert has to say about your favorite color: what does it reveal about who you really are? White: Symbolic of purity, innocence, and naivete, white has strong connotations of youth and purity. If you are an older person, your preference for white could indicate a desire for perfection and impossible ideals, maybe an attempt to recapture lost youth and freshness. It may also symbolize a desire for simplicity or the simple life. Red: The color of strength, health, and vitality, Red is often the color chosen by someone outgoing, aggressive, vigorous, and impulsive--or who would like to be! It goes with an ambitious nature but those who choose it can be abrupt at times, determined to get all they can out of life, quick to judge people and take sides. Red people are usually optimistic and can’t stand monotony; they are rather restless and not at all introspective, so they may be unaware of their own shortcomings. They find it hard to be objective and may blame others for any mishaps. Quiet people with a preference for red may feel the need for the warmth, strength and life-giving qualities of the color, or they blanket their true feelings under a sober exterior. Red is usually chosen by those with open and uncomplicated natures, with a zest for life. Maroon: Harsh experience has probably matured the Maroon person into someone likeable and generous. It is often a favorite color of someone who has been battered by life but has come through. It indicates a well-disciplined Red personality--one who has had difficult experiences and has not come through unmarked but who has grown and matured in the process. Pink: This color embodies the gentler qualities of Red, symbolizing love and affection without passion. Women who prefer Pink tend to be maternal. Pink desires protection, special treatment, and a sheltered life. Pink people require affection and like to feel loved and secure, perhaps wanting to appear delicate and fragile. Pink people tend to be charming and gentle, if a trifle indefinite. Orange: This color of luxury and pleasure appeals to the flamboyant and fun-loving person who likes a lively social round. Orange people may be inclined to dramatize a bit, and people notice them, but they are generally good-natured and popular. They can be a little fickle and vacillating, but on the whole they try hard to be agreeable. Orange is the color of youth, strength, fearlessness, curiosity, and restlessness. Yellow: The color of happiness, wisdom, and imagination, Yellow is chosen by the mentally adventurous, searching for novelty and self-fulfillment. Yellow usually goes with a sunny and shrewd personality, with a good business head and a strong sense of humor. It is the color of intellectuality and all things to do with the mind. Yellow folks are usually clear and precise thinkers who have a good opinion of their own mental capacities and who have lofty ideals. They may at times tend to shun responsibility, preferring freedom of thought and action. Green: The color of harmony and balance, Green symbolizes hope, renewal, and peace, and is usually liked by the gentle and sincere. Greens are generally frank, community-minded people, fairly sociable but preferring peace at any price. Green people can he too self-effacing, modest, and patient and so may get exploited by others. They are usually refined, civilized, and reputable. Blue: Soft, soothing, compassionate and caring, Blue is the color of deliberation and introspection, conservatism and duty. Patient, persevering, conscientious, sensitive and self-controlled, Blues like to be admired for their steady character and wisdom. They are faithful, but are often worriers with somewhat inflexible beliefs and can be too cautious, and suspicious of flamboyant behavior. Blue-Green: Exacting, discriminating, poised and attractive, the Blue-Green person tends to be sensitive, intellectual and refined, persevering and stable if rather detached. Blue-Greens have excellent taste, and are usually courteous and charming, capable but often refusing help or guidance. Turquoise: Complex, imaginative, and original, Turquoise people drive themselves hard and may be in a state of turmoil under their outwardly cool exterior. Lavender: This is often chosen by a person who lives “on a higher plane”, who never notices anything sordid and who is always impeccably and beautifully dressed. Lavender people may be on a continual quest for culture and the refined things of life, high and noble causes but without the necessity of getting their hands dirty. A Lavender person is usually creative, charming, witty and civilized. Purple: Purples are highly individual, fastidious, witty, and sensitive, with a strong desire to be unique and different. Temperamental, expansive and artistic, a Purple person may become aloof and sarcastic when misunderstood. If you chose Purple, you tend to be unconventional, tolerant, and dignified, likely to achieve positions of authority. Brown: A Brown person has stamina and patience, tending to be very solid and substantial, conscientious, dependable, steady, and conservative. Browns are not impulsive, and may be inarticulate and tactless but they love responsibility and are reliable and kindly. If you chose Brown, watch out for a tendency to be obstinate and inflexible. Gray: The color of caution and compromise, diligent Grays search for composure and peace and often work hard without reward. Older Grays like life to run on an even keel with few ups and downs. Young Grays may be withdrawing from life and suppressing their personalities. Grays often have good business ability and tend to over-work. Black: Dignified and impressive without being showy, Black people want to give the appearance of mystery, but their preference may also indicate a suppression of desires and worldly aims, suggesting hidden depths and inner longings. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  16. Too much housework keeping you way from the internet? Here are some sure fire short cuts that will have you back online in no time! Cleaning the Bathroom Simply close the lid of the toilet. Close the shower door or curtain. For the illusion of a freshly cleaned bath, pour some Lysol in the trash can. That should hold you until you finally get someone to empty the trash. Doing the Dishes If it doesn't come off in the dishwasher, run it again and again. For really stubborn crud, just throw the dish out and start fresh. An even better idea, use paper plates, plastic utensils, paper napkins, etc. Provided your family member or neighbor is taking out the trash, of course. Dusting Only do what is at eye level or below. And only right before someone is coming over! Run rag over everything quickly. (Don't even waste your precious time on the furniture polish. That would mean extra minutes away from your computer, and that is just unacceptable!) For the illusion of using those products, spray some air freshener. Laundry Find a good place to hide it! If you absolutely need to do it like you have no underwear (heck who needs underwear) wash them then stick them in the dryer. When it is time to fold them, DON'T! Just run the dryer to get out the wrinkles when you need new clothes. Then when the utility bill comes you can have a stroke! (As if it's already not high enough with all the computer equipment you got running 24-7!) Sweeping and Mopping Have your dog sweep floors with tail and lick up all crumbs. If there are any stubborn spots that require scrubbing recruit the cat. You may have to add some tuna water to spot in order to insure a thorough job. (It's about time their earned their keep!) If you do not have a dog or cat, you are in trouble! Quick! Go find one roaming the neighborhood! (Remember... Kittens are free!) Taking out the Trash If you cant find anyone in your house to take it out, try to bribe a neighbor or guilt them into it. Say you hurt your back or some other sob story. A good story might even get a few sympathy dinners out of the neighbor as well! Try not to use the same story too often as they might get suspicious. Vacuuming Call up a salesman for a vacuuming demonstration. Have him show you how the vacuum works in all parts of the house. Insist that even though the carpet looks the same, it really is different in all parts of the house. Some valuable tips for success: Don't always call same company, keep a chart and rotate. Washing the Car Move it into the garage. (Heck, you don't use it anyways. It's not like anyone is going to see you drive it!) Yard Work Raise goats for some extra income. Set them loose in the yard and they will keep the grass trimmed nice and neat. Plus they'll eat any of the debris that gets in the yard. Sell them in the winter, then you can start with a new bunch in the spring. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  17. Redneck Medical Terms Artery: The study of paintings. Bacteria: Back door to cafeteria. Barium: What doctors do when patients die. Benign: What you be after you be eight. Catscan: Searching for Kitty. Cauterize: Made eye contact with her. Cesarean Section: A neighborhood in Rome. Colic: A sheep dog. Coma: A punctuation mark. D&C: Where Washington is. Dilate: To live long. Enema: Not a friend. Fester: Quicker than someone else. Fibula: A small lie. Genital: Non-Jewish person. G.I.Series: World Series of military baseball. Hangnail: What you hang your coat on. Impotent: Distinguished, well known. Labor Pain: Getting hurt at work. Medical Staff: A Doctor's cane. Morbid: A higher offer than I bid. Nitrates: Cheaper than day rates. Node: I knew it. Outpatient: A person who has fainted. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  18. Computers are from Venus, Computers are from Mars Don't read this if you're sensitive to these sexist remarks The Top Ten Reasons Computers Must Be Male 10. They have a lot of data but are still clueless. 9. A better model is always just around the corner. 8. They look nice and shiny until you bring them home. 7. It is always necessary to have a backup. 6. They'll do whatever you say if you push the right buttons. 5. The best part of having either one is the games you can play. 4. In order to get their attention, you have to turn them on. 3. The lights are on but nobody's home. 2. Big power surges knock them out for the night 1. Size does matter! The Top Ten Reasons Computers Must Be Female 10. Picky, picky, picky. 9. They hear what you say, but not what you mean. 8. Beauty is only shell deep. 7. When you ask what's wrong, they say "nothing" 6. Can produce incorrect results with alarming speed. 5. Always turning simple statements into big productions. 4. Smalltalk is important. 3. You do the same thing for years, and suddenly it's wrong. 2. They make you take the garbage out. 1. Miss a period and they go wild!!!
  19. A blind man enters a "Ladies Bar" by mistake. He finds his way to a bar stool and orders a drink. After sitting there for a while, he yells to the bartender, "Hey, you wanna hear a blonde joke?" The bar immediately falls absolutely quiet. In a very deep, husky voice, the woman next to him says, "Before you tell that joke, sir, I think it is just fair -- giving that you are blind -- that you should know five things: 1 - The bartender is a blonde girl. 2 - The bouncer is a blonde girl. 3 - I'm a 6 feet tall, 220 lb. blonde woman with a black belt in karate. 4 - The woman sitting next to me is blonde and is a professional weight lifter. 5 - The lady to your right is a blonde and is a professional wrestler. Now think about it seriously, Mister. Do you still wanna tell that joke? The blind man thinks for a second, shakes his head and declares, "Nah....Not if I'm gonna have to explain it five times."
  20. Never choke in a restaurant in the South... Two hillbillies walk into a bar. While having a shot of whiskey, they talk about their moonshine operation. Suddenly, a woman at a nearby table, who is eating a sandwich, begins to cough. After a minute or so, it becomes apparent that she is in real distress. One of the hillbillies looks at her and says, "Kin ya swallar?" The woman shakes her head no. "Kin ya breathe?" The woman begins to turn blue and shakes her head no. The hillbilly walks over to the woman,! lifts up the back of her dress, yanks down her drawers and quickly gives her right butt cheek a lick with his tongue. The woman is so shocked that she has a violent spasm and the obstruction flies out of her mouth. As she begins to breathe again, the hillbilly walks slowly back to the bar. His partner says, Ya know, I'd heerd of that there 'Hind Lick Maneuver', but I ain't never seed nobody do it!"hillbillies
  21. At one time, I would have said the refrigerator but since the hurricanes of '04, and being without power for so many weeks, I have learned to do without a lot of things. I learned how to make ice last a long time in a cooler and used the grill to cook everything. I would probably say the television would be the thing I rely most on. When I was without a television for weeks, I felt so out of touch and uninformed. Now that I'm hooked on Deal or No Deal....I would be a basket case without my TV...lol
  22. Linda, I am so very sorry for your loss. I know you are thankful that you and your family were there with Mike. Although our hearts break when we lose them, we are also comforted by knowing the pain and suffering is over and cancer can do nothing more to these lovely souls. Please try and get some rest. I know you are exhausted. I will remember you and your family in my prayers.
  23. Ann

    What a relief

    Thanks for sharing this good news with us, Bill. It's so good to hear from you and to hear that wonderful word - STABLE!!!
  24. Larry, I can say from the bottom of my heart that meeting you here has been a true pleasure. You have shared with this group some wonderful thoughts, ideas and humor. I can thoroughly understand you're need to leave and take some time for healing. But, I would prefer we use the term "leave of absence" rather than just leaving. Please pop in on us from time to time. You will be missed. It's hard to say goodbye to "family."
  25. What one household object to you rely on most?
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