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Everything posted by Calintay

  1. OMG great question I love pickles my whole family does I like the zesty sandwhich cut pickles the best. The 2nd favorite is the bread and butter. But I have been known to eat just about anykind.
  2. Judy I have all things crossed and my prayers that we have the best news there is! Let us know as soon as possible. Dont drive yourself batty with that CD Take care
  3. OK I did do something fun today. I took me and my kids to run errands then I gave each of them $5 and we went to yard sales and had a great time. However, now at bedtime they are CRANKY and over tired Hope everyone had a great Friday
  4. Please pop in and let us know your doing ok
  5. Ann you must of been totally excited that it was Friday cause that is the only day of the week that deserves two to the "Getting to know you" posts. lol TGIF TGIF TGIF TGIF
  6. Lily I love bingo! Taking care of my kids? Oh wait that is not always fun will see how things go and let you know if it was fun. Mowing the lawn? Oh wait I hate yard work Running errands? Oh nope dont like that either Hmmm... Going to pass on this question and think about what it is I can do that will be fun with the kids.
  7. TGIF! Good morning everyone! Judy I am sorry to hear abour you eyes doing that again. I hope you have a good day. Ann - IT IS FRIDAY! Well going to be a wonderful day here in Washington suppose to be in the upper 70's today and I slept in until 900am I never get to do that but my kids must have been tired too. Well I have errands to do today and some grocery shopping my three nieces are coming to visit us today through Weds so I better get my house in order Have a great day everyone
  8. Yes I believe in them and yes I have had them! I also believe in psychics. There is one here in town that my parents went to about 3 years ago and I went the following week. My parents experience was amazing and mine was too. She picked up that my mom had cancer and was pointing to the chest area (she wasn't sure if it was breast or lung) and she talked about our past lives. She told me I need to go back for my RN and that my family will ALL be there to watch me graduate. She also picked up on my polycystic ovaries. She told my parents they would have two more grandkids well they are one away. OMG and my best friend was with me and she talked a little about her late husband and how he is communicating with her and the kids. Anyways, I can go on and on. But one thing that was interesting is she told my husband that in his past life he was called Sonny well that is actually his grandpas middle name too. that was freaky OK well there is my thought for the day!
  9. Ok Ann I must give you an update on my day. Well good thing I did not call in cause I got to work and they did not need me and there were no other assignments for me. So I drove there and back 2.5 hours and I get paid for 4 hrs. Cant complain cause I missed rush hour on my way home tonight that would of been at least a three hour drive alone. So I skipped TGIF and went straight to Saturday Now I don't know what i will do today Have a good one!
  10. Good morning everyone! Well today is a early day for me getting ready to head off to work. Unfortunately I have quite the traveling to do today. Should take me about an hour and fifteen minutes to get there and I am sure it will take me at least twice as long to get home tonight. So thinking of that I was soooooooooooo close to calling in but I remembered something strange NO WORK NO PAY = NO PLAY so I decided to suck it up and go and here I am cranky needing coffee and just glad today is my Friday. Gonna be nice and hot today I believe it will be 90 degrees (10 degrees above average for today). Well everyone hope you all have a fabulous day! Heidi
  11. You guys are in my thoughts and prayers. I agree dont forget to take care of yourself even if it is just a nice hot bath. Keep us posted Heidi
  12. Well same as ts. Hot here today! Of course we aren't to far from each other. But I did not have as good or as healthy of a dinner as she did. I had Churchs spicy chicken with cucumbers and tomatoes out of the garden. OMG the chicken was good but sooooo bad for us. Long day went to take my kids to the lake we get there and it was closed down because of E. Coli so we did the sprinklers at the same park and of course there was a bratty kid who threw a glass bottle right in the middle of the sprinkler things and then we decided it was time to leave So my kids weren't happy! Good night all!
  13. Alright if we are talking about food I have to join in I usually will try different things except when it comes to Thai food. I only order Pad Thai cause I don't like curry (I think that is what it is I dont like) and I am scared to get something with it.
  14. Ah thanks Randy I only got it after you explained
  15. Ned i will keep you in my prayers today. Ihope they find a answer for you. (((NED)))
  16. GOOD MORNINIG Its a much better day today. I got lots of sleep and feel great. The start of our heat wave starts today so it will be 95 here in Washington. Might be a record high for today lol Anyways off to work I go and I hope everyone has a fabulous day [/b]
  17. Judy I hope you enjoy your massage.
  18. Morning all! Notice I say morning and not good morning? My daughter decided to have a friend over to play last night, his name was Mr. Insomniac! I told him to leave so she can go back to sleep but as usual he didn't listen and either did she. OMG she was up from about 220am to about 445am then of course I have to get up at 530 for work. Well I think it is definately one of those days for a nice coffee with an extra shot! Anyways, here in Washington we are getting ready to start a heat wave again. I know alot of you guys laugh but yes it will be in the high nineties for a few days again. Thats hot for us here considering we just had over a week of 65-75 degree weather. Well Judy I hope your doing good I miss you and I am sure everyone else does too. Anyways, hope everyone has a good day. If anyone can take a nap for me today please do I am sure I will need it. lol Heidi
  19. (((Susan))) That brought tears to my eyes too. Just shows that some people really do still care. I hope you have a fabulous weekend and that your mom turns around and starts doing really really good. Many thoughts and prayers.
  20. The Breathealizers OK so that is probably stupid but sounded good to me lol
  21. OK can I say now that I have no desire to see this man ever again! He is a jerk!
  22. Ann I love your new avatar picture and the one in your poodle skirt. Unfortunately I dont have any ideas right off the top of my head but if I get some I will let you know. Judy I am reading very infrequent. Well things are going pretty good. I think as with anyone there are always those things you dont agree with but he is a great person and fun to be around. My sister is absolutely adorable. My grandma is really nice too. Now with that being said I am ready to go home!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I miss my family especially my little babies and my mom and dad. OK I have never been off the west coast and let me tell you this humidity and heat here is horrilble. But worse than that I hate the bugs. Well today I am heading into town and will call fillse (Susan) and see if maybe we can get together tomorrow. Ok well I hope everyone has a great day.
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