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Everything posted by Calintay

  1. Jamie - That is so awesome. Congrats.
  2. Janet you would love my house this weekend I have to take 9 dozen cookies, or candy to work on weds and we are making peanut butter fudge, walnut fudge, peppermint fudge and prob marshmellow fudge also we are making peanut brittle. Oh back to the question I would say I like store bought almond roca! I only eat it this time of the year just something I do
  3. Bud that is just awesome! That rocks. You are an inspiration to me but let me tell you I have maybe rode a bike 7 miles in my whole life lol Maybe I should try it again. But not til spring time it is way to cold right now. I think it is 15 degrees outside right now
  4. Hmmm... considering we often are struggling just to have simple things I guess at this point in my life something practical
  5. Good Morning! Of course it is one of those Mondays where I did not want to get out of bed. It is dry here today but we have what they are calling a "Arctic Blast". It is 24 hear this morning and our high today will be 30 All I want is to warm up! My bones are cold Tomorrow the weather will be the same and then we warm up to the mid to high 30's the rest of the week. Well should be a busy day today at work. I sure miss my part time job. I have not tended to my farm on FB for many weeks I have many gifts waiting and just no time or energy Anyways, hope everyone has a great day!
  6. Good Morning just stoppin in before I go do my daily chores of grocery shopping, take grandma shopping then I am going to see if my mom will teach me to crotchet(sp). We still need to decorate for Christmas and as much as I love the holidays I can not stand to decorate for them. Call me a scrooge but all I think about is the taking them BACK down part that just stinks But I would like to put some stuff up today and we will get our tree on Thurs. soooo......... It is suppose to be a high of 32 here today. That is too dang cold for me but tomorrow and Tuesday will only be a high of 30. Brrrrr...... I have had three good days and hoping today I feeel good to. Cant say I feel perfect but this I could deal with. Hope everyone has a fabulous day and safe travels for those traveling Heidi
  7. Calintay


    Thanks all! I truly appreciate the thoughts and prayers Little bit of a update My moms doc called said her x-ray of her back shows a "shadow" of a something or something disc. So since we did not undertand the language I had mom call back and ask if it coud be cancer But they did not call her back today it was too late in the day. But the Dr. wants her to do physical therapy in the meantime til she gets her MRI done. So to me it sounds like maybe truly a slipped disc or something. Dont ya think? Have not heard about the biopsies yet but let me tell you I am SO worried. I dont know why. I really dont. Hoping God continues to work his miracles with us. Grannies Dr called today said her blood tests look good but her WBC and Leukocytes were elevated so the antibiotics she was on should of taken care of the infection. I am assuming a UTI but IDK. Well I have had about 4 or 5 days of feeling good. Still waiting for the specialists office to call back and make a appt. I have called them 3 times and left messages. Hmmm.... getting a bit irriatated at them. The end for now............
  8. I am sorry to read about your loss. My prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time. Heidi
  9. Calintay


    So here I am feeling like I have totally neglected LCSC due to my health issues I have been having but guess what I am here and need MANY prayers right now. First, I occasionally update my FB via my phone because it takes no time at all. Well first of all many of you know I have been experiencing dizziness, left sided face/neck numbness, nausea, severe body aches/joint pains, vision problems and really that is about it. However, it is all I can do to work for 8 hours a day on the computer. FINALLY, they have figured out what is wrong I have Chiari Malformation 1. I seen my neurologist today he said that more than likely I have pressure in my brain because of my increased reflexes and symptoms. However, he was not familiar with a Chiari expert (thankfully I have done my research) and I informed him of one about 3 hours away from me. He said he will check to see what this "expert" knows and will send me there if he sounds any good. He said he does not want to just send me to any neurosurg because they will just want to operate when they are not experts and do not know what to look for. So thankfully he is a good neuro that knows knowledge is power. So I am asking for prayers that this will finally help alleviate my symptoms even if it means surgery. It would be a serious surgery as they would take out part of the back of my skull. So there is my update now..... My mom had a endoscopy done two days ago because of nausea and they found she has a ulcer (no big deal we can handle that) but they also biopsied 8 spots in her tummy also. I am worried and any and all prayers are appreciated. I thought 8 OMG that is extreme, Not sure if she has the tough face on for me or if she really is not worried but she is great. She has gained MORE weight which I think is awesome she now weighs like 130lbs (her heaviest ever) I have been so exhausted from my symptoms and starting working full time and travelin 3 hours a day that I forgot to mention my mom just celebrated her 5 YEARS on November 14th.... and My grandma has also been having health issues. She seems to be losing weight pretty fast she is under 100lbs now and the other day told my mom it is because it hurts her throat to eat. Well my grandma is independent however she is not the healthiest she has smoked her whole life and I mean like 1-2 ppd. So of course we are worried about that she does also have emphysema and COPD so just praying her throat thing is no big deal. Anyways I have been reading the boards while at work since I am on the computer anyways lol (HOPEFULLY MY BOSS DOES NOT KNOW) and have been praying and crying with everyone here over the recent losses. Also celebrating the good news like DonnaG YOU ROCK! WELL THANKS FOR READING IF YOU MADE IT TO THE END. LOVE, POSITIVE THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS! HEIDI
  10. Morning all. I had a great thanksgiving (even with my in-laws) actually felt pretty good too. Well it is raining here still or again or whatever either way it is wet. Has anyone heard of a Chiari Malformation? Anyways that is what I have been diagnosed with thus far and is probably the culprit of my symptoms so I am hoping someone here has heard of it. Hope you all have a great day I am working all day but traffic was not bad coming in hopefully wont be bad going home. Happy black Friday!
  11. My thoughts and prayers are with his family during this difficult time. Thankful that he went peacefully and will no longer be suffering in pain.
  12. Carrot cake Cheesecake Peanut butter cookies Fudge? Coffee cake Not sure if Fudge works but it is YUMMY!
  13. Calintay

    Larry Heron

    I am so sorry Bruce!
  14. Well it is sunny here (I think) have been couped up at work all morning. But if it is at all like yesterday it is sunny and about 60 degrees outside. Well work is work today. Get to go home in a couple hours and start packing for our move Hope you all have good day.
  15. Well me, my hubby and mom went on a two mile nature walk and my 3 year old daughter rode her bike for three miles. I am very proud of her. It did not rain a bit but was only about 50 degrees outside but when were done it felt more like 70
  16. Good morning all! Judy I did not know you knew Jim. lol. Well anyways that picture is awesome! Well going to be the same old weather here in washington today in the 50's and rainy AGAIN! Oh well today I have a Dr. appt and my mom gets her chest x-ray then her and I have decided we will get the umbrellas out and go walk the nature trail to get our exercise in today. Well hope you all have a wonderful day
  17. Hmm..... I had similiar problems with DirectTV. Anyways good morning it is cold and rainy here in Washington which is pretty typical get off early today and off tomorrow so that is a good thing. I need to relax before I start my full time work. Judy I will be saying a prayer for awesome scan results next week ok Just a reminder to everyone chat tonight. Have a great day!
  18. Good morning Judy, Lily and Bud. Well going to be rainy and 56 degrees here in Washington today. Hubby gets to play stay at home dad and off to work for me. Just thankful I am employed and that hubby gets to spend quality time with our kids as they grow so quick. Judy, that was not me but wow you must of been scared I hope your eyes feel better soon. Oh boy late for work gtg.
  19. My thoughts and prayers for her family and Happy Birthday wishes for our beautiful angel!
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