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Posts posted by melindasue37

  1. You're so lucky to have such a priceless gift of a video like that.

    I would suggest getting a copy of it so you'll always have it.

    I believe that although your daughter and Mom didn't actually know each other, they are tied together in ways that we'll never know. Just keep sharing your stories and memories and she'll cherish that video as much as you.

    Warm Hugs,


  2. We finally got my Mom to the doctor yesterday....

    I was pretty upset when we were there so I'm still a little sketchy about the exact details but the doctor said he has just recently heard about Avastin causing some damage to the neck or something having to do with the stem in your neck and brain. Thank god my stepdad and sister were there too.

    She will not be receiving what we perceived to be her "miracle cure" anymore. What our options are I'm not sure at this point.

    He did give her two different medications. One for her stomach cramps and also one for diarhea, so hopefully once she gets that back in check she'll begin to feel a little better.

    She had a brain MRI today but won't get the results until Wednesday at her next appointment.

    She is having a very hard time walking and seems to be getting weaker and weaker each day. I'm sure her not eating much has alot to do with her weakness too. But, my step dad is doing the absolute best he can. I can't tell you how much I respect him. I live three hours away and even though I talk to them almost daily, I can't be involved the way I wish I could be and the two of them just keep on hanging on to this horrible roller coaster ride.

    But, what else can you do? I know that as long as my Mom feels she has some fight left in her we will be right beside her doing all we can and keeping the hope alive. It does get the best of you some days and this is one of those days, but tomorrow will be better. It just has to be....

    Warm Hugs,


    PS I just want to add that the doctor said that the percentage that have this type of reaction to Avastin is 1%. I don't want to scare anyone who is currently taking this. It worked so good for my Mom for so long. I'll never forget the feeling when we were lucky enough to get the NED results for so many months.

  3. My stepdad let my Mom talk him out of going to the doctor yesterday so I drove down last night to check on her. My sister is on her way from St. Louis right now.

    My stepdad finally called the doctor this morning and we have an appointment scheduled today at 2:15.

    They are going to do a chest x-ray and brain scan and of course blood work. We will be meeting with her oncologist at 4:30 today for him to read the x-rays.

    She isn't doing very good right now. Hasn't eaten more than a few bites in days, is having stomach cramps, very bad diarrhea and I think she is dehydrated. I am so thankful she has finally agreed to go to the doctor. I'm just hoping that all of this can be controlled with medication and that she won't be admitted to the hospital. But, I'm ready to deal without whatever may come of our appointment today.

    Thank you again for all the advice, and I'll post an update when I can.


  4. I wanted to thank all of you for your replies.

    My SF is calling the doctor this morning.

    I'm sure after hearing what happened he will want to see her as soon as possible.

    Any prayers would be so much appreciated.

    I'll keep all of you posted when we hear any news.

    Warm Hugs,


  5. I just have a quick question that I'm hoping someone can help me with.

    My step dad called yesterday and told me my Mom and him had went for a drive. While they were out he was talking to her and she suddenly became non-responsive. Her eyes were open but she just wasn't "there."

    He drove home and couldn't get her to walk in the house from the car. She just kept wanting to sit down, and not really understanding where she was.

    He thought it was her sodium levels and gave her salty food to help.

    I pleaded with her to call the doctor and he said she wanted to wait until this morning to see how she felt. When I called this morning she said she felt better and that she didn't think it was necessary to call her oncologist.

    Has this happened to anyone? Is this a side effect of the chemo? Do I need to be concerned? I have asked my step dad to please call the doctor but he doesn't want to go behind her back. I don't want to make her upset but I would feel so much better just to get her in for a quick check to make sure that everything is ok.

    Her sodium levels have dropped before. When we first found out about her having cancer she was asleep and my stepdad couldn't wake her. He called 911 and the paramedics took her to the hospital. That was how this nightmare officially began. It just hasn't happened since her diagnosis and it really scares me that this would happen again when she was home alone.

    I guess I just need a little advice from anyone that might have any knowledge of this type of behavior.

    Thank you,


  6. That is so nice that Kasey is traveling out to be with you for your treatment. She really is something special isn't she?!!!

    Sending prayers that the Avastin will be easy to tolerate and you'll be getting a visit from our friend NED!

    Warm Hugs,


  7. It's more than alright to ask for prayers.......I know that sometimes it is all we can offer to our friends here. And it never seems like it is enough. But, there has to be something to the power of prayer.

    I'm including all of you in my prayers, Welthy.

    Warm Hugs,


  8. Here we go again....I need advice.

    My Mom was put back on the Avastin/Taxotere combination on July 12th, so it has been two weeks since her appointment.

    In the past, usually within a week she would begin to perk back up. This treatment, however, has really made her very tired and she has had diarrhea that she just can't seem to get rid of.

    I know she has been taking Immodium and that seems to help a little and drinking lots of water, but I'm concerned. I'm trying to get my stepdad to call the doctor for something a little stronger.

    She also has no appetite at all.

    I'm scared....I just don't understand why she isn't bounching back this time.

    Is this normal to respond completely different from the same combination?

    Thanks for any input anyone can give.

    Warm Hugs,


  9. Gail,

    You are in such a difficult situation. I don't have any advice or words of wisdom.

    I have thought about this situation many times and it hurts to just think about it, let alone try to decide what and when to say those difficult words.

    I'm praying for all of you, Gail.

    Warm Hugs,


  10. Okie, Folks, think of a letter between A and W.

    Repeat the letter out loud as you continue.

    Keep going ... Don't stop ...

    Now think of an animal that begins with that letter.

    Repeat it out loud as you continue.

    This is really cool, keep going.

    Now think of either a man's or woman's name that begins with the last letter in the animal's name.

    Almost there...

    Now count out the letters in that name on the fingers of the hand that you are not using to move your mouse.

    Take the hand you counted with and hold it in front of you at face level.

    Look at the your palm very closely and notice the lines in your hand.

    Do the lines take the form of the first letter in the person's name?

    Of course not!

    Now smack yourself in the head, get a life, and quit playing stupid games! Hehehe!

  11. Frank,

    You always have such a great attitude.

    I'm so happy to hear the news.....no cancer.

    I hope the doctors can make the decision for you easy and you'll be on the road to recovery very soon.

    In the meantime, chin up. We'll keep the bar stocked with Bud Lite just for you!!

    Oh yea, and the chocoate doughnuts too. Can't forget them!! :D

    Warm Hugs,


  12. Hi Trish,

    I missed this post yesterday...

    One day down...come on Thursday :D

    Do you get your results this weekend??

    Crossing my fingers that the results will be worth the wait.

    I'll be watching for your good news update.

    Warm Hugs,


  13. 1. Graphic Artist for a large printing company.

    2. Yes, for the most part, I do enjoy my job.

    3-4. I would have to say I might change jobs for more money if the opportunity came up, but I would never go out looking for a new job. I've been here 14 years and i enjoy the flexibility, security, and comfort of this job.

    5. M-F 7:00 to 3:00, occasionally weekend when needed.

  14. I hope the wine helped ease your mind and you were able to regroup.

    Hearing that news really sucks, Tracy.

    I'm very sorry that the Tarceva didn't work as planned. BUT, they realized it quickly so time to find something that will work!!!

    Praying that the Avastin will work it's magic like it has done for so many here.

    Warm Hugs,


  15. Oh Kasey.....I'm so sorry to hear this news.

    You just keep your chin up because the two of you are going to get through this. Fred will beat it!!!!

    I'm praying that Monday will bring a little relief and you can get a game plan in place.

    I'm praying so hard for both of you.

    Warm Hugs,


  16. Thinking of you today, Randy.

    I can't imagine the pain you must feel losing a soul mate, but I hope you can feel Deb's presence with you today and find a little comfort knowing how much you mean to so many here.

    Warm Hugs,


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