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    Karen_L got a reaction from walfredo2001 in Thoughts on these CT Findings   
    Glad to hear you've been able to rest a bit and that you're feeling well enough to begin to consider easing back to your life. Don't push it, OK? 
    That cough...I've never had lung surgery, so feel free to completely disregard this comment. Coughs always concern me; if it increases, it may be worth a call to the doc. Other people with surgical experience will have clearer perspectives. 
    Lots of new lingo in that report. I wonder what, if anything, they might do about that gene fusion. Also, does the lymph node involvement concern them? What might be next with that? 
    Keep resting....
  2. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from LouT in Thoughts on these CT Findings   
    Glad to hear you've been able to rest a bit and that you're feeling well enough to begin to consider easing back to your life. Don't push it, OK? 
    That cough...I've never had lung surgery, so feel free to completely disregard this comment. Coughs always concern me; if it increases, it may be worth a call to the doc. Other people with surgical experience will have clearer perspectives. 
    Lots of new lingo in that report. I wonder what, if anything, they might do about that gene fusion. Also, does the lymph node involvement concern them? What might be next with that? 
    Keep resting....
  3. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from Justin1970 in Dad's Stage IV NSCLC (updates)   
    Your dad's doctor sounds on top of it, so that's something. If it helps you feel that your dad's case is not languishing, you might think of the VATS procedure his first step in treatment. A tissue biopsy is considered the gold standard in diagnostic process.
    A complete treatment plan takes time to develop, especially when all the data is not in yet. 
    I've learned that the significance of a Stage 4 classification has changed enormously in the past few years. People can live good lives for a long time. Someone in my local cancer group has been around for 16 years since his Stage 4 diagnosis!     
    Hang in. It's easy to say, "Take it one day at a time." But that truly has been the only way I get through lung cancer. 
  4. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from Holdonhope in Dad's Stage IV NSCLC (updates)   
    Your dad's doctor sounds on top of it, so that's something. If it helps you feel that your dad's case is not languishing, you might think of the VATS procedure his first step in treatment. A tissue biopsy is considered the gold standard in diagnostic process.
    A complete treatment plan takes time to develop, especially when all the data is not in yet. 
    I've learned that the significance of a Stage 4 classification has changed enormously in the past few years. People can live good lives for a long time. Someone in my local cancer group has been around for 16 years since his Stage 4 diagnosis!     
    Hang in. It's easy to say, "Take it one day at a time." But that truly has been the only way I get through lung cancer. 
  5. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from Tom Galli in Dad's Stage IV NSCLC (updates)   
    Your dad's doctor sounds on top of it, so that's something. If it helps you feel that your dad's case is not languishing, you might think of the VATS procedure his first step in treatment. A tissue biopsy is considered the gold standard in diagnostic process.
    A complete treatment plan takes time to develop, especially when all the data is not in yet. 
    I've learned that the significance of a Stage 4 classification has changed enormously in the past few years. People can live good lives for a long time. Someone in my local cancer group has been around for 16 years since his Stage 4 diagnosis!     
    Hang in. It's easy to say, "Take it one day at a time." But that truly has been the only way I get through lung cancer. 
  6. Like
    Karen_L reacted to AleHondaa in My updates (22 Years old, NSCLC)   
    Hey Guys,
    So far I’ve been handling chemo way better than I thought. I barely have any nausea, I’ve been eating and I have a good amount of energy. The only thing I have is like a slight ache in my abdomen area. Is this something normal anyone has experienced? I also have a slight ache in my bones but I know that’s a side effect from neulasta. 
  7. Like
    Karen_L reacted to LilyMir in My updates (22 Years old, NSCLC)   
    Are you constipated Ale? That sometimes gave me a bit of a tummy ache after infusions. If no bowel moment for 24 hours, Senekot gently helps. Of course always ask doctor/nurses. Happy things are much easier than you feared! 
  8. Like
    Karen_L reacted to AleHondaa in My updates (22 Years old, NSCLC)   
    So today I can say the aches have gone away, I was having bowel movements though. I’ll be bringing it up to my doc once I see him next week.
  9. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from walfredo2001 in Thoughts on these CT Findings   
    WOOHOO! Excellent news. 
  10. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from LouT in Thoughts on these CT Findings   
    WOOHOO! Excellent news. 
  11. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from Justin1970 in Thoughts on these CT Findings   
    WOOHOO! Excellent news. 
  12. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from AleHondaa in My updates (22 Years old, NSCLC)   
    FWIW, I’m a carbo-taxol grrrl and never lost any hair. Like the good patient I (sometimes) try to be, I filled Rx for a drawerful of anti-nausea meds. Nurses told me the order in which to use them, and they said to absolutely take them at the first sign of discomfort. So I did. I wish you much luck. 
  13. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from Justin1970 in My updates (22 Years old, NSCLC)   
    FWIW, I’m a carbo-taxol grrrl and never lost any hair. Like the good patient I (sometimes) try to be, I filled Rx for a drawerful of anti-nausea meds. Nurses told me the order in which to use them, and they said to absolutely take them at the first sign of discomfort. So I did. I wish you much luck. 
  14. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from Justin1970 in Well, just damn.   
    Your oncologist needs to get his or her butt on the phone and have a long conversation with Dr. Anonymous. I know my radiologist had to, in order to give the more advanced treatment she preferred. 
    Are you bound to the oncologist or can you find someone different? 
    I'm sure other folks will have more thoughts....
    Don't quit-- 
  15. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from Justin1970 in Well, just damn.   
    Jeez, I would be too. Is there another place that could do it?
    At the same time, at the very beginning, when I was undergoing tests etc., I remember feeling like the pace was glacial even though one of the physician's assistants assured me the process I was experiencing was lightning-quick. 
    Talk to other docs if you need, and keep us posted!
  16. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from ColleenRae in Well, just damn.   
    Your oncologist needs to get his or her butt on the phone and have a long conversation with Dr. Anonymous. I know my radiologist had to, in order to give the more advanced treatment she preferred. 
    Are you bound to the oncologist or can you find someone different? 
    I'm sure other folks will have more thoughts....
    Don't quit-- 
  17. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from Tom Galli in Well, just damn.   
    Your oncologist needs to get his or her butt on the phone and have a long conversation with Dr. Anonymous. I know my radiologist had to, in order to give the more advanced treatment she preferred. 
    Are you bound to the oncologist or can you find someone different? 
    I'm sure other folks will have more thoughts....
    Don't quit-- 
  18. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from Tom Galli in Well, just damn.   
    Jeez, I would be too. Is there another place that could do it?
    At the same time, at the very beginning, when I was undergoing tests etc., I remember feeling like the pace was glacial even though one of the physician's assistants assured me the process I was experiencing was lightning-quick. 
    Talk to other docs if you need, and keep us posted!
  19. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from LouT in Well, just damn.   
    Your oncologist needs to get his or her butt on the phone and have a long conversation with Dr. Anonymous. I know my radiologist had to, in order to give the more advanced treatment she preferred. 
    Are you bound to the oncologist or can you find someone different? 
    I'm sure other folks will have more thoughts....
    Don't quit-- 
  20. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from Justin1970 in Well, just damn.   
    Well, damn indeed. This stupid lung cancer is just so sneaky and SO relentless. And the broken bones and bruises are just no fair. 
    What's next re: the stupid cancer? 
  21. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from G.A.M. in Well, just damn.   
    Well, damn indeed. This stupid lung cancer is just so sneaky and SO relentless. And the broken bones and bruises are just no fair. 
    What's next re: the stupid cancer? 
  22. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from Tom Galli in Well, just damn.   
    Well, damn indeed. This stupid lung cancer is just so sneaky and SO relentless. And the broken bones and bruises are just no fair. 
    What's next re: the stupid cancer? 
  23. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from Tom Galli in Thoughts on these CT Findings   
    It’s pretty significant surgery. I’d suggest a second opinion. I’m DMing you with some names. Hang in.
  24. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from LouT in Malignant pleural effusion?   
    Surgeons sometimes think they have "cured" a patient and so make no further referrals. I strongly second Lou's suggestion about a pulmonologist. 
    Hang in there, even though it is very hard.
    You have been through so much-- have you thought about a counselor who could offer you support? 
  25. Like
    Karen_L got a reaction from LouT in Thoughts on these CT Findings   
    It’s pretty significant surgery. I’d suggest a second opinion. I’m DMing you with some names. Hang in.
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