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Andrea B.

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Everything posted by Andrea B.

  1. One of my mom's oncology nurses just returned from a cancer seminar (lung cancer was included). The nurse mentioned that there is a new study out that showed patients who have received the full dosage of their chemo versus patients who have received reduced dosages (my mom is currently only receiving 85% potentcy of Gemzar/Taxotere). The findings showed that the 5 year survival rate for patients in both categories were pretty equal, but past the 5 year mark those that received their full dosages had longer life spans. This is all I know right now, but I thought it was interesting. I plan to ask more when I see her nurse.
  2. The oncology nurses have been talking to my mom about having a port inserted. One nurse said it would be "heaven". Now I am sure it would make things easier for them, but was wondering about my mom. From others' experiences, what sorts of things should we ask or watch out for. I have noticed some have talked about blood thinners...are these necessary? My mom is allergic to Coumadin. Thanks in advance!
  3. I have a question. I am a main advocate in my mom's fight against cancer. I try to go to most of her doctor appointments, I research symptoms she has and what might be causing them, I push her to ask her doctors questions and not stop until satisfied, I push for her to get in to see the doctor when she is having problems. My question is...with people in my similiar situation do you ever feel overwhelmed? I feel like if I stop questioning the doctors and let them do their "job", I might miss something and it could cost my mom her health or life. I don't feel I can ever rest or let my guard down with things. Then of course I start worrying that she is not at the top cancer center and could this be hurting her? Basically I feel like my mind is going ten thousand miles a minute and I feel if I rest I will let my mom down. Any advice is appreciated.
  4. Linda, Prayers will be said for your wonderful dad, Matthew.
  5. Cheryl, What joy to know the surgery went well! I continue to keep you in my prayers as you go through recovery. You and Jack better be celebrating. All my best. Thanks for keeping us updated on how you are doing.
  6. Becky, I will be praying that all turns out good with your bone scan and that things get going at MD Anderson quickly. You have my best thoughts.
  7. Andrea B.

    Missed you

    Jay, I hope you receive the news you want. Please keep us posted. We all care so much on how you are doing. All my best.
  8. My mom is the one with lung cancer...but as her daughter (with a little one myself) and helping to be her advocate and caregiver I need support too. What I find helpful is friends who don't just say, "let me know if I can help". They just do. Like watching my daughter for me, taking me out to dinner to help get my mind off things, etc. Knowing people truly care make such a difference. You are very thoughtful to be thinking of her needs.
  9. Oh Kathy, I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved husband. Please know my thoughts and prayers are with you. I wish much comfort during this difficult time. I wish I could do more.
  10. Have a safe trip, Don! Glad to hear Lucie will be in good hands and that she is doing good. I will include your son in my prayers for a speedy recovery. All my best to you and your family.
  11. All the proceeds I raise are going to benefit ALCASE. Funny, I haven't had anyone ask about claiming tax deductions. In past experience I have told people to use their canceled checks, if they don't receive a receipt from the non-profit. Sue, I will send you an email.
  12. Stephanie, Congratulations on the new job! I hope you will be checking in as often as you can, I enjoy your posts. All the best to you.
  13. First I want to thank everyone who had responded to my earlier post about questions regarding radiation pneumonitis. My mom has been battling shortness of breath for about 6 weeks now. Her oncologist kept blowing her off, so I insisted she go see her radiation oncologist. He was great and told her to go see her pulmonologist...so off to another doctor. This doctor finally gave her some answers. There is some scarring caused by the radiation and the chemo is also effecting the shortness of breath. He told her that before any of her treatments began that her lung capacity was not the greatest, so the treatments have kind of "tipped the scale". He prescribed her some prednisone and we will see if that helps. This further deepens my belief that don't take one doctor's word if you aren't satisfied. If we had settled for being blown off by the oncologist, she wouldn't have received any answers. My mom is in her second week of Gemzar/Taxotere treatments and will receive a PET scan in about 4 weeks to see if it is being successful. I pray that it is!! Great news too is that my dad (who was diagnosed with liver cancer and underwent surgery in June) went in for his 3 month follow-up CT scan and it showed now signs of cancer. Yeah!! And a final note, since November is lung cancer awareness month I decided I had to do something to raise money/awareness. So I have created my own 1st annual "walk the blocks" for lung cancer awareness. I mailed out clear ribbons to each of my family and friends. I in turn asked them to pledge and to wear the ribbon during November to help gain awareness. I have raised so far a little over $700. My goal is to hopefully make it to $1,000. Well, that is it for now. I hope and pray for a cure and maybe by doing little steps I can make a difference. Blessings to you all.
  14. Hebbie, From my recent, but limited experience, the doctors said that it is usually visible on a CT scan...but there are also instances where it is not. My mom's oncologist brushed her off, because nothing showed on the CT scan. She finally went to see her pulmonologist who diagnosed her with it and has since put her on prednisone. Hope this helps!
  15. Estelle, Glad to hear you are home from the hospital. And I am sorry to hear about the brain mets. I am glad the radiation is helping to relieve some symptoms. Blessings to you.
  16. Dear Alyse, I am so very sorry for the loss of your beloved husband. Blessings to you and your daughter during this difficult time.
  17. Becky, You will be in my prayers! My mom too is having the coughing and shortness of breath. It too has been causing her pain in the muscles, especially the back. Positive thoughts sent your way for good news!
  18. Darla, Welcome! I love to hear your positive news about being a two year survivor. I wish you continued health!!
  19. Kim, I am so sorry to hear about your mom! When I read your post, I felt a lot of it explained how I felt...especially in the beginning. My mom and I are best friends (I am married with a baby) and we do so much together. She is a true constant in my life and we can count on each other for anything. When we were given the diagnosis (inoperable stage IIIB) all I could do was cry and think about my mom dying. I too constantly kept busy, so I wouldn't have to stop and think about the cancer. My mom is a very strong person and she raised me that way too, so I finally decided I needed to pull myself up by the boot straps and take charge in anything I could. I found this group of amazing people, who have helped me more than they know. I ask questions here and push my mom's doctors. I help my mom with anything she needs (I too live very close to my childhood home), go to doctor appointments with her and recently I am organizing a fundraiser for November's Lung Cancer Awareness month. Feeling at least like I can take a little bit of control back really helps. I also realized my mom is still alive and let's enjoy this time together. There are days she is too tired or short of breath to enjoy an outdoor activity, so I go sit and visit with her. She has told me that just knowing I am there for her brings her much comfort. Don't get me wrong, I have my days that I feel I can't move because I am so sad. I had to see my mom in pain or suffer. That is when I lean on the group here or my personal support network of friends and family. The beginning was so scary for me. Feel free to send me a personal message, if you have any questions or need any support. Take care of yourself! You will need to also do that to help your mom too. Andrea
  20. You sound like a wonderful and caring friend! I like the idea of sending a card or email to let your friend know about this website and that you care. This at least lets her know you are available. When my mom was diagnosed, I had friends that called (cried with me) and offered support. I also had "friends" that once I called upon them for that support were no where to be found, so I quickly learned who to lean upon. If someone would have offered me this website when I was feeling so lost, it would have meant the world to me. I know my mom was tired of being inundated with calls. So I have taken over sending out a weekly update on how my mom is doing. This keeps everyone in touch and mom doesn't have to make 20 phone calls. I also am a true believer in that no one will know exactly how you feel until you reach out. Explain to your friend that you don't want to intrude, but when the time is right for her you will be there. In the awful ride of this disease, it truly comforts me knowing I have people who care.
  21. Oh Susan, I am so very sorry to hear of your dad's cancer. I can completely empathize. My mom was diagnosed in March with NSCLC and then my dad was diagnosed in June with liver cancer. My dad had surgery and goes in for his follow-up appointment next week. So try to think positive. I know how very hard it is to have one parent with cancer, but two just makes it overwhelming! Hang in there and remember to take care of yourself. Blessings to you and I send you a big hug. Andrea
  22. Wonderful news, David! And I am sure when you are retelling the story next year, the catfish will be 15 pounds.
  23. Andrea B.

    Scan results

    Great news!!!!! It proves, never give up hope. The doctors can't tell you how long you have.
  24. Linda, Prayers are being said right now for your father and for you. I am also wishing you some peace of mind. Take care. Andrea
  25. Not sure if you are receiving chemo currently. But my mom's oncologist told her not to get the flu shot while receiving chemo. Can be very dangerous with her low white blood cell counts.
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