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Posts posted by MsC1210

  1. (((((Patti)))))

    I am sorry it was not good news and good news but as the others have said, there IS something to be said for no brain mets!!!

    Hang in there sweetie and know I am here if you need me.. You have my numbers!

    Love and hugs


  2. Hi Wattle and thanks for the update.

    Cyberknife is an amazing tool and there are many on this site who can give you a lot more information about it.

    How is your Mother in law doing other than the brain met?

    Please keep us posted and know we are here for you!


  3. Sandra that was kind of what I was trying to say, too.

    Let's use the negative emotions being dredged up, the jealousy, the anger, the resentment toward what was at one time a very valid and very successful awareness campaign and direct that into doing all that we can for lung cancer.


  4. Amy

    Yes. The "Miracle Mouthwash" is great. Call the doctor ASAP and ask for a prescription. It is a mixture of lidocaine, benadryl and maalox and is swished around the mouth before it is swallowed to coat and soothe the sores. It was a God send for my step dad.

    Also, it might be easier for him to eat things at room temperature rather than warm or cold. I cannot explain it but my step dad found it easier to swallow things that were room temp.

    We had talked about a feeding tube for him and there are several members here on this board who have had the tubes and are very, very grateful for having done so. It might be a good thing to talk to his doctor about, as well.

    Let us know how things go.....

    Keeping you in my thoughts,


  5. Cheryl

    Just wanted to add my thoughts and prayers to the others. You've gotten some good advice regarding counselors and Hospice. I agree with Ry about getting Hospice on board now.too. They can help so much and offer many other resources for your family.

    Please keep us posted...


  6. Sweetie we are blessed to be getting to know you and in time we would love to learn more about your dad, too!

    I had only 3 months from the date of diagnosis until I lost Brad to this disease. I was not a member here at that time as I had not found this site yet. Even if I had, things went so fast that there was just no time and it would have been impossible to share all of the wonderful qualities and traits that he possessed and the good things he was all about.

    So, when you are up to it and you feel ready, tell us all about your dad. I, for one, will be here eager to learn more.



  7. Every year this subject comes up. Every year it seems there are more and more pink promotional lines out there. I don't think there is much anyone is going to be able to do to make PINK go away. It has truly taken on a life of its own. Kind of like Christmas.. The true meaning behind both of these issues has become lost in the commercialization. It is all about the almighty $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ for the merchandisers and although the pink began as a worthy and admirable campaign, it has been lost with the complete saturation of the market.

    Now.. nobody here will dispute that we have to do all that we can to promote and advocate for Lung Cancer, for earlier detection, for better treatments, for more funding. I take every single opportunity I get to talk about November and Lung Cancer Awareness Month. I tell anyone who will listen WHY I have my web site and WHY I devote my life, my time and my money to focusing on cancer awareness in general but with an added emphasis on Lung Cancer. I have lost my best friend and confidante, my step dad, and countless close friends and special people in my life that I have not even MENTIONED here on this site as it just became too damned hard to keep posting about another loss and another one and another, etc.

    We all have the opportunity, NOW during Pink Month to get out there and scream it from the roof tops that there are many other types and forms of cancer besides breast cancer and EDUCATE THOSE WHO WILL LISTEN.

    I apologize right here and now if this post upsets anyone but I felt it needed to be said. Put the energy into spreading the word about OUR cancer, OUR month and OUR needs instead of complaining about the pink... Make Pink work for us,

    Hugs to all


  8. Wendy

    Sorry about this latest news. But I am with Connie on this.. In your corner and ready to help you kick the crap out of this once again!!


    Warm Hugs


  9. Hello Jeanette and welcome to the "family"

    I am so sorry you had need to find us but very glad you joined!

    I want to also say this in regard to statistics... Stats are numbers, lots of times out dated numbers, and are all about averages and based on huge groups of people. YOU are an individual with unique qualities. Nobody can tell you how you will respond to treatments, etc, that is all to be determined. So forget the numbers and time lines and all that and put that energy into positively fighting.

    I am very glad you have begun looking into 2nd opinions. That is something that is recommended here, and if the 2nd opinion is not enough, get a 3rd or even more. It is important to find the "right" doctors who are willing to treat this in the way you want.

    Please keep posting and let us know how we can help you. We are always here and we care and will do all we can to answer your questions and provide you with support and hope.



  10. I did a bereavement group after Brad died. I was here for a while before I did that group but one thing I did learn from it is that talking about the loss DOES hurt like hell but it also helps. It helped me, it helped the other members as well. Not in the same ways of course but it was all healing and helpful. Therapeutic is a better way to put it.

    Regardless, when I first found this site, I did read the good news stories and yes I did feel strangely envious, jealous and almost resentful. NOT OF ANY OF THE PEOPLE HERE, but of the fact that Brad's story would never be told in that type of forum. I was always and continue to be so happy for the people who are beating this disease and for those who get good scan results. Nothing makes me happier than to read about someone else defying cancer and fighting and beating it back.

    I guess the bottom line to all of my rambling here is that I think, and this is only my feeling on it, but I truly think that this whole inability to deal with good news after a loss is totally normal and a basic human reaction.



  11. Sometimes it is really, really hard to deal with all the PINK. I just came from grocery shopping and they are even selling pink bird feeders!!! (Do birds really care??)

    Anyway, I am NOT promoting the pink month on my web site, but as I did last year, I WILL be including a LARGE banner on the main page to support LC awareness month.


  12. I am so hesitant to even say this but I joined said Army Of Women as I fit the criteria to do so. I want to just say that I am NOT doing this to be a part of the PINK Army, I am doing it for the good of ALL cancer research. I also became a part of the ACS CPS3 study in hopes of being able to contribute something to the research that may lead to the cure.

    The Army of Women is a unique opportunity to pair volunteers with researchers, to participate in research projects and trials in a quest to eradiacate breast cancer, and who knows, potentially unlock keys to finding the answers to curing other cancers as well. Cancer does not discriminate and therefore I don't either when I have an opportunity to join a project that COULD lead to a cure.

    If there is ever a similar opportunity for me to participate in a targeted lung cancer study, rest assured I will be pounding on the door to sign up.

    Just wanted to share my point of view....



  13. Randy,

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

    I never had this site to help me through when Brad was alive. I found it AFTER I lost him. It was coming here and reading the stories of people who were beating this disease and making milestones, no matter how small they may have appeared that gave me strength and hope to continue moving on with my life and with the promises I had made to Brad before he died.

    I learned so much from so many of the wonderful members here in the years since I joined and was and am eternally grateful for that knowledge as it enabled me to help my Mom through the nightmare we went through with Jerry. I was able to share our mess and get the support and warmth from this site all while keeping Mom's spirits up as much as I could by sharing the good news and positive stories found here.

    I think we ALL go through that burn out phase that we just get to a point that we need the break to re~group and catch our breath. And that is actually a good thing, at least in my eyes, as we come back with a new sense of purpose and a better ability to be helpful, supportive and positive.

    This site is such an amazing place. So many different people from so many different areas, walks of life, backgrounds etc and yet we are all here, sharing in this community and all with the common goal/hope/dream. THE CURE.

    So, Randy, thank you again for opening this topic up. And to those who are hurting, know that we are here, we will be here for you when you are ready or when you need us and the biggest and most important point. WE UNDERSTAND.

    With love and hugs to all,


  14. ((((Shrimp))))

    I can completely relate to what you are saying. It was not that long ago I had to step away from this wonderful site myself. Granted my circumstances were vastly different but I want you to know that this group will be here for you when ever you find yourself in need of a shoulder to cry on, someone to vent to, people to lean on. We will be here.. no matter what.

    Please be kind to yourself and remember we care and are here when you are ready.

    Warm and understanding hugs


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