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Posts posted by MsC1210

  1. Patti my dear friend,


    You are such an inspiration to so many people sweetie and we love you! You can be down for now but I am not gonna let that last too long!!!!


    Much love and many hugs


  2. Dana

    I think what you are going through is perfectly normal. This disease is such a roller coaster ride for us all, patients and caregivers.

    I love Randy's egg throwing, it does help to rid some of the frustrations! It also helps to come here and vent, just as you did, and let us help you through this. It is so natural to have fear and to have anger and we will be here for you and help you work through it

    Keep posting and know that you and your Mom are in our thoughts and prayers


  3. Hello Jennifer and welcome to the "family",

    I am so sorry you and Robert had reason to find a site like this but I am glad you have joined us. This site is full of wonderful, caring and compassionate people.

    Please let the doctor know that Robert is having the problem with mouth sores. There is a wonderful mouthwash, commonly referred to as "Magic Mouthwash" that is a mixture of lidocaine, Maalox and Benadryl that will coat his mouth and throat and ease the soreness so he will have some relief from that pain. As far as nutrition, Boost, Ensure, milkshakes are all great ways to get some calories into him. Cream soups made with heavy cream, smoothies, etc are all good ideas. The MOST important thing to remember is to keep him hydrated.. WATER, WATER, WATER and more water! Dehydration is major problem and can be serious.

    Please keep posting and let us know how we can help and keep us posted on Robert.

    Warm hugs


  4. Nicki

    I am so sorry about your step dad. Please let us know how we can help you and your family at this difficult time. This is such a wonderful, caring site and you will find lots of warmth, understanding and support here.



  5. Hi Everyone

    I am not sure if any of you remember CristyM or not. She had only posted once in the Introductions forum on March 3 of this year about her boyfriend, Mark. She and I became good friends outside of this site and keep in touch frequently. Yesterday when I got home from my vacation I had a message from her that Mark has lost his battle with lung cancer. He was 52.

    Please keep Cristy in your prayers if you would.

    My sincere thanks


  6. I'll be gone most of next week on a much, much needed vacation. Mom is in a good place right now and the kiddos are settled into the new work/school routine so I am running away to meet a friend in Syracuse and do as little as humanly possible while having as much fun as we can!

    I'll be thinking of everyone and holding you all in my thoughts and prayers.

    Christine xx

  7. FTC warns consumers about bogus cancer cures 9/18/2008 11:55:00 PM

    Associated Press/AP Online

    WASHINGTON - The Federal Trade Commission charged five companies with making false and misleading claims for cancer cures and said Thursday that it has reached settlements with six others. "As long as products have been sold there has been somebody out there selling snake oil to consumers," said Lydia Parnes, director of the FTC's bureau of consumer protection.

    She said the agency, along with the Food and Drug Administration and Canadian authorities, is launching a consumer education campaign warning about bogus claims for cures.

    "There is no credible scientific evidence that any of the products marketed by these companies can prevent, cure, or treat cancer of any kind," said Parnes.

    The products the companies marketed include essiac teas and other herbal mixtures, laetrile, black salve - a corrosive ointment - and mushroom extracts.

    Richard Jaffe, a Houston attorney who represents Native Essence Herb Company - one of those named by the FTC - argues that the government is trying to censor his client.

    The company sells herbs over the internet and advises people that some herbs have a historical use for treatment of cancer and other medical conditions, he said. That is a truthful claim, he said, adding that because an herb was used by ancient Chinese or native Americans doesn't mean it works, "which most people understand."

    In addition the agency wants to block reports on trials in other parts of the world, he said, because they might imply a claim.

    "In our view it's a battle between the right to speak and the government's .,.,.,.,.,.," Jaffe said.

    Douglas Stearn of the FDA said his agency is concerned that people may forgo effective cancer treatments when choosing these products. In addition, he said, some of these unproven products may have dangerous interactions with other drugs.

    "We would urge folks to talk to their doctors," said Stearn.

    Parnes said more than 100 warning letters were sent out and many advertisers dropped or changed their claims.

    Of the complaints resolved by settlements, she said companies paid restitution ranging from $9,000 to $250,000.

    The remaining five complaints of false and deceptive advertising will go before administrative law judges, she said.

    Those cases are Omega Supply, San Diego, Calif.; Native Essence Herb Company, El Prado, N.M.; Daniel Chapter One, Portsmouth, R.I.; Gemtronics, Inc., Franklin, N.C., and Herbs for Cancer, Surprise, Ariz.


    On the Net:

    FTC Bogus Drugs page: http://www.ftc.gov/curious

  8. Johnny

    Lots of people on this site have had EXCELLENT results with Alimta. I am sure they will be along with their good news stories shortly. My understanding is that the side effects are much easier to handle.

    Don't lose hope. There are so many survivor stories and success stories around here. Just keep focusing on the positives. There IS a new treatment plan in place and that alone is GOOD!

    Keep us posted.. We are here!


  9. Johnny

    So sorry to hear about the progression. Sending positive thoughts and prayers that the radiation will do wonders for the pain and the next line of treatment will halt the progression and reverse that trend!

    As for the doctor... have you considered getting a second opinion with someone more hopeful/helpful?

    Keep us posted..

    Warm hugs


  10. I spoke to Patti this morning and she says she SHOULD have power back no later than Sunday. Sure hoping that it is sooner than that!!

    I read all of your messages to her and she said to thank you ALL.

    I will keep you posted.



  11. I will be sure and relay all of your messages to Patti today. Told her I am gonna keep tabs on her and make sure she is behaving! lol..

    Randy, thanks for the update from Debi.. I am glad to hear she is ok!

    Chris xx

  12. I just spoke with Patti this afternoon and she has asked me to let you all know she is ok. She has had a lot of problems due to the remnants of Ike and is without power until MAYBE this coming weekend.

    Apparently her neighborhood lost power and had it restored and then a tree came down and took down the wires that went to her house only. Being a single outage in one area she is not on a priority list for being restored. She is fine, bored to tears but otherwise safe and sound.

    I am sure she will be here posting as soon as she is able to! She misses everyone!!



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