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Posts posted by MsC1210

  1. Hello Amy and welcome,

    I am so sorry you had reason to find a site like this but so glad you have joined us!

    It sounds like things are being dealt with pretty quickly so far, and that is good! It doesn't make the waiting any easier I know, but come here, read the good news and survivors forums and you will see that there are lots of stories of hope and survival here!

    I can understand how hard it must be for you not to be able to talk to anyone yet about things.Just remember we are all here and you can talk to us any time you feel the need. The members here are wonderful about sharing advice, information and HOPE. Just let us know what's on your mind and we will be here to help you. Please don't hesitate to come to us with any concerns or questions.



  2. Linda

    The Ensure is a great idea as well as Boost, etc. Calories are key. The nutritionist we saw for my step dad had some excellent ideas for boositing the caloric intake. Simple things like cream soups made with heavy cream instead of just milk, adding extra butter to mashed potatoes and using heavy cream there,too as well as adding shredded cheese. Make milkshakes with the Ensure or Boost, add an envelope of Carnation Instant Breakfast to the milkshakes. There are so many things that can be added. The important factor is to make sure he is drinking plenty of water.. LOTS OF WATER.. AND MORE WATER! Dehydration is not fun, it is very painful and can be dangerous.

    I am so glad that you have your daughter in law to help you out. That will be such a blessing for you! And as far as the wedding? Use that as a positive event to focus on. A goal of sorts. It might be just the ticket to get Jim focused on something other than the pain once the doctors can get him on the right meds to get that in control.

    Keep posting!!!!



  3. Hi Linda

    My step dad had a very similar issue with the cough. His doctor actually recommended Mucinex and it did help some.

    My other suggestion would be Robitussin CF. Not sure how well that will work but could be worth a try..

    Keep us posted and know I am sending thoughts and prayers for the appointment tomorrow..



  4. Hello Linda and welcome to the family

    I am so sorry you had reason to be here but glad you have joined us. You came to the very best place for support as I am sure you can see by the responses you've gotten!

    It's been mentioned already about taking notes and having copies of all tests, scans, blood work etc. I just want to underscore that point. Don't be afraid to ask questions and if you are not clear, ask the doctor to explain it in terms that make sense to you. We are not all "rocket scientists" and it is perfectly fine to ask for simpler terms. This is such an overwhelming time for you and your husband.

    Pick up a small notebook or an organizer to keep track of appointments, medications, tests, etc but also to write down any and all questions you think of between now and the appointment. Also do not be afraid to ask us anything here. This is such a warm and caring group of people!

    Keep us posted and know that we are here for you,



  5. Kelly

    Hello and welcome to the "family". I am so very sorry about the loss of your Dad. Please accept my condolences.

    So very, very sorry you are, again, dealing with the cancer beast. I am so glad you found this board though as you will find so much support, advice and HOPE here!

    It sounds like your Mom is responding well to the latest chemo. That is wonderful news. When you are up to it, if you could take a minute and fill in your profile and give us some more information about what your Mom has been through and is currently having treatment wise, it will enable the members here to offer you much more in the way of information and support. Just click on "profile" at the top of the page and fill in the info.

    Please keep us posted on Mom and let us know how we can help you both.



  6. ((((Christy))))

    I am so very sorry. Please accept my sincere sympathies and condolences on the loss of you Mom.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.



  7. Connie mentioned the one thing I was thinking. A notebook or small organizer to keep notes in, keep track of tests and procedures, test results, etc.

    I don't know if this is even remotely possible, but if one of the manufacturers of Boost or Ensure would kick in some coupons toward their products that would be awesome too as we know how important the whole calorie intake issue is. Maybe some recpies for high calorie milkshakes/smoothies?

    Good luck with the fundraiser! It sounds AWESOME!!


  8. Hello and welcome to the "family"

    I am so sorry you had reason to find a site like this but glad you have posted and joined us.

    I cannot give you much as far as advice, but it seems as though you should mention this indigestion/heartburn to Mom's doctors. I am sure they must have something they can give herto ease that. In the meantime, if you can get her to drink Boost or Ensure to get some calories into her that will help as well as lots of water.

    I am sure the others will be along soon with much more advice.

    Please keep posting and know that we are here for you!



  9. I posted this last year and with thought it would be a good reminder again now. Thoughts and prayers to ALL of our members in the paths of these storms.


    Tips for Cancer Patients: How to Prepare for Hurricane Season

    Preparing for Disaster When You Have Cancer

    By Lisa Fayed, About.com

    Updated: June 19, 2007

    About.com Health's Disease and Condition content is reviewed by our Medical Review Board

    If you live on the east coast of the United States, you know that June 1st officially begins hurricane season. This time of year the public hurries to prepare for the worst by stocking up on canned goods, batteries, and bottled water. Cancer patients are no different, however they must take several extra precautions when preparing for the hurricane season.

    Before Disaster Strikes

    Talk to Your Doctor. If you live in an area affected by the hurricane season, talk to your doctor about the course of action you should take if you need to evacuate your home. Your doctor may be able to advise you of local hurricane shelters that are able to adequately able to provide care to cancer patients.

    Keep a Brief Record of Your Medical History Ask your doctor to write down a brief medical history or do so yourself. Include information like current medications you take and the dosage. Keep it in a waterproof bag like plastic zip bag and keep it on hand. Also be sure to include any over the counter medications you take.

    Keep a record of your doctors and their contact information. Write down the name of your doctor, the office address, phone numbers, and if possible, the doctor your doctor recommends when he is not available. Store this with your medical history.

    Obtain copies of your prescriptions. Your doctor may be able to give you copies of prescriptions that can be filled in emergent situations. In some cases, extra medication can be dispensed to the patient. If you are evacuated to a different city, a local hospital or retail pharmacy should be able to fill the prescription.

    Gather documentation stating that all leased and owned medical equipment belongs to you. Having written verification can make it easier for emergency health care providers to verify your equipment. You can do this by making copies of the lease agreement, bill of sale, or prescription by the doctor. If your equipment has been lost and located, you will need this documentation to claim it. Also be sure to clearly label all your equipment with your contact information.

    Find the numbers to the local American Cancer Society offices in your area and also for the city you are evacuating to. The American Cancer Society1 can be your ultimate resource for finding help. These numbers can be found in your telephone book or online. Keep these numbers with your medical records for quick reference.

    Verify insurance coverage in other areas beforehand. Call your insurance agency to find out what coverage you have in other areas and what doctors or hospitals you are available to use. This is especially helpful if you know what city you may evacuate to.

    Keep all medicines with you in a waterproof container. Store medications in a large, gallon-sized freezer bag that can be sealed. Label the bag with your name, current address, and phone number. If you know the address or phone number to where you are evacuating to, add that information to the label. Place a copy of your medical history in the bag. Your medicine bag should be kept with other medical history documents at all times.

  10. Sandy

    Of course your anger is justified! I am angry for you, as well. It is just inexcusable that this went so long without being diagnosed.

    As Carol said, now is time to focus that anger into fighting this disease. Now is the time to be learning as much as you can about the best way to treat this and then giving it hell!

    We weill be here for you, as I said before. Just scream and rant and vent all you need to and know we are going to be here to help you through.



  11. Hello Bug and welcome.

    I, too, am sorry you had need to find a site like this but am so glad you have joined us.

    The beginning of this is so overwhelming and confusing. So much to absorb and so much to remember. Get a small notebook or an organizer and jot down any and all questions you have as you think of them. Take the book with you to all of your Dr appointments and take notes on what you learn. Ask for and obtain copies of any and all test results, including lab work, MRI and CT scans, etc. If you decide to go for a second or third opinion you will have everything with you and save the hassle of having to run around getting copies later on.

    Don't be afraid to ask questions and if you do not understand the answers, ask for clarification. You are your own best advocate and knowledge IS power.

    We wil be here for you, don't be afraid to ask us anything and lean on us when and if you need to. This is a great and caring group of people.



  12. (((((Lynn)))))

    You ARE living and you are coping and learning to handle life with all of the changes you've endured and continue to endure.

    Please remember this, and I think it is something many of us lose sight of along the way. We all have our own unique way of grieving and there is NO right or wrong to it. Just take things as they come.

    As for Nick? I am very, very proud of him AND you. It must be such a wonderful feeling for you to see the values you and Larry have instilled in him shining through. I am the parent of a child who was harassed and bullied so badly at one point that she tried to take her own life. There were no Nick's to stand up for her back then. To read this post from you about Nick doing the right thing makes me smile and warms my heart. You should be so very proud. Please give him a hug for me....

    Much love and many hugs to you both,


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