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Posts posted by MsC1210

  1. Susan

    I was hospitalized last fall after my gall bladder surgery, for severe dehydration among other issues. I had THE WORST muscle aches and cramps in my calves from the dehydration.

    Maybe getting some additional fluids into Mom as well as the support hose would be beneficial.

    Sending lots of positive thoughts..



  2. Hello Shrimp and welcome

    I am so sorry for what you and your dad have been going through! Just too much!

    Please know we are all here for you and we will help you as much as we can.

    If you could fill out a profile, it will give us all a better idea of what has been going on with your Dad as far as treatments, etc. Click on the button at the top of the page that says Profile and just fill it in when you have a moment.

    Sending postive thoughts, hugs and prayers to you and Dad,


  3. Patti, I think this is a LOT to do with it.. Mom went from her parents to making a home and life with my Dad. Then they divorced and I was still at home with her for the most part. I moved out and started my life, but by that time, Mom had been on her own so to speak, long enough to appreciate having the house to herself. Then she and Jerry got together and she spent 17+ years with someone in her life again only to go back to the empty nest thingy.

    It's only been 2 months and the way she has handled the majority of the stress is beyond admirable! It is just those moments I guess when she is feeling alone and vulnerable that she finds so hard to cope with. Of course she reaches out to me and if, for whatever reason, I am not there, it compounds her stress and fear.

    I want to clarify one thing. Mom is in no way, shape or form a burden to me. I love her dearly as I am sure you all know. I just get so frustrated having all of this on my shoulders some days. I have 3 kids, 4 furry kids, my web site and other charitable work(s) that I do. It's a great life and I would not change one single bit of it, even if, as Nick says, I always seem to have so much on my plate. It's the way things go for lots of people I am sure. My home and family are my greatest joys, and Mom is my family, so together we will get through this.

    I know this will get easier, I really just needed to lean on someone for a bit and thank you all for being here to support me.



  4. Hi Friends

    I have not posted any updates in a while about Mom, and for the most part she has been doing fairly well coping with the adjustment to her "new life". We've had continuing issues with the step siblings but Mom has decided, with a minimal amount of coaxing from yours truly, to just stand back and let them continue on their present course and let the courts sort it out in the end. They KNOW they are wrong and yet persist in having "estate sales" each weekend and selling off everything that is not nailed down, even though it is in black and white from the lawyers that they CANNOT do that until the estate has been probated. Sighhhhhhhhhhhhh... You just cannot fix stupid and greed. There is much, much more to that whole nightmare but it is not even worth getting into.

    My latest concern with Mom is her paranoia. I am an only child so all of this has fallen on me. Lately, and this has happened on more than one occasion, if she calls me and I am not able to get to the phone or I am out on the motorcycle, in a no service area, out in the yard without the cell, etc, and she gets the voicemail, she FREAKS OUT! I mean total melt down, hysteria, it is absurd! She leaves me messages saying OH MY GOD!! WHERE ARE YOU? WHY ARE YOU NOT ANSWERING THE PHONE?? I JUST KNOW SOMETHING HAS HAPPENED! Yesterday I was at the mall with my daughter when the latest episode happened. I did not have good signal, I could hear her but I was all broken up and she could not understand me. Needless to say she was on the other end ranting and raving and being sure something had happened to me. I don't know why we do this but when we know the reception is bad and the person is not hearing us because the call is broken up we YELL, thinking that will make it clearer.. So, I am yelling at her, in the middle of Target, "MOTHER, STOP THIS NONSENSE NOW!!!" (how to get yourself noticed, eh? ugh..) I ended up going out of the store and calling her back and trying to CALMLY explain to her that I was fine, everything is fine I was simply at the mall doing some errands.

    I am really just needing to vent. I understand her neediness and I am there for her as close to 24/7 as I can be, I love her dearly, but now and then I do need a few hours to get away from everything. I feel guilty when she has a melt down but I just can't be there constantly.

    Let me add that I called her today and it is as if yesterdays episode never happened! She was off to cut the grass and do some gardening. Go figure!

    Thanks for listening. I feel better having been able to "talk" to someone about it and I know that there is most likely someone here who understands this.

    Love and Hugs


  5. Patti

    I did not put things NEARLY as eloquently as these posts here when we talked earlier but you KNOW I am with you every step of the way. I am a phone call away 24/7 as you know..

    Sending tons of prayers and positive thoughts for tomorrow,

    Love and hugs


  6. Sandra

    I am one of those who have been using acupuncture for some time now. Although I do not have cancer, I do have asthma, allergies and migraines. Since beginning my acupuncture therapy my asthma has been almost non existant, my allergies are MUCH improved and my migraines have decreased in number as well as in severity.

    I will say that my acupuncturist is working on a thesis type paper at the moment that deals with the use of acupuncture and cancer. She currently treats several people who are struggling with chemo and radiation issues and they have had major relief of their symptoms. I have had some interesting conversations with her about this as my website includes some links and information I wanted to verify before I included them.

    Please let me now if I can help..


  7. Donna

    I was just thinking of you the other day and now see this update. I am SO sorry sweetie.

    Please let me know if I can do anything and know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Love and hugs


  8. Hello Cindy

    I am so sorry about your Mom. Please accept my condolences on your loss.

    Thank you so much for being an advocate and for working to help raise awareness of this disease. I wish you much success with your event!



  9. I just wanted to publicly acknowledge our own Sharyn for her wonderful bracelets! I got mine today and it literally took my breath away when I saw it in person. No pictures can possibly do justice to these creations!

    I think it is a beautiful gesture on her part to be raising money for cancer while providing us a way to not only remember/support our loved ones but also to contribute to finding the cure.

    I think these will make perfect Christmas gifts and plan to order more for just that purpose.

    Sharon, you are such a wonderful lady! Thank you for giving us this opportunity!



  10. I agree with the caffeine issue. If she is quitting smoking that alone is adding enough to her plate. Just ease back on the soda and coffee, cut it back gradually and take it slow. It is so important, as was pointed out already, to drink lots of fluids so maybe she can gradually replace the soda with bottled water or gatorade..

    There was a member here a while back, and I cannot remember now who it was, but they found that Advil, just regualr over the counter Advil did wonders for bone pain. It might be worth a try.

    Please keep us posted...



  11. Leslie

    Write the email and send it to yourself! It might help just to get all of that out in the open even if it is only for yourself! I journaled for a long, long time after Brad died and WOW, letting all of those ugly feelings out was really a good thing!



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