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Posts posted by MsC1210

  1. Leslie,

    I am so sorry about this situation. Sadly, yes, lots of us do relate and understand what you are going through.

    I don't have any brilliant advice other than, your parents know.. and they appreciate everything you have done and continue to do and they are with you always... Probably does not help but take heart in knowing YOU are doing the right things now as you did all along.

    Lots of hugs


  2. Dina

    I can relate to your post so well. I am an only child and since my step dad passed at the end of June, Mom has been completely reliant on me. I also had to move her back to her own place as my step siblings are horrid creatures and are making things so difficult. I have been the only person there for her 24/7 even though she herself is one of 7 children. The rift there also an estate issue, all fighting over money.

    I was supposed to be gone this weekend for a motorcycle rally for lung cancer awareness but could not be that far away as if Mom calls and I am not here, she goes into panic mode thinking something has happened to me.

    It will get better. I just can't tell you when. Just know I am here if you need someone to vent to or with.

    Warm hugs


  3. Lisa

    I am so very sorry. Please accept my deepest sympathies and condolences.

    We will continue to be here for you. Lean on us as you need to.

    Warm hugs


  4. Hello L and welcome...

    I am so sorry about your Dad's diagnosis but so glad you have found us.

    This site is full of wonderful information, caring and warm people and tons of support and hope! Please read through the different forums and see the stories from people who have been down this road before.

    We are always here for you so please feel free to ask any and all questions and know that there is always someone here who can and will be able to offer you advice and answers. And please know that what you are feeling right now is NORMAL.. we've all been there and we understand. It will get easier to deal with once the treatments have been set up and begun.

    Sending many hugs and prayers for you and your family.



  5. Hello Sharon and welcome

    As you can see from the replies you have already received, there are many wonderful and caring people here who will be more than happy to help you. Feel free to ask any and all questions and we will do our best to answer them and offer advice and support.

    Read through the different forums, especially the good news and survivors forums. They are full of great examples of how many of our members have dealt with their illness.

    Above all else, just know we are here whenever you need someone to talk to...



  6. welcome back and THANK YOU for coming back. It is stories like yours that we need here, to give hope and inspiration to all of us.

    Please stick around and keep posting! You have so much to offer here and we are all so grateful to you!

    Congrats on your 4 years of NED..



  7. Amber

    I am so very sorry you had reason to find a site like this but so glad you found us. Please know that we are all here for you and we will do our best to help answer your questions and offer you support and advice.

    The website Jamie gave you is an excellent resource and you will also find a lot of great help there, too.

    Please keep posting and let us know how we can help you..



  8. I am so sorry about your Mom. Please know my thoughts and prayers are with you.

    I am glad you found this site and have shared your story with us. Please read through some of the other forums and postings. There is so much great information to be found here as well as tons of support.

    If you could, please fill in your profile by clicking on "Profile" at the top of the page. This will give us a better idea of how we can help you and your mom.

    Keep posting and know that we care!



  9. Hello James and welcome!

    Welcome to the boards! You came to the right place for information, support and hope!

    Have a look around, read through some of the survivor stories and the good news forums. Lots of inspirational posts in those places!

    Please feel free to ask any and all questions and know that there will always be someone here to help you out.



  10. Hello Ashaki and welcome

    I am so sorry you had need to find a site such as this but glad you found us. This is a wonderful site full of knowledgable and caring people who can and will help you out as much as we can.

    Please keep posting and let us know how your Mom is doing and how YOU are, too.



  11. I wanted to share this with all of the caregivers. It emphasizes the need for taking care of yourself as well as your loved one(s)

    I have shared most of the journey with my Mom and Jerry and his battle with lung cancer. What I have not shared with you is my own personal journey that I have been on even before Jerry's cancer diagnosis.

    Some of you are aware of my health issues, the gall bladder removal that almost killed me, the blood disorders and the severe anemia that is, to this day, still a big issue and still unresolved.

    I've been on anti depressants/anti anxiety meds since my son enlisted in the military. I just could not cope with the thought of my first born putting himself and his life on the line "over there". Fortunately he is still here, still in the reserves and has been doing only his one weekend a month, 2 weeks a year as well as some other specialized training. I am, we all are, so proud of him but that "unknown" factor is killer.

    In the meantime, having gotten my panic attacks and fears to subside enough to live a normal life, I began battling high blood pressure. Nothing dietary seemed to work so it was meds for that now too. Because of the combination of medications I am on, as well as the other disorders, I have to have routine blood work ups, which include pretty much everything you can think of. The last battery of tests now have come back and I have been diagnosed as being diabetic.

    I am sure by this point, if you are still reading this nightmare, you are wondering why I am telling you all about this. Well I sat down with my doctor and asked her, point blank..... WHY WHY WHY is all of this happening and why NOW??? Her answer? I have been so busy putting everybody and everything else ahead of ME that the stress and anxiety and worry have finally taken a toll. Will any of these issues be resolved and/or reversed? That remains to be seen. But I am doing everything in my power to do all that I can to make that happen.

    Moral of this story? You sincerely HAVE to take care of yourself while caring for your loved ones. YOU are the only one who can do this and if you don't nobody else can. I am living proof of the toll it can and does take.. I am lucky though as I am able to be pro active and make the needed changes to, hopefully, get myself back on my feet.

    If this post makes a difference for even just one person here, then I am very glad I have taken the time to write it.

    Please.. take care of yourselves!!!

    Love and hugs


  12. Kelly

    Sounds like you are really doing an excellent job of keeping informed and on top of any issues that happen to come up. That is great!

    I hope things will continue to go well with the treatments and that you can get the insomnia taken care of. You need more that a few hours sleep as I am sure you are aware, in order to fight this.

    Keep posting and keep that great attitude!!!!!



  13. Hello Barbara and welcome

    I am sorry you had reason to find a site such as this, but this IS the place to be. There are so many wonderful and caring people here who will be more than happy to help you through this. Please let us know what you need, ask any and all questions and know that there will always be someone here to lean on.



  14. Hello Maggie and welcome

    I am so very sorry about your loss. Please accept my heartfelt condolences.

    I am glad you have joined us. There are so many wonderful people here who can and will be more than happy to help you through this painful journey. I hope you will find comfort and support here.

    Shelli, you are such a wonderful person! Thank you so much for setting your Mom up an accout so we can get to know her and help her through! You rock girl!!!!

    Love and hugs


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