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Remembering Dave

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Everything posted by Remembering Dave

  1. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, smells like a duck and quacks like a duck, is it a duck? Dave had his scans on CD and we looked at them last night. Looks like a liver met to me, and not a very small one either. He's getting his PET scan as we speak. SIX MONTHS of chemo and he gets a met at the end of it? Please, please prayers for him. Karen
  2. I have been worried about Beth. She knows my worries and apprehensions. but I know this surgeon, too - he did Dave's pericardial window - and I share her faith in him. he's smart, he's sharp, and he says exactly what he thinks. I talked to Beth when she got home and I could hear the well, relief, in her voice, and I feel better, too. Beth - I will still do anything you need me to do, research wise, or help the family wise, as much as I can, OK? but just want to express my confidence in your plan. I glad you went to see him. hang in there, kiddo. Karen
  3. Yes, please God, make the Pet scan clean. Karen
  4. Well, just got a call from the NP at onco doc's office for results of today's upper ab scan - appears to be a small lesion on Dave's liver. Appears, being the operative word, I think she said she was listening to the dictated radiologist report and couldn't make it out that clearly. He's having a PET scan tomorrow so that should clear things up. Sounds like whoever read Monday's head CT scan thinks it's radiation damage and not a lima bean tumor. let's hope so. I'm beginning to think that myself. We'll see the onco doc early next week to discuss. I told Dave no more liver tumors in the family - my mom's collection of them is ENOUGH. p.s. his sodium level had dropped to 133, which is low from a normal of 140. sooo, I'm thinking SOMETHING is dropping that sodium, it might be that small liver lesion. we'll just get it zapped right outta there. I'm worried SICK about Beth (JustaKid). I'm worried about Dave. I'm worried about my Mom. And I wish someone would buy our darn house so I can stop worrying about that. can someone make it all go away please?
  5. Out of all the horrible things going on right now, I just wanted to say that Faith is doing much better now with her behavior. Perhaps it was just a phase. Or perhaps the poor little thing needed someone to talk to (she's still seeing her own therapist!) or perhaps it's because Dave has gotten himself in a much better mood at home - or perhaps it's because I'm somehow dealing with her better - or all of the above (or maybe it's the "treasure chest" the teacher started just for Faith - if all the children in the class are good all day, they each get something from the treasure chest which is a box full of junk like old happy meal toys). LOL. Karen thanks for everyone's advice and support. most of it was so very helpful and put to use in some form or other other. now, this is what I call a brain trust!
  6. Curtis, you have such a way of making the reader actually feel your emotions. I think you are in the wrong field - you shouldn't do your work with numbers but with words. If you can bear at all to visit with us every now and then please do. I am glad that your life is less and less about cancer, but some of us - or perhaps many of us - need to hear your words when you are up to showing your thoughts. Karen
  7. this is Karen. I have to correct myself. Dave told me today he's not scared, he's worried. so i'm not scared now either, just REALLY worried. he had head and chest ct scans today. he talked to the nurse practitioner at the onco doc office and she called and ordered full body ct, to check for blood clots. that's a nice idea, but we don't think blood clots is the problem. but they also drew blood to test his sodium level. anyway, he goes back in the morning for the rest of his body to be scanned. they couldn't finish by 5:00 and he wanted to be outta there by then to pick up Faith 'cause I was home sick. and, it's Valentines Day, after all! and on Wednesday he gets a PET scan. Shellie, love your cramps joke. haha. but unfortunately he's like permanent pms these days. sure hope he's OK. I just want HIM back again, so we can get a new trailer and go camping! and take Beth and her family with us. Karen '
  8. Shellie, my mom, the colon cancer patient, is also a breast cancer survivor, and she has mammagrams every six months. she's a six month survivor and still has them that often. that is one good way to follow up. your sister is a real trooper. I know you are very proud of her. and Shellie, make sure YOU get all the screenings and scans you can for all these cancers, since they all run so rampant in your family. one thing we found out from my mom's double cancer, is that if you've had breast, colon, cervical or ovarian cancer, you're more likely (than the general population) to get one of the other three. I'm so glad she made it through, that's a huge milestone! God Bless, Karen
  9. Fay is on to something, Beth. Dave and I will try to call you. But Fay is right, check into that trial . . . another thing - is your onco doc just assuming it's the same cancer? suppose it's not? shouldn't you have a biopsy to make sure you're treating it correctly? it's NOT a death certificate! Karen
  10. Addie - if it's not his sodium level we'll get those tablets. Unfortunately, the only time he's had cramps like that was because of his lung tumor. so yes, I am scared, too, really scared, especially since Dave has expressed his fear. He called the onco doc and asked them to order blood work be done while he's at the hospital today getting his scans. I have been sick all weekend - my cold got worse and by Sat. eve. I had a fever, chills - that has passed now, but I have lost my voice and I slept in the recliner last night b/c laying down made me cough and I didn't want to disturb Dave, so I am tired. and when I'm tired I don't handle this stuff so well. I sure hope I'm making a trip to the drugstore to buy some supplements, Addie! Karen
  11. Yes, I am a little worried which some of you may know means a lot since I really try to be Mr. Positive. I have been having cramps for the past couple of days and they have kept me up at night. If you have read "my story" then you remember that leg cramps was how I was originally diagnosed back in March of 2003. The cramps are caused by a condition called SAIDH which is caused by SCLC in which causes low sodium in the blood which causes the cramps and can lead to a coma if not treated. Now last week I did do a little more physically than normal but not enough to cause this amount of cramping, all over my body. I have a Chest and Head CT scan tomorrow and I am going to call my Onc. and demand a blood workup to check my sodium level in my blood. I will keep you all informed as I find out what is going on, In the meantime please keep me in your thoughts and prayers. You are all in my prayers everyday. David C
  12. a lousy trend is a gross understatement. but Dave is right. of course it's curable! go for it - beat it! Our love and prayers are with you, Karen
  13. Addie, I am sooooo sorry to hear the news. Don't believe your Onc. You can beat this!!!!!!!!! Do you hear me???????? YOU CAN BEAT THIS. You beat it once and you can beat it again and again and again if need be. My prayers are with you.
  14. Thats my girl!!!! The fighter has returned!!!!! Keep fighting, keep being mad and keep telling yourself that YOU CAN BEAT THIS!!!! You know we are here for you. David C
  15. TeeTaa, who would have forgotten you? No need to post in this forum to reintroduce yourself! $400 - wow! I was just thinking the other day that I wanted to start sending Katie and Rick something every month . . . money is tight at Chapman Acres though. How are Tbone's kids and wife doing? Thanks for the update, and loved the "faking in" joke, you are too much! Karen
  16. Barb - you've been through it. melanona and then lung cancer. I had a Stage II melanoma removed right after my husband was diagnosed with LC. from what I've read about melanoma, you don't want a met of it. Welcome to the board, where you will find lots of info and support. Karen
  17. Becky, it IS a birthday, celebrate it! Get a cake! And don't be anxious about the scans, although that's perfectly natural. Just relax, and say I did it - two years! Now work on three years!! Congrats! Karen
  18. Although I hate that Lucie has to go through more, I have no doubt they will zap that lesion right outta there. And so good to schedule a cruise. something to look forward to for some relaxation after another battle. God Bless and prayers your way, Karen and Dave and Faith
  19. I am bummed and heartbroken for you guys. BUT I KNOW you can beat this monster. I think you should start looking, asap, for alternatives in your treatment - I think your doctor is on the right track but it wouldn't hurt to be as aggressive as you can in seeing what your options are. I think going to National Institutes of Health in DC is a good idea. Beth, I had big plans to haul your butt camping this spring or summer, your family and ours, and I intend to still put your through it, so we're not going to let this obnoxious cancer ruin my plan. Karen
  20. Heidi, the calling idea worked today. well, I called while they were napping and the teacher told me that Faith had grabbed her best friend's hood on the playground and was swinging her around and she told her to stop and she didn't so the teacher got her and put her in timeout (sitting on the ground against the fence) so Faith starting throwing sand at her (the teacher) so she took Faith into the office to sit with the director. so I called after nap/snack, right before they were going back out on the playground and they put Faith on the phone and I talked to her about being a good girl and she asked if she could watch nemo in the car and I said only if you are a good girl, and when the teacher tells you to say something you say Yes Ma'am and do it, Faith said, Yes Ma'am. well, when I picked her I was told she was very good the rest of the afternoon! she got a prize from the prize box (happy meal toy type stuff, I donated a bunch of little cars and things from the dollar store). so, I think that either Dave or i should call her every day and remind her to be good. what a roller coaster ride. poor little thing, I really feel for her. she is going through so much in her little life! Karen
  21. cool! I didn't realize that. one of my favorite cousins lives in LV, is actually operations director for the tourism bureau - he runs the big fireworks displays and the rodeo and stuff. I could have hooked them up with him for some good scoop! Karen
  22. I just realized I haven't seen Connie post for a little while and I did a search and her last post was January 26. Connie - you out there? you doing OK? Someone correct me if I missed a hall pass or something. Karen
  23. If I remember correctly Dave's insurance (which is an HMO I think) would only pay for one second opinion, so we decided to "save it" in case things got bad and we wanted to try a big cancer center like Johns Hopkins. But, the biggest thing I would do NOW, is RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH - so you are somewhat educated on your options and then when you meet with the onco doc you will have a better feeling if he's leading you it the right direction. I think John provided some good resources. Karen
  24. That's good stuff, kiddo. I tell you what, my aunt once said you never know how much you have in life until you're on the edge of losing it. In some ways, these awful experiences are a gift from God, showing us the obvious gifts we have. I agree with Becky (gee, again, can't believe how much I agree with Becky lately LOL) but I think you should call your Mom. hang in there kiddo. I can't wait for that baby to come! Karen
  25. I think the peas are acting like fertilizer. The hair has been growing like weeds since they showed up. David C
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