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Everything posted by Mendy

  1. Mendy

    xray result

    Mike, I'm so glad you received great news. Have a great spring and summer and I hope the next round brings you the same results. I love news like yours. Mendy
  2. Mendy

    Chef's 3000

    Randy, Thank you for all your compassion, concern, information, support, and warm blankets. You are a rare man indeed. Mendy
  3. I am so sorry for you and your family. Life is not fair. You are an amazing woman and I admire your courage to keep going so strong. I hope your kids are able to keep you going in the months ahead. We are here for you. Mendy
  4. Mendy


    My husband complained that he had some pain but it wasn't enough for him to seek any pain relief. For him, it was worth it because his blood counts were never off and he didn't suffer from any of the illnesses the kids brought home during his chemo treatments. Mendy
  5. Wow! I am thrilled you are doing so well and sound so strong this soon post surgery. I hope you continue to do great with your recovery. Mendy
  6. Mendy

    CAT Scan

    Joanie, How nice to read your posting. I hope you are celebrating in style. Mendy
  7. Mary, I am so sorry it is so rough for you and your husband. You have both had so much to deal with in the last few months. I hope that you and the doctors are able to get your husband comfortable. Hang in there. Mendy
  8. Mendy

    March 20th 2007

    Heather, I am so sorry that Gerald's fight has ended. May you find peace and comfort in the days ahead. Mendy
  9. Missy, This is very sad news. I hope the doctors can give her some relief for her breathing. What a time for you. You know we are all here for you. Mendy
  10. There have been many times that I have wanted to post about being frustrated but have refrained because I didn't want to whine when it is my husband who is fighting for his life but...after 7 months of surgery, chemo, and radiation I am tired. It wouldn't be so bad to work and take care of dh and the house but when a 3 year old and a 5 year old are added into the mix I am just worn out. There have been some days that are better than others when my dh feels energetic enough to help around the house or take a turn reading the kids their bedtime stories but those days haven't been here in a while. He finished the 33 radiation treatments a couple of weeks ago and his energy still hasn't returned. Add to the mix that it looks like he won't have a job to return to. I know he is frustated as well. Hopefully life will return to something resembling normalacy in a few weeks and he will find a job. I'm sorry to complain when we are very lucky that there is not cancer showing at this point. Thanks for listening/reading. Mendy
  11. Mendy

    I can't believe it!

    That is great! Your mom is amazing. Mendy
  12. Mendy

    scan results

    Great report!
  13. Heather, I am truly sorry that Gerald is not improving. Hopefully Gerald will have his outing with his friends and know what is happening. You are incredibly strong and very lucky to have such good friends and a loving family to help you. Mendy
  14. I would say it took at least four months for me to come to grips with my husband's diagnosis. It really is like having a new normal. I will admit that there are times when I think back to how carefree we were before we knew he had cancer and when he is really tired from treatments I sometimes feel like I miss my bestfriend and partner even though he is only upstairs in bed. For me,it is getting better as time goes on and he is doing well but I know the fear will always be lurking around the corner. I hope you are able to develop a new normal and be able to live life that includes enjoyable times. Mendy
  15. Add me to the list of concerned friends who has also been looking for an update. Mendy
  16. Hi Rhonda, Welcome! You will find much support and hope on this board. Your mom is lucky to have you right by her side as she fights this beast. She will need your cheering when she is down and comfort and care when she is not feeling well. I hope she beats this. It sounds like she is responding well to treatment. Mendy
  17. Flowergirlie, I am sorry your husband is having a tough time. He sounds like such a determined man so it has to be even more difficult for him to admit he may need outside help. Hopefully he will know when it is best for your family to let hospice help him. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Mendy
  18. I would be torn between reading or sleeping. These days I think sleep would win. Mendy
  19. I was just thinking about you this morning and wondering how it was going for your husband. Like everyone else, I am sorry that your news is not better. How are your kids holding up? I admire you for being so strong and brave. Keep staying positive and enjoy your time together. Mendy
  20. I like cooking but hate the cleaning up also. I have a son and daughter both preschool age. My passion in life is books therefore my occupation: Librarian. (glad to see so many readers ) Mendy
  21. Oh Grace, My heart is breaking for you and your family. I hope the storm doesn't add complications you don't need. Be careful please. Mendy
  22. Welcome! I am so sorry you have a reason to be here. Hopefully you will find much support and comfort here in your fight with this disease. You have a beautiful family and I wish you much success with your treatment. Mendy
  23. Betty, I am so sorry that your sister is gone. May you find comfort and support from your family and friends and loving memories of your sister. Mendy
  24. Thank you for the uplifting post. I am glad your parents are sounding more relaxed and confident. How nice that he is seeming like the dad you have known. Mendy
  25. My husband is also cold a good bit of the time. I have actually been wearing a teeshirt around the house because he is keeping it so warm and it is cold outside. He has been wearing 3 layers of clothes and sometimes puts his coat on. I have wondered if part of it is the lower level of activity because his energy level has been so low during chemo and now radiation. I hope your dad doesn't have something else going on but it sounds like it is order to mention this to his doctor. Mendy
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