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gail p-m

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Posts posted by gail p-m

  1. My father started Tarceva this week. From the reading I've done, it seems like many who got the Tarceva rash also had success with reducing the size of tumors. I realize there is not 100% correlation though. Just wondering if you took Tarceva: 1. did you get the rash 2. if you got the rash, did it reduce tumor size 3. if you didn't get the rash, was Tarceva still successful

    4. if you got the rash, was Tarceva unsuccessful 5. How long did it take after started Tarceva until the rash appeared?


    gail p-m

  2. Elaine--

    You've certainly had enough on your plate. So glad your daughter's tumor appears to be benign. Hopefully, they can get on with the business of successfully removing it now --- and then you can get back to worrying only about yourself, which is more than enough when you deal with lc. There is nothing, nothing worse than having a sick child! I know that from personal experience.

    Prayers for you and your daughter.

    Gail p-m

  3. So glad for your good results. We haven't had enough news like that here recently. May I also inquire since you've had success with Tarceva, did you get the rash from it and if so, how long after starting it did it appear? Just wondering cause my father started Tarceva on Monday.

    Again, congrats and may Tarceva continue working and working!

    Gail p-,m

  4. OOPS! The spot I caught tonight wasn't on World News Tonight. It was either on CBS or NBC. I generally watch ABC World News and wanted to do so tonight to see the tribute to Peter Jennings at 6 but there was some sort of sports game on the network and I guess that was more important to ABC than paying tribute to Jennings for us West Coasters.

    Gail P-m

  5. Yep, I caught it too. As you said, it was okay. It really concentrated on how little progress had been made with treating lung cancer, gave the usual grim statistics and I kept thinking say something about lack of progress due to lack of funding. Just before it ended, this was mentioned due to the stigma of cigarette smoking.

    Hopefully, with Peter Jenning's death, we'll hear more about lung cancer and not just today and tomorrow while his death is "fresh" in people's minds.

    Gail p-m

  6. Beth,

    I can only relate this to my son's blood disorder. He has ITP -- idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura. It is a disease caused by low platelets. In my son's case the platelets are mistaken for a foreign body and are attacked and killed off. Thus, without treatment, he can bleed very easily depending on his platelet count. I would certainly go for blood work quickly to get it checked out. ((Very seldom, it can lead to intracranial hemorrage; it's unusual but can happen)

    Please let us know how this goes.

    Gail p-m

  7. Karen

    It was good to see a post from you. I think of you and Faith and David often. He put up some fight with this da__ disease. Anyhow, I'm glad the new house is working out so well. It does sound great for you, Faith and the dogs. Also congrats on your weight loss. As you said, you don't have the stress eating and now you'll have some time for yourself to take care of yourself. That had to be put on the back-burner for a long time.

    Keep in touch with us.

    Gail p-m

  8. Hi Darci

    Yes, the waiting is hard, very hard. At times my father has waited due to doctors being out of town, specific doctors that were suggested and had long waits... At other times, he has had long waits due to many evaluations and consultaions which do make sense to make sure you have the total picture to make the best decisions. It is hard but always a good idea to have an extra set of ears and vocal cords with you at appts.

    Good luck and welcome to our site.

    Gail p-m

  9. Welcome Bronwen. I also understand the difficulties of living far away from your Dad. I live in British Columbia and my Dad lives in NY. We also speak almost everyday and I spent 2 1/2 months with him during chemo. He also knows I'm available, if needed. My father will be starting Tarceva today or tomorrow. I pray that your Dad has had some success with his Tarceva. Good luck with the scans.

    Gail p-m

  10. Welcome, Jamie. I look forward to getting to know you. You certainly have the first step right with this disease --- a positive attitude. Also glad you are enjoying your 2 year old more now than ever!

    Gail p-m

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