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gail p-m

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Posts posted by gail p-m

  1. Oh Beth--

    I'm so sorry that you're having such a hard time right now. With all that you've been through, I can't say I'm surprised that you're depressed. My husband has always told me that "Life is not fair." You are a perfect example of that statement. I'm praying hard that you get a well-deserved break and some healing, both physically and emotionally, from all you've been through. You remain in my prayers.

    Gail P-m

  2. I'm so very sorry to hear about the setback. Prayers are being sent to Don for a turn-around though it sounds like the turn-around might be a gradual process.

    Please know I'm thinking about both of you and will be checking for updates.

    Gail p-m

  3. Glad to hear your mom is gettin away for a much-needed break from everthing. As for you, the break is much needed too and you will have a great time without all those family responsibilities. As much as you love your husband and child, it is nice to get away once in awhile and make yourself the focus of some FUN TIME. Nothing wrong with that. Have a fabulous time!

    Gail p-m

  4. Geri

    That was a beautiful post. I am not a cancer patient but my father is. I know how grateful I have been during these 5 years that he has been there for my sister's (his daughter's) marriage, her buying a house less than a mile away from him which has meant a lot for him, my daughter's grad. from law school, my son being accepted into medical school and shortly my daughter (his oldest grandchild)) is getting married and hopefully, he can attend. So I am eternally grateful that he has lived long enough to see these milestones. I can only imagaine the joy and gratitude in the heart of a mother who has seen her child do the things (the wonderful milestones of childhood) you described.

    May you enjoy the grandchildren as well -- and for many years to come.

    Gail p-m

  5. Peggy,

    Great to hear that Don has shown much improvement since your last update. At that rate, he should be home soon. My prayers for both of you continue.

    Gail p-m

  6. Thanks for updating us on DeanCarl. Glad to hear that he is still hanging in there and living with his cancer, although his body sounds challenged more and more. But he is where he wants to be at, his home. Hopefully, things will go smoothly at the VA Hospital and he will get home quickly.

    My prayers and thoughts are with both of you. You two truly are an amzing couple.

    Gail p-m

  7. Carol --

    Glad to hear you're home -- there is no place like home; even after a wonderful vacation, I'm always glad to get home.

    Prayers for continued healing and unrelenting wellness.

    Gail p-m

  8. I can't help but to chime in with my two cents worth. I fully realize that it is your grandmother's decision at 84 not to take treatment. I don't know if she has other health problems or how serious they might be. There is "drug" out there called Tarceva. Tarceva is not a chemo in that my understanding of it is == it goes after "bad" cells not like chemo which attacks "good and bad cells". So the effects of it are very mild compared to chemo. The most common side effect seems to be a rash which can vary greatly in intensity but can usually be treated with anything ranging from topical ointments to antibiotics. Perhaps, depending on her circumstances, if your grandma talked to an oncologist, she might be willing to try this treatment. My father, who is 81 and stage IIIb, is most likely going on Tarceva towards the end of next week. My daughter is getting married in early September and he is hoping to come to the wedding (a 5 hour flight).

    Anyway, these are my thoughts about your grandma. With that being said, if I were 84, I have no idea what I would do in her siituation and her wishes need to be respected. But I would want her to know about this alternative treatment to make a fully informed decision. Needless to say, like chemo, Tarceva works for some but not for all. There is no way to predict in advance who it will work for.

    Your grandma will remain in my thoughts and prayers.

    Gail p-m

  9. Stable is good. Enjoy stable! Stable is good. Enjoy stable! Stable is good. Enjoy stable! Stable is good. Enjoy stable! Stable is good. Enjoy stable! (Maybe shrinkage next time??? But stable is good.

    Gail p-m

  10. Oh Peggy -- what a tough time you and Don are having. Don sounds like my Dad when we go to a doctor's appt. He'll often tell the doctor that things are ok and I have to chime in and give the true information which is really needed for the best decisions. My father desperately wants to make it to my daughter's wedding this summer (involves a flight) but so far, he says "no" to a wheelchair in the airport.... So I do understand where you are with Don.

    Get your rest when you can or you won't be of any good to anyone.

    Please know my prayers and thoughts remain with you --- and keep us updated.

    Gail p-m

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