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gail p-m

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Posts posted by gail p-m

  1. Just finished watching Lisa on the West Coast. What a wonderful job she did putting a face to this disease. I think it was a good report esp. getting it to compare how many more women are lost to this disease than breast, ovarian... cancer combined. And what a family she has. She is so loved by her husband and gorgeous daughter.

    Thank you Lisa for getting lung cancer such good exposure. Bet people were shocked to hear how many non-smoking women get this disease.

    Well- done.

    gail p-m

  2. Kathi

    Glad you had some good relaxing times with your mom.

    What a wonderful thing you did with organ donation. As you said, a part of your wonderful father will live on.

    Gail p-m

  3. Oh Peggy---

    I just logged on to the site and this is the last thing I expected to see. I am so, so very sorry. I don't feel I have the words to comfort you but do want to say that Don had to know how very loved by you he was. You were at his side every step of the way through his valiant battle.

    My sincere condolences to you and Mike. Please remember we will be here for you.

    Gail p-m

  4. I am so saddened to read of Francine's death. Obviously she left her mark on this board as well as with her family and the way she lived her life. What a beautiful tribute from her husband. How loved she was!

    My thoughts and prayers go out to Giles and their daughter.

    Gail p-m

  5. Sorry to hear that Tarceva wasn't the "magic bullet" for Brian. You both must be so disappointed as are all of us who've been looking for the update. But I am glad to hear that Brian's doctor isn't wasting any time and is getting on with a new plan. I like docs like that.

    Prayers being sent each and every day to you both.

    Gail p-m

  6. Shelly,

    Good idea to have the chest x-ray done. Perhaps you can do it annually for peace of mind. With your family history, your doctor might well endorse this idea. Sometimes it's strange how doing something simple can be so helpful yet we think and think about it for so long until we do it.

    Hopefully, things are settling down for you.

    Gail p-m

  7. Peggy

    Thanks for the update on Don. I looked several times last night and was so glad to find it this morning. It sounds like Don came through the operation as well as could be expected. Hopefully, he will get off the ventilator today and you'll get some answers from the doctors pretty soon. In the meantime, Peggy, take care of yourself too. You must be exhausted.

    Continuing prayers for Don and your family.

    Gail p-m

  8. TAnn--

    Glad things are in order again and you'll be back to your treatments. Also glad you've had a proper lesson on giving yourself shots. Hopefully, that will get easier each day and remember, it's not forever!

    Gail p-m

  9. Beth -- Please know there are many of us here thinking of you each and every day. I wish I could offer more than words. They seem so inadequate right now especially after all you've beeen through. You take care of yourself and don't worry about posting. I hope you'll be back soon and i send my thoughts and prayers.

    Gail p-m

  10. First, what a good looking bunch of boys. Must have been an active household when they were growing up.

    Now, congrats on your 1st anniversary. There's no doubt that you're a fighter and will have many, many more anniversaries to come.

    Gail p-m

  11. Peggy--

    So sorry that Don (and you) have to go through this procedure. Hopefully, this will lead to some solutions to Don's breathing problems and get him out of there to do those things he needs to do. I'll be saying many prayers tonight.

    Gail p-m

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