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gail p-m

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Posts posted by gail p-m

  1. Haven't been to Chicago although have passed through O'Hare on occasion but that doesn't help much. However, I wish you a wonderful vacation and visit with your friend. Also when you wear the teeny weeny bikini, get a picture and use it as your avatar.

    Have fun.

    Gail p-m

  2. Glad your day went pretty well but it sure was a long one. Interesting when we're grateful for things like a TV and recliner when we have to wait around for hours and hours!

    Prayers that 6 week scans go well and continue to after that.

    Gail p-m

  3. Oh, I think it all has been said. I'm inclined to think that you mom wants to spend time with the others whom she hasn't had some "quality" time with for awhile. You'll be there afterwards. In addition, you mom probably wants to give you a bit of a rest. She knows that in addition to her, you have to care for Carolyn too and as we all know, caring for a baby is demanding and tiring no matter how much you love them. She's probably trying to give you a break while she can. Take the time for you and Carolyn and re-energize. Go for walks, go shopping, whatever it is that you do that you find relaxing. Please always keep in mind that your mother loves you and she knows she's so lucky to have you.

    Gail p-m

  4. I can understand your frustration with this!!! How awful. I know it should be over and done with by now but wouldn't your lawyer be obligated to file the lawsuit again at no extra cost to you? I realize you hate the thought of ggoing through the process and hassle again, but don't your lawyers owe you this one.

    Gail p-m

  5. That's quite an image that you put in my mind. Glad to her you're okay and laughing about it now, at least. Too bad you didn't get it on video. It could have won the $100,000 on America's Funniest Videos.

    Hope you heal fast.

    Gail p-m

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