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gail p-m

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Posts posted by gail p-m

  1. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear of Mike's passing. I also have been struck by how recently Mike danced at Nicole's wedding. It's amazing how he willed himself to be well enough for that very important day.

    My sincerest condolences.

    Gail p-m

  2. Sorry to hear the scans didn't go as well as hoped but glad to hear your mom is ready to pick up the fight. Haven't heard of the drug either but as you pointed out, the oncologist seems to be an up to date kind of doc and that's important.

    Hope this drug is your mom's magic bullet.

  3. I'm also glad that the doctors want Don to have more treatment. That's a good sign in itself. However, I can certainly understand your lack of enthusiasm for it. I believe you said it before, "Damned if you do, damned if you don't"

    I will continue to have Don in my daily prayers.

    gail p-m

  4. I congratulate you on the 5 year mark but am so sorry to hear of your other news. Has your sister visited this website? Perhaps when she's ready, it may give her the inspiration to fight this da** disease although your 5 year mark should do that for her. I'm also sorry to hear about your pets. I, too, love my animals. They are my best friends so I really do understand.

    I expect that you're on your way to the next 5 years now.

    I will hold your sister as well in my thoughts and prayers.

    gail p-m

  5. Peggy

    I'm so sorry to read your post about the spread of this disease. Don had been doing so well for awhile. I don't know what to say to lessen your pain or to make the road ahead easier for you and Don. But by all means, vent away and vent some more. You've supported so many for so long. Now let us have a turn.

    You and Don are in my prayers and thoughts.

    Gail p-m

  6. Nancy --

    I'm so sorry to read about this difficult (crappy) time that you and Mike are having. I couldn't agree more that it isn't fair. As my husband has always said to me, Who said that life has to be fair? I am amazed to look at that picture with him and Nicole at the wedding. It seems amazing that people sometimes "hold on" for that special event and for Mike, that special event seemed to be Nicole's wedding.

    Please know that you two are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Gail p-m[/i]

  7. So sorry Fay. I know these "dates" are hard. My mom has been "gone" for just over 8 years now and there's not a single day that goes by that I don't think of her. Our moms are truly missed.

    Gail p-m

  8. Hi

    Welcome to our group. My Dad had 3 rounds of carbol/taxol and he was in pretty rough shape for about 5 days after each infusion. Some nausea (controlled with meds), very tired and some aches.

    Prayers to you and your family. It's a rough road but the people here make it a lot more bearable.

    Gail p-m

  9. Nancy

    I'm so very sorry to read about the tough time Mike (and you and your family) are having right now. I wish I had the words to make it better. I send my prayers out that Mike improves and you have the strength to deal with this very difficult situation.

    Gail p-m

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