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gail p-m

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Posts posted by gail p-m

  1. Cindi

    Good luck on a swift and fairly "trouble-free" move. Is there such a thing as a "trouble-free" move? We'll join you at the bar when you're all set up and drinkin' again.

    Gail p-m

  2. Peggy--

    Glad to hear the lump is just a cyst. That's good news! Now that your husband is on medical leave from work, as you say, he should have more energy and stamina to fight the "beast". Hopefully, the two of you will be able to go on a trip somewhere once all those darned scans are done. I suspect your husband who needs to be busy all of the time may not have travelled all that much. He might find that he really enjoys himself at a bit slower pace. Prayers to your husband, son, and you. Please keep us updateed.

    Gail p-m

  3. I'm so glad that nothing "nasty" was found on your MRI. But sorry that you still are not able to do anything about your headaches. Sounds like you have a good doctor looking after you and hopefully, he will find the "solveable? or solvable?" problem soon and deal with it.

    Gail p-m

  4. I haven't posted an update on my Dad for quite some time because he has been very fortunate in being STABLE for quite some time. However, it looks like things are changing. He started coughing up slight amounts of blood and had a bronchosopy last week and they found some cancer in his lung. He was also complaining about some pain around his nipple and was sent to a surgeon today who was extremely concerned about it. He said it probably should come out but he wants to wait until a PET is done (currently scheduled for May 19th but we're trying to get it moved up). Surgeon said if there is a lot of activity in that area he wouldn't take it out because the cancer would have metasticized and my Dad would have bigger problems than that. So that's where we are right now. Waiting, waiting, waiting and I'm not really sure we want to hear the answers. Please keep my Dad in your prayers. He has fought this beast for almost 5 years now and I want him to "win".

  5. Glad to see you posting too. I've spent my share of time in ER's with my Dad and two of my kids who've had serious illnesses. I think if you try a little harder, you could find a better place to have a date with Karen. (Perhaps the ones in your neck of the woods beat those in B.C. though) Also glad that you got the air cleared with the relatives and it's so important that everyone is on the same page. Now get yourself well enough so you can enjoy that postponed holiday.

    Seding my prayers to all the Chapmans.

    Gail p-m

  6. Karen--

    I really don't have anything more to add to what the others have said so eloquently. I can't imagine in my wildest dreams coping with what you're going through. And just the fact that you get up each day and get through it says so much about the person you are. As others have said, you need a "rest" or "getaway" to recharge your batteries. I know no one who deserves it more. My words seem so inadequate for what you are coping with.

    Prayers for all of you.

    Gail p-m

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