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gail p-m

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Posts posted by gail p-m

  1. Prayers being sent that David beats this pneumonia quickly and then can use his energies to continue to battle this beast. As a matter of fact, prayers for all the Chapmans.

    Gail p-m

  2. Always glad to hear about NED. I do wish he'd visit everyone more often. Keep up the good work!

    Gail p-m

  3. I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. It's so hard to lose one you love so much. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this very difficult time.

    Gail p-m

  4. I'm so sorry that your Mom is having such a rough time of it. It's so hard to watch and you feel so helpless. Prayers that your Mom has some good days and really soon. In the meantime, please know that you are doing your best for her and how much she is loving her beautiful granddaughter.

    Gail p-m

  5. Hope Lucie's leg pain eases up soon. And keep going to the gym -- isn't it a great stress release?

    My best to you both.

    Gail p-m

  6. Peggy,

    I'm really thrilled to hear about your son. Our children are so precious to us -- nothing worse than a sick kid. As for your husband, I'm so sorry to hear of his troubles. Sounds a bit like what we're going through with my Dad right now who really should be phoning his oncologist but he wants to wait awhile. He shouldn't but what can I do? Men!! Prayers for your husband.

    Gail p-m

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