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gail p-m

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Posts posted by gail p-m

  1. Yes, that is amazing in the span of 1 week going from almonst on a ventilator to happy shopping! Only thing better than shopping is buying!!! Hope all appts. this week go well.

    Gail p-m

  2. I'm so sorry that on top of everything else, you have to worry about health insurance now. I hope things in this area resolve quickly so that the focus can be kept on fighting this da** disease. That's more than enough to worry about.

    Prayers continue.

    Gail p-m

  3. David --

    I'm so sorry to hear about the pain which they still can't seem to get under control. You're long overdue for a break from the da** disease. I know this is all discouraging for you but remember many of us send prayers daily for the Chapman family and we're not going to stop.

    Gail P-M

  4. Peggy--

    I'm so so sorry to hear this rotten news. Please don't worry about sharing the truth and discouraging any of us. You've been such an inspiration and encourager, now it's our turn to try to help you out. It's good to get the emotions and worries "out" as you have done. You have my unending prayers that Alimta is the "magic bullet" for your husband. And I hope now that hubby is on medical leave, you two can go and do some "fun" things together when hubby is feeling well enough to do so.

    Gail p-m

  5. Hi Michael--

    Welcome to a great support group! I'm not sure why they are not doing chemo for you either; a second opinion never hurts. My Dad is almost a 5 year survivor of l.c. and he's 81. I believe he is going to hit a "rough road" shortly (he just had a PET today due to new problems which are indicative of a spread); however, he's geared up to continue fighting and working on the next 5 years. So please don't believe those statistics.

    Gail p-m

    PS I'm just a bit north of you in B.C.

  6. Kel

    I'm sorry you're at this crossroads with your mother. I know how difficult it is -- having done it with my mom 7 years ago. You love them so much and don't want to let go, yet you see their pain and suffering and wonder how much more they can take.... It's a tough place to be for both you and your mom. I send my prayers to both of you.


    Gail p-m

  7. Yikes, Beth! Sorry you're having such a rough time with the nausea. Prayers it will be under control soon and you'll be back to your old self. In the meantime, I'll be thinking of you and looking for an update when you get the upper hand on this thing.

    Gail p-m

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