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gail p-m

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Posts posted by gail p-m

  1. Must share my dental story last week. On the way to work and chewing a breath mint after my coffee. And crunch -- I thought it was a filling and then realized I had little pieces of ground enamel and I knew I had a problem. Got to dentist the next day and had to leave even though my substitute (I'm a teacher) didn't show up and had to inconvenience others to cover my class. Anyhow, I'm in the dental chair nervous and a bit exhausted from the rush (it was also Sport's Day in the morning and I repeated the same instructions 18 times to different groups of kids). Then the dentist berates me saying that the tooth had a large filling (about 1/4 of the tooth had broken off and some of it was still in the gum). I mentioned to the dentist that i did not choose the tooth to break. Next, he asked me how it broke and I told him I was chewing a candy; then he went on to tell me that he doesn't have candy at which time I started to mumble and he had to stop doing whatever he was doing in myy mouth; I then proceeded to tell him that the candy was sugarless. That was the last of our conversation that day. So, yes, go and blow up a bit about the dentist even though that's an easily fixable problem. That's part of being human, these little aggravations as long as we get them back into perspective.

    Hope your visit is painless.

    Gail p=m

  2. My father has had a small recurrence. It was originally picked up due to coughing up blood and a bronchoscopy seemed to relieve the symptom. The "spot" showed up on a PET but not on the CT after the bronchoscopy. We're going to the oncologist on Friday to discuss the option of waiting and watching vs. Tarceva. My father is elderly and had quite a tough time on chemo some time back. He has adenocarcinoma with BAC features and has been fortunate that this has tended to be slow growing thus far. Since Tarceva is relatively mild compared to regular chemos, I'm almost afraid of "using it up" on something small and wonder if we should wait until more cancer appears. On the other hand, my father seems to want to do something and is leaning towards the Tarceva. I guess there is no right or wrong for this one but I'd be interested in opinions.

    I am also very intersted to hear of your experiences with Tarceva. How long do you typically take it before scans? Side effects? (From reading the posts that have come up with Tarceva, it seems that severe skin and scalp rashes are the worst side effect? How do you usually treat those? How successful was Tarceva in fighting your cancer? For those who Tarceva helped, how long did you use it before it lost its effectiveness, assuming it did. What else should I know about Tarceva that the oncologist might not mention? Are there any questions that I should ask?



  3. Glad you and your partner were able to make that trip. It must have been really important to her and somehow or other, she saved her strength for those special days. My thoughts and prayers are with both of you.

    Gail p-m

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