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gail p-m

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Posts posted by gail p-m

  1. Interesting to read about that hybrid scanner. My Dad just had a PET. Now, of course, they say that he needs a CT. We waited for the PET for 2 weeks and now another week for the CT. Would be nice to do "one stop shopping" instead.

    Crossing my fingers that you have a sale on your house this weekend. It sounds like you have a lot of people working to get the house in shape for a quick sale.

    Good to see you post.

    Gail p-m

  2. Hi Denise

    I'm so so sorry to read the sad news on your post. I also totally understand how difficult it is being far away. I live in BC and my Dad lives in NY. I spent a summer there a couple of years ago to help out when my Dad was getting chemo. Yes, my kids are older but my teenager still needed supervision and mothering -- so I was with my Dad but feeling guilty all the time feeling like I should have been with my son... It's a tough cycle. I may be heading back to NY in a few weeks as my Dad seems to be in need of some more chemo again. Anyway, Denise, again I do understand the stress your feeling. Do take your kids and spend time with your Mom. No doubt that will boost her spirits. And as all the others have said, don't listen to these doctors about time frames.

    My prayers and thoughts are with you.

    Gail p-m

  3. Peggy

    I'm sorry that Tarceva wasn't the "magic bullet" and hoping Alimita will be the one. I can understand the mixed emotions of cheers and tears after all those years of working with the same company. Now your hubby will just have to take some time to relax and enjoy and de-stress once those darn chemos are finished ----

    Have a good long weekend and as always my prayers continue for your family.

  4. Hi Donna--

    I know how hard the waiting for treatment can be. My father was recently dignosed with a recurrance of lung cancer through a bronchoscopy. Then the oncologist also wanted a PET cause of some other problems. He had to wait 2 weeks for the PET. Then it was a few days for oncologist appt. to get PET results. Then they got that and the doctor wants a CT which is tomorrow. Next Wed. is meeting with rad. onc.; then back to the regular oncologist to make a plan. You do feel helpless with all this waiting, knowing the cancer is inside of your loved one and not being "fought." However, in my heart, I know it's best to get the total picture to make the best plan. But why can't it be done more quickly??? Anyway, welcome to our board. It's a very special place. Good luck in the battle.

    Gail p-m

  5. Debi --

    I hesitate to say that I "enjoyed" your post. As a sometimes "caregiver", I have read into people's looks many things which I later found out weren't there. I have tried to "buddy up" with doctors receptionists when the doctor isn't in... My list of "neuroses" are numerous having also had 2 children with potentially very serious diseases. I HEAR you. Thank you for putting these things into words and you did it so well. I so agree that you should submit that for publication. You're a good writer.

    And oh, very glad your MRI was clean!!! Hope they find the cause for your dizziness and it's easily fixable or better yet, hope it goes away right NOW!

    GAIL p-m

  6. Yes, I've been watching those numbers too. They do seem to be increasing so rapidly. As others have said, I'm sorry there are so many but glad this website is here for all of them.

    gail p-m

  7. Kel

    I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your mom. She fought a good fight and as you say, she LIVED with cancer.

    My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.

    Gail p-m

  8. Welcome. You'll find lots of information and support here as well as long term survivors. Don't believe the statistics or what gloom and doom doctors have to say. And something else I've learned from these people is to always go for a second opinion. As Fay said, some have been told they're inoperable but they were later operated upon by a different surgeon.

    My prayers and thoughts go out to all of you and please keep us updated.

    Gail p-m

  9. Just wanted to say welcome to you and hopefully, Claire will join us when she is ready. As others have said, we don't judge anyone here. Our purpose is to offer support, caring and sharing of information. If we can't support Claire, perhaps we can support you if you need anything at all. You already sound like a wonderful support to Claire.

    Gail p-m

  10. Just wanted to say welcome to you. You sound like a very good friend and it's important to have friends like you when you're dealing with this da** disease. Will go right to Pam's website to have a look at it. Do keep us posted about Pam and perhaps she'll drop in at some point to say a "hello" to us.

    Gail p-m

  11. Welcome Leslie,

    What an interesting story you shared. Glad you got those amazing results from Iressa and hope they keep on happening from Tarceva. Keep us updated on your progress and you're right, 50 is young and you have lots of strength and stamina to fight this da** disease.

    Gail P-m

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