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gail p-m

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Posts posted by gail p-m

  1. Wish I could say that I'm not a worrier when it comes to my Dad's scans. It doesn't seem to get much easier either.

    About the only thing I can do is send out prayers for a set of good scans and they are on the way.

    Gail p-m

  2. Leslie-

    I agree that word "stable" is interesting. For awhile, I was disappointed in the word "stable", that is -- until my father's cancer began to progress again. Now I'd be very, very glad for stable. But I have to agree that the word "improvement" is even nicer.

    Prayers for improvement but remember you can live with stable for a very, very long time.

    Gail p-m

  3. Glad to hear you had a fabulous time in Chicago -- a well-deserved vacation.

    Back to reality. Hope your scans go well and you get some answers from the docs about your recent problems.

    Gail p-m

  4. Connie

    Congratulations on your 10th anniversary of beating lung cancer. What a victory against this horrendous beast. It can be done!

    Thank you for being so supportive of this board and radiating hope to those that need it.

    May I join you in your prayers and wishes that EVERYONE here that is battling LC, also will become a 10 year LC Survivor!

    Gail p-m

  5. Oh Maryanne,

    I'm sorry to hear the news about your dear friend, Stella. You've certainly had your share of grief during these last few weeks. But it is wonderful that you were "there" for both of these wonderful women. You won't regret it but you must bee truly exhausted.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and Stella's family..

    gail p-m

  6. Oh Peggy--

    I just can't begin to imagine how frightening the situation was for you. I'm glad things turned out as well as they could. Thank goodness Mike was there. Yep, that's one stubborn guy that you're married to. It was a good idea to "lay down the law" about who will do the mowing... I know how hard it was for you to do that and how equally hard or harder it was for Don to accept it.

    Sending out many prayers for the three of you.

    Gail p-m

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