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gail p-m

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Posts posted by gail p-m

  1. I think it all has been said on this thread already and I just want to add my vote for a dog and I personally, I've gone for the SPCA dogs and/or rescue group dogs. But do try to get background on the dogs to best meet your parent's needs. I have 2 dogs and 2 cats -- dogs are always excited to see you and give unconditional love. They make you think that you are the most important and most wonderful person in the world each and every time you come home. The cats --- well -- they're independent critters and will give you love when and if they want to.

    Let us know if you get your Mom a pet and how it goes.

    Gail P-M

  2. Glad to see the Good News. Especially happy to hear that Lucie's pain is much better and she is tolerating the chemo well. And I heartily agree that shopping makes one feel better too. As others have said, caregivers need "treats" too. If it's not shopping for you, what is it? Then go and get it or go and do it!!!! You two are an amazing couple -----

    Gail P-M

  3. I can only tell you about my Dad's experience. He had a very difficult time with chemo. For him, radiation was a breeze -- 35 treatments, he drove himself to all of them (he didn't have to), towards the end of treatments, he thought he felt more tired than at the start.... I have noticed that his capacity to walk distances has been somewhat diminished but then again, he hasn't tried to build up his walking too much. He's 80 years old so I figure he's doing well all things considered.

    Good luck to you with your decisions. It's so hard to know and everyone is different.

  4. I'm so sorry about your Dad. It's never easy even when we expect it. May your wonderful memories of your Dad provide you with some comfort. My sincerest condolences to you and your family.

    Gail P-M

    PS Cancer is horrible but I have also heard that testicular cancer is very survivable. Prayers for your nephew as well.

  5. Carleen--

    I too have been worrying and wondering about you and Keith. I'm so sorry that you've both had such a rough time of it lately. Sending my prayers that the newest treatment will help Keith. Also wishing that someone could be with you in New Orleans during those lonely days. I can assure you though that many of us will be thinking and praying for you even if we are not right there with you.

    Gail P-M

  6. Fay,

    So sorry you had such a rough time with the scans. And crying publicly isn't the worst thing in the world. I'm sure the techs have seen and heard it all before. What is important is that you let yourself know that you're human like the rest of us and have emotions that need to be "let out" and sometimes we lose control of where they will be "let out." That's the way we humans are.

    I will be praying for good scans for you. I know you have been having a hard time lately and am keeping everything crossed that it's time for your rollercoaster to go uphill.

    Gail P-M

  7. Shellie--

    It's hard to believe it has been a year already. I followed your Mom's story very closely, the love with which you gave her and shared in your anguish during her pain and when she passed. Then your father ---- Now your sister. This is too much for anyone.

    May your sister's margins be clear and may she soon be on the road to good health!

    Gail P-M

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