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gail p-m

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Posts posted by gail p-m

  1. Sorry to hear about your best friend but maybe the steroids will help your friend live a quality life awhile longer. I have 2 best furrry friends,one of whom has had liver cancer and had an operation which gave her another good year. Looks like her problems may be back again and I really fear having to make the decision as to whether i have to put her down when her suffering reaches that point. I hope I have the strength to do it.

    Wishing your best friend much more quality time. I know how much you can love them.

    Gail P-M

  2. My Dad who is a stage III gets a CT scan every 3 months and I'm glad he does. If it recurs, better get it sooner than later. ((He had an oncologist we were not at all happy with; had to stick with him through his rounds of chemo but once they finished, we found a new oncologist; no regrets).

    Ask for and get what seems reasonable. Do not hesitate to change doctors if you're not happy.

    Good luck

    Gail P-M

  3. Thanks for letting us know why you won't be with us and it's for a good reason. You keep up the fight, concentrate on getting well, and please, please come back to us when you can. In the meantime, my thoughts and prayers will go out to you each day.

    Gail P-M

  4. Cat

    Thanks for letting us know what's going on with you. You get lots of rest right now so you can continue to fight. I hope we meet your daughter soon. You know she will be welcomed.

    Take care and am continuing to send prayers your way.

    Gail P-M

  5. Fay

    So glad to hear your good news of no mets. Sorry you have the other problems happening but glad to hear that they can and will be dealt with. Keep your goals list coming -- if anyone can meet them, you can.

    By the way, I didn't know it was you who broke the Sox's curse!!

    So glad for you.

    Gail P-M

  6. Thanks for the update. Wanting Cat to know that I think about her often and am always looking for posts from her. Prayers and thoughts being sent to Cat during this very difficult time.

    Gail P-M

  7. Prayers coming from me too Cat. As others have said, this is the time to rely on your daughter. It would be so nice for you to have someone at your side to help you through these very hard times. You can do it, Cat.

    Gail P-m

  8. Dave

    You will feel better when that chemo is over and done with. It's nasty stuff but you will get through it and be back to your old self. In the meantime, please know that many of us are thinking of you, Karen, and Faith during this rough period. But it will end!

    Gail P-M

  9. Katie

    Just because your Dad isn't "young", don't give up! My Dad was diagnosed at age 76 and he turned 80 in Feb. We've certainly had some "roller coaster" times but overall, he's done very well and has had a good quality of life during these years. During these years, he has been to Mexico with my family, gone on a cruise with his 4 grandchildren, daughters and their husbands and danced at his younger daughter's wedding. He still lives on his own and functions well. Chemo was a hard time but I moved in and he got through it. Radiation, for him, wasn't bad and very effective. Personally, I don't know much about the Mayo Scottsdale but I do know that the Mayo Clinic has a worldwide reputation. Make sure you're comfortable with the oncologist and their advice. That's so important. Never be afraid to seek a second opinion. And as you've probably noticed, there is a lot of experience and expertise on this board. So also continue to ask your questions and share your experiences with us.

    Good luck to you and your family.

    Gail p-m

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