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gail p-m

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Posts posted by gail p-m

  1. Don't know what to say about the lack of appetite but Ensure did keep my father going during his chemo. He didn't really want it but he did get it down. Prayers the vaccine gives you wonderful results.

    Gail p-m

  2. I just don't know what to say except I'm so sorry that your family has to deal with this lc stuff again. At least, you can provide John's mother with the information that she will need so much esp. in the early months. I couldn't imagine anyone else being a better support.

    Gail p-m

  3. I can't imagine anything tougher or more emotionally draining than what you and your Gram are going through right now. I will send prayers that gives you and your Gram strength to see this through. You'll be glad you did.

    Gail P-m

  4. I am so sorry for your loss. Keep in mind that you were a wonderful friend right down to the bitter end and I have no doubt that you'll continue being a wonderful friend to his wife.

    Prayers and thoughts to all of you.

    Gail p-m

  5. It is time for that miracle. I also promise everyday to pray for it for Dave and his family. I only wish I could do more.


    Gail P-M

  6. Fay--

    I always look forward to your posts. You are an inspiration to us -- whether we are the "patient" or the "caregiver". You have so much common sense and wisdom. Gotta get going on my list of things I want to do even as you said, they may sound improbable. And Fay, if anyone can hang in there until they find a cure, it's you!

    You take care!

    Gail p-m

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