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Everything posted by wendyr

  1. My thoughts and prayers are with you. May you find peace & strength wendy
  2. wendyr


    That's wonderful news. I am very happy for you. Congratulations. wendy
  3. wendyr

    Book Vent

    Couldn't have said it any better. You are absolutely right on. I've heard of the book but haven't read it. Good Vent and a Good Rant wendy
  4. Hi Shelley: welcome to the boards. There are some wonderful people here to offer advice and support. The only thing I would add is that if you are not comfortable with the diagnosis (staging) or treatment plan then you should get a second opinion. 67 years of age is not old these days - my husband was diagnosed last year at age 69 and was a life time smoker. We did not care for the first onc we saw and sought a second opinion at a major cancer center. Please read the profile below. IF there is a major comprehensive cancer center near you I strongly suggest you make an appointment with them. Please be sure to keep us posted. Good luck and God Bless wendy
  5. A blonde travelling to Houston sees an empty seat in first class and moves to it. The stewardess tells her she can't change seats and must go back to economy. the blonde says 'I'm blonde I'm beautiful and I'm going to Houston first class. The second attendant tells her she didn't pay for first class and must return to economy. Same response 'I'm blonde, I'm beautiful and I'm going to Houston first class. They go to the cockpit & explain what's going on. The co-pilot says, I'll handle it. He goes to her and gets the same response. I'm blonde, I'm beautiful and I'm going to Houston first class. He returns to the cockpit & tells the pilot maybe they should have the police waiting for her when they land. The pilot says "no problem, I'll handle it. I've been married to a blonde for 15 years, I SPEAK BLONDE. He goes to her and whispers in her ear. She smiles, says 'Oh, so sorry" and returns to her seat in economy. Everyone wants to know what he said to make her move. He replies " I just told her first class wasn't going to Houston:"
  6. Loved it. That was hilarious wendy
  7. I like diet coke (sometimes with bourbon) I love living in Florida I was born in England Wendy
  8. she should eat whatever she can, when she can. Her onc can prescribe meds for the esophagus that will numb it. The pharmacist compounds it. It's mylanta, lidocaine and benadryl Wendy
  9. The simulation and tattoo is done prior to actual radiation so they know where to 'shoot the radiation' Stay pro-active. Plus there are military people here who may be able to help you with VA issues Wendy
  10. I also get copies of all paperwork, blood work, chemo charts etc. The cancer center where we've been going since last May know I want this & I don't even have to ask for it anymore. They just run off copies for me. Wendy
  11. Maurice was given steroids to take the night before and the morning of chemo. He was superman for 2 days then crashed and burned. He never had nausea but there are lots of people here who will be able to help you with that issue. I think a new granddaughter in his future is wonderful and just the upper he needs right now. Good luck and God Bless Wendy
  12. Hi Jenna: Welcome to the boards. There are some very knowledgable and caring people here ready to help you. I have no experience with the VA but my husband was treated with chemo and radiation within the same period and some weeks he got radiation and chemo on the same day, however his onc started weekly chemo immediately and by the time he was simulated and tatood (sp?) three weeks went by before radiation started. You can read his profile to see how the time lines went. Radiation is typically every day, Mon thru Fri, and they are usually closed weekends and holidays. His radiation treatment ran over the 4th of July when they were closed, and one day the machine broke down, but they just tacked the treatments on to the end of the schedule, so he finished 2 days later than expected. No big deal. The only other thing I can add is that you must be an advocate for your father and insist on treatment and acceptable time frames. Be nice to the doctors, but let them know you want straight answers and no runaround re treatment. Good Luck Wendy
  13. My husband stays cold all the time and we live in Florida! I think it's fairly common. Wendy
  14. She is indeed amazing and an inspiration to us all. She has been through so much. Happy Anniversary to her and may she have many more. Wendy
  15. Can't add to the resources for you but a big HOORAH coming your way for your activism. We need more like you. Good Luck Wendy
  16. You naughty, naughty boy. Thanks for the laugh wendy
  17. This all makes so much sense. It will be good to be able to eliminate the either/or condition Wendy
  18. wendyr

    Dear Dave!!!

    Consider it done. Prayers on the way and wishing the very best for Dave Wendy
  19. Welcome. You will find a lot of information and support here from terrific people who;ve been there, done that. My husband has been on Tarceva and Avastin for 6 weeks and already the disease is stable with some minor shrinkage. It is indeed a terrible roller coaster but that is all part of it. Some days are good, other days not so good. Good luck and God Bless Wendy
  20. Well Hi There: Welcome back wendy
  21. Welcome Gina. So sorry to learn of your Dad's illness but this is a great place for information and support. Glad you found us and sorry you need us. Wendy
  22. We generally get our reports in 2 days, no more than 3. Be proactive and follow up. Your wait time is way overdue Wendy
  23. We saw the oncologist today and got the news that everything is stable with some minor decrease in tumor size in the lung. There might be a problem with his right femur and he's to have an MRI next week to find out what's going on. The onc didn't seem too concerned about it. He has complained of severe pain in all his joints since going on Avastin and she feels the Avastin is excaserbating (spelling?) existing arthritis pain and the hip may be just more arthritis. Also not drinking enough fluids. Thanks for all your support. I believe I'll be sleeping a little better tonight. Thanks Wendy
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