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Everything posted by fillise

  1. Hi Leslie, Mo mom is on the Carbo/Taxol regime. She hasn't had any nausea. Ned's description sounds pretty much like her experience. Feels fine the day of and the day after and pretty tired and achy on days 3 & 4. Most of her aches, she thinks, come from the Neulasta shot the day after. Her hair started falling out two weeks after her first treatment and was pretty well all gone a few days later. She will have her fourth treatment on Wednesday and overall the chemo hasn't been as bad as she expected. After her third treatment she had mild problems with mouth sores which seemed easily handled by avoiding acidic foods. It is an all day process, so comfy cloths and reading material or a protable DVD or IPOD will he helpful. Mom tends to sleep after the Benadryl so she just sticks with taking a book or a couple of magazines. Good luck to your Dad on Friday. Be sure to let us know how he does. Susan
  2. Glad you found us. This certainly sounds a little like the sequence of events that led to my Mom's dx (you can read about it in my profile). I hope you get a better result, but if you need us we are here. Susan
  3. Forgetfulness could be relater to the chemo. There was an interesting article on this very subject in today's NY TIMES: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/29/healt ... ref=health Susan
  4. Welcome Kathy, We are glad you found us! Susan
  5. It's bad enough to have to deal with the cancer, but then it also seems to bring out all the family frictions too. I would hope that you could feel free to contribute your ideas about your dad's treatment, but in the end he is the one that has to make the decisions about his treatment. You cannot force him to get a second opinion or take a particular treatment. On the other hand, you can't stop living your life either. i suspect that you are right about your Dad not wanting your to chrotchange your own children because of him. At this stage, it is very likely that nothing will happen if your leave town for a few days or even a week. Life has to go on--otherwise the beast wins and we can never let that happen! ((((Hugs)))) Susan
  6. Mom--I don't know what to tell you except that whether your husband goes before or after she passes needs to be a decision you and he make and not one made by the other members of his family. He needs to decide how best to deal with the end stage of her disease--he's the one that has to decide how best to say goodbye to her. God bless you both! Susan
  7. Sue, Prayers for Wednesday--Count on it! Susan
  8. Leslie and Adrain, First, let me say how sorry I am to hear of your father's diagnosis. It is so scary--especially in the beginning and especially when you first hit the web and start reading about the prognosis. Then you find this site and it is upbeat, and hopeful with many stories of long term survivors and you feel like you've found shelter in a storm. My mom was diagnosed with Stage IV NSCLC in January and I've been where you are now. A second opinion is never a bad thing. The chemo your Onc. is recommending is a standard first line treatment. It is the regimine my mother is on. She has had three rounds so far and will have her fourth on Wednesday. The side effect haven't been too bad. She lost all her hair pretty quickly from the Taxol, but hasn't had any nausea. She gets tired and sore for 3-4 days after a treatment, but then starts the upswing. She hates the Neulasta shots worse than the actual chemo. I was able to go home for a visit between her second and third threatments and was surprised at how good she looked and how much energy she has. I look forward to meeting your Dad, but in the meantime, I'm glad you found us. Susan
  9. Lisa, this is a great place to find answers. It sounds like your Dad is making progress and that always sounds good! Susan
  10. Lisa, I don't know much about the meso, but I'm sure you will get good advice here. In the meantime, know that you have lots of people here who will support your as you support your mom. Susan
  11. Pammie--Congrats on getting the treatments behind you. Let your body rest and recover so you can get back to your family! ((((Hugs)))) Susan
  12. It may be just the disease with a good dose of apprehension, but I know it would be comforting to get a Dr. to check on it. Susan
  13. Nova--Welcome! It sounds like you've jumped right in and have gotten and given good advice already. I hate that you have to be here, but if you gotta deal with the beast, this is the best place I've found for support and love. Susan
  14. Hi Dana and Welcome! We're glad you found us. Susan
  15. Sherry--I don't think getting your hair and your life back is too much to ask at all. I hope you get an abundanc of both! Welcome and keep up posted on your progress. Susan
  16. Chillsey, I'm so sorry you have to be here, but so glad you found us. I, too, have a 77 year-old mom with NSCLC. In fact, she also has a 3 cm tumor in her lung. I can't answer your questions about the coughing and shortness of breath as, so far, Mom hasn't experience that yet. There are pleny of people here who will do their best to answer your questions with their experience. It might be helpful if you could post information about your mom and her diagnosis in your profile. That way people will know better how to respond to your questions. The first thing I suggest is to stop using the word "terminal" and to seek a doctor that will treat her aggressively, if that is what she wants. There are many people on this board who have had that word flung at them and I'm happy to say that they flung it right back and have exceeded all expectations. Peace, Susan
  17. Great news! I was thinking about you yesterday. Susan
  18. Good luck and praying it isn't cancer! Susan
  19. Aaron--thanks for the update. I hope the trial goes well and you can have more "up" days soon! Susan
  20. Jimbo--Welcome! We are glad you found us--this really is an oasis of support and hope in a desert of disease. The people here are great. Susan
  21. Thanks Raney. I'm goign to check it out. Susan
  22. Three weeks is a great milestone! Every day should get easier now. I'm so proud of you! Susan
  23. Do you think he might have pnumonia?
  24. I've been wondering about Aaron too. If you can, let us know how you are doing. Susan
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