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Everything posted by fillise

  1. You and your mom and in my thoughts and prayers. Ernie seems to have a great approach to handling the ups and downs of dealing with this disease. I also think you need time to process the new events so taking a day and then moving forward sounds like a very healthy thing to me. Best of luck. Susan
  2. I think it is normal for your Mom to want to keep her memories with the folks that knew and loved your Dad. As for her question about the soul. I do believe that it is released from the body when physical death occurs. This is a little strange and it was a very long time ago but I remember seeing something on TV about researchers trying to document this. They hypothisized that if the soul is real it must have some weight and therefore a dead body would weigh less than a live one. They got permission from from some individuals close to death to spend their last moments on a table that functioned as a finely calibrated scale. At the time of death they reported a very small, but measurable decrease in weight, which they determined was the soul leaving the body. At the time I thought this was as bogus as it gets and I remember the whole show as being creepy, but I couldn't stop watching it. My belief, however, comes not from this show, but from my faith. I hope this didn't creep you out. If it did, I'm sorry. It just seemed that the question your mother was asking is one that many people have asked.
  3. fillise


    I know it is easy to fall away from extended family when the links holding you together begin to disappear. I'd say something to make it clear you wish to still be included in the family. Sometimes people make decision for us (isn't her baby due about then--she won't be able to come anyway. . . let's not bother her. . .)and we need to remind them that we do want to know what's going on. I started to feel like this with some of my extended family so I made a email distribution list so I could keep everyone updated on my Mom's treatments. It has turned out to be a great way to keep everyone updated on what is happening in all the branches of the family. Maybe you could try somethimg similar. I know it stinks that you always have to be the one to initiate the contact, but sometimes you just have to accept that as the price for staying in touch. Best of luck to you! Susan
  4. Done! Please be sure to let us know.
  5. Lucyshope--It's so easy to be terrified when you are so far away. I hope you get some good news about your sister soon. In the hospital they have a better chance at getting her stabilized and on a regime she can tolerate. Thinking of you--Susan ps--keep us posted.
  6. I'm so sorry your mom is not doing well. Prayers for your mom and for you! Susan
  7. Lucyshope, Let us know how your sis does with the transfusion. Please know that this is a very loving and supportive board so please feel free to share as you are ready. It's so easy to feel helpless as you watch someone you love deal with this evil disease. Susan
  8. It's wonderful you can get Tarceva! I'm thrilled for you and your husband that he is doing so well. Susan
  9. Here's how I think it goes: They find the LC very early. They treat it early. It recurs 5 years later and the person dies a l year agter that. The LC survival time is six years. They don't find the LC early. In fact they don't find it for 5 1/2 years. The person dies six months later. The survival time is six months. Early detection leads to longer survival, but not less deaths as both eventually died from the LC. The underlying premis is that once you have LC that is probably what they believe you are going to die from whether it is 2 years or 20 years later. At least that's the way I read the study.
  10. I spent much of the day wondering if it was the last Easter I would spend with my mom. I tried to be thankfull that she was here with us, and I was, but I find myself grieving the loss of carelessness. The loss of expectation that there will be many more holidays to come. In a lot of ways the grieving process has already begun. Maybe one Easter, when they play your mom's favorite hymn it will make you smile and feel closer to her. That's my prayer anyway.
  11. Judy--we were at a family funeral on Monday and everyone kept asking my mother how she was feeling and she said "fine" because she was feeling fine. Then they all pulled me aside and asked "how's she really doing?" To which I replied "fine, she's tolerating the treatments very well." They all expected to see her wasting away and were stunned that she wasn't. When we saw her oncologist on Thursday she told him that she thought the diesase and treatment were supposed to take away her appetite, but that she was as hungry as ever. He said "I can't help it if too too healthy--expect for this one little problem." Take care of yourself and don't be afraid to asset yourself to keep healthy and strong.
  12. Mitchell--You can walk over my face with cleats anyday if it will keep you smoke free! PM me if you need to and rant away. I'm rooting for you! Susan
  13. Missy--It stinks to feel like you are pulled in so many directions and not being able to do the one thing you really want and need to do. It's ironic that you are dealing with both the begenning and the end of life at the same time. I don't know there is one right thing to do except to determine where you need to be and what needs your attention and let the other things slide for a couple of weeks.--I'm thinking about you. Susan
  14. fillise

    My cousin passed

    You have my condolences on your loss. Susan
  15. Hang in there--you've come to the right place! The people here are full of wisdom and experience and prayers. Let us know how your mom containues to do. Susan
  16. Hi Marilyn! So sorry you have to be here, but don't give up hope and keep fighting. My mom was diagnosed with Stage IV NSCLC in January and is fighting it hard. She's doing great so far. Make them give you the treatment you deserve and the chance to fight and win! Best of luck--Susan
  17. Amanda--I'm so sorry. I am thinking of you. Susan
  18. Flowergirlie--I'm so sorry. I am thinking of you and your children. He's at peace and I pray that you will be filled with peace as well. Susan
  19. fillise

    Ger's Obituary

    Thanks for sharing this with us. You are in my thoughts. Susan
  20. Aaron--here's to plan C! Let's hope this is the one. Susan
  21. fillise


    Hi Shelley--Mom has had two neulasta shots. She has found the bone pain from the shots the worst part of her chemo (physically). She has her chemo On Thurs, gets the shot on Friday and then feels pretty crummy on Saturday and Sunday. She seems to bounce back on Monday. Pain meds help and it really only gets unbearable if she forgets to take them on time. Her white counts have been great through. I hope your mom does well on it. Susan
  22. best of luck--your cousin sounds like an answer to a prayer!--Susan
  23. It was published in this morning's Mobile Press Register and on Friday in the Opelika-Auburn News. Link to the Register Article is here: http://www.al.com/opinion/press-register/index.ssf?/base/opinion/117541929577050.xml&coll=3
  24. fillise

    A Great Week

    Congratulations Erinie! Enjoy those chores--er--I mean recreational activities!--Susan
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