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Everything posted by dscherer

  1. Let Bill know he is in my family's prayers. I believe in my heart prayers are heard! Continue to fight and believe! Dana
  2. I am so sorry that you have a reason to be here but I am so glad that you found us here. You will find hope and strength through others. Ask any questions you may have, there is always someone here to help. Find Dr.'s you have faith in and stay positive. My prayers are with you and your family, Dana
  3. I am so sorry to hear this latest news. Have faith and fight. Believe you can do it. I will pray for you both. Dana
  4. I hate that cancer can cause so much fear. From the day my mom was diagnosed my life changed. I think about cancer everyday and I hate that it has that much power!!! My mom is doing well she has started her PCI. WHat I hate is the worry. I am afraid to get to excited when we get good news because I am afraid that in a heart beat that will change. I don't want to live everyday waiting for the rug to get pulled out from under me again. I know our journey is new but does this feeling ever go away? Does the fear go away? I don't want cancer to have control. I am hoping you get to a point when I can "relax" just a little. Well thank you all for listening. My prayers go to all who fight this disease and their family's. I want more then anything to wake up tomorrow and turn on the news and see breaking news "CURE FOUND" I pray that is soon! Sorry for rambling, Dana
  5. A sparkling clean house, so I don't have to do it tomorrow. Dana PS And maybe I won't!!!!!!!
  6. My deepest condolences to your family. My you all find strength and peace. Dana
  7. I think we all need time to digest what is told to us. You shouldn't feel bad, you are human. I think I am that way at most of my mom's appointments. I always think of questions the next day. My mom's Dr gave me his e-mail because he has learned I usually need time to really take in all he says. You are am amazing care giver. Ask questions and keep asking until you understand. SOmetimes Dr.'s just don't talk english!!! My prayers are with you both, stay strong, Dana
  8. I want to thank you for all the info you bring to all of us. I appreciate all that you do. You are an amazing advocate for all of us!!! Thank you Thank you Thank you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dana
  9. My mom had leg trouble during her chemo. Just talked with her DR more about it and he said it is probably from the platinum in the chemo. My mom also said her legs felt jumpy and kept her up at night. It has been getting better with time now that she is done with chemo. Hope this helps Prayers to you and your family, Dana
  10. The Cancer Conqurer It was a real turning point for me. It gave hope!!! My mom and dad loved it and we all returned to it during the hard times!!! Dana
  11. This is a great post. I would run it over with my car. NO not just once but back and forth over and over!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or.... maybe drown it so it could feel how it feels to have your breath taken away!!!!! Dana
  12. dscherer

    My Dad :(

    I am so very sorry to hear this news. I will pray for strength for you and your family. Dana
  13. I am so sorry to hear this news but try to stay strong and have faith. Believe in those new treatments. I will sends some positive thoughts and prayers to you!!!! Dana
  14. dscherer

    Makes Me Cry

    We were meeting with my mom's radiation onc today about starting PCI. As we were waiting my dad told me he heard this song that was amazing but he wasn't sure what it was called. I bet this was it!!!! Extra tears hear because I also can't wait to tell my dad. There will be tears for him to!!!! Thank you!!! Dana
  15. I am so sorry for your loss. Your mom put up an incredible fight and is an inspiration to many! Gods blessing, Dana
  16. Though I don't have alot of experience with this type of pain after surgery, I have read from many how extreme the pain can be. Please discuss this with your Dr. to see what else they can do. The pain meds alone can do strange things to the mind. I will pray for good scan results and that they can find a way to manage the pain. Please keep us posted. Prayers to you both, Dana
  17. Missy, Even though my mom was just diagnosed in Feb, I find the info you share an incredible help. No one can know what the outcome will be but I can honestly say I would be sad if you stopped posting. You have to much to offer. You share your story so openly and I don't think you realize how many people your posts have helped. When my mom was diagnosed I felt very alone. WIthout even knowing it you helped me not feel so alone. I am so sorry that you had to go through all that you did, but you are making a difference, even if you didn't know it. You need to do what feels right to you but I needed you to know that you helped me and I know I am one of many. Prayers to you, Dana
  18. I am so sorry to hear about your struggle. I don't have much to add but the fentynol (sp.??) patch helped my mom. I hope you find something soon. It is so very difficult to watch as someone you love endures so much. It doesn't sound like his body has had much time to heal. With the chemo it is very hard for the body to heal. My prayers go out to you both, Dana
  19. Tracy, I am so sorry that you have all this on your shoulders but right now you have to just focus on you and the fight. Let your friends help, sometimes they are as close as family. Let the rest go. FOcus on what you and your family need to do to get you well!! Do whatever it takes!!! Always remember you have a whole family right here ready to do anything you may need, just say the word! My prayers go out to you and your family and your friends!!! We find support in those closest to us, family or not! Prayers being sent, Dana
  20. ((Oh Nova)) I was hoping Harry was feeling better, I am so sorry. I am so sorry that his treatment has been so difficult. My mom felt bad most of the time, it is just so hard!! I wish I could think of something that would help him that you haven't already heard about! I will continue to pray for the two of you, better days are to come! Dana(
  21. HUrray for good news. Sounds like your mom is one tough lady. I will pray for you and your family to continue on this round of healing. I just know prayers are heard!!!! continued blessings, Dana
  22. I am so glad you are at home. There is no place like the comforts of home. Take your time and recoup. My thoughts and prayers are with you, please keep us up to date Dana
  23. WE met with my mom's oncolgist today and got great news! Her scans is NED!!!!!Her lung tumor is gone!!! He did see one suspicious spot on her brain MRI so he is going to compare it to her last one just to be safe. He did say if it was a met, radiation (I thought he said some thing with the word ablation......???? sound familiar) they should be able to zap it since it is very small. SO we scheduled to see her radiation oncologist on Monday to start her PCI and double check that one spot. We are just so happy that she had such a respose. I believe that prayers were heard. I want to thank everyone for there support and thoughts and prayers. WHen I found out about my mom's cancer I didn't know where to turn, it was so overwhelming. This site has given me hope and I then can share your stories with my mom and dad. I know we still have a road to climb but for just a few moments I feel I can breathe deep!!!!! If any one can share their PCI experience or have any idea what they other option (if that is a spot) any info is appreciated!!! Thank you!! I'm off for a glass of wine (Or maybe 2) My prayers go to all of you!!! Dana
  24. Great Great Great News. Prayer for a speedy recovery!! Dana
  25. This site has been amazing for me. I can honestly say the people here have helped me through some of my toughest days. I am so glad that you found us and that your husband is doing so well. This is a place where you can share emotions and ask questions and even laugh!! Great therapy!!! Welcome, Dana
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