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Everything posted by dscherer

  1. dscherer

    Too sad

    I am so sorry to hear this news. Prayers to you and your family for peace and comfort! Dana
  2. I am so very thankful that my grandma is finding ways to send us love from heaven!!! Dana
  3. I can always add to my prayer list. Sending them out! Dana
  4. I am so sorry to hear your struggle. I am sending prayers to you and your family during this time. Prayers, Dana
  5. I have also been away and just saw this post. I am so happy that it is cataracts. Now adays I am happy to hear almost anything as long as it isn't cancer!!! HURRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!! Dana
  6. dscherer


    I have also thought about her, I hope all is well! Dana
  7. I think anything woud be good. It is the time together, and time for dad, that really matters. Mom and I like tho try a new resterant and we also enjoy a shopping trip. Though a dinner theater is also a fun option. JUst took my MIL, it was great. Prayers to you and your family, Dana
  8. Oh I am so glad that the news was good. I believe that mom's protect us when they can. LC changes everything and I am sure she realizes how much worry is already there! Now as a daughter, I agree with you! We want to know these things so we can walk together through anything that may happen. Let mom know she should never do that again. (I have scolded my mom a time or two) YOu come and rant anytime you need. We are all here to support you and your family. God Bless, Dana
  9. dscherer


    Randy, You are a blessing to me tonight. My grandma passed this morning and this was beautiful! THank you, DAna
  10. dscherer

    My mother Randa

    I am so very sorry for your loss. Prayer for strength and peace. Dana
  11. I am greatful for my mom's good scans. I am very thankful that my grandma, who is under hospice care, came to long enough so I could tell her how much she means to me and that I love her. It was a moment that means the world to me. Dana
  12. OK I will be the first to say YES to the TP thing! Went to wedding, it was after I had my second child and my husband and I didn't get out much. Had a few glasses of wine. Used the restroom. Went straight back to the dance floor with a TP trail!!!!!! That is my luck! Dana
  13. I will send prayers to your dad and also your whole family! Stay strong and believe! God bless, Dana
  14. Today I feel sad because my grandma has become unresponsive. The Dr.s say we wait and keep her comfortable till god comes for her! Hard to say goodbye!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just hold her hand and tell her I love her! Dana
  15. I could live in my PJ's! Love them. Though in the summer I am lazy, during the school year it's up and dressed. Though I would love to see my 1st graders face when they show up and I am in my PJ's!!! I am the biggest fan of PJ Day at our school!!! Dana
  16. Please know that many have very rocky roads that lead to positive outcomes!! Just try to believe. WHen my mom was in treatment she lost alot of weight and I to "ratted" her out. I tried everything to get her calories up. We started doing Carnation instant breakfast with whole milk and fortified with powdered milk. We got to the point that each shake was over 600 calories. SHe still had to force herself to drink. Many times she would say through tears "I am trying my best" I am so sorry that you have this struggle. Please feel free to PM me anytime. Prayers are with you and your family, Dana
  17. Try and stay strong. CHemo was very tough on my mom. SHe had transfusions and spent some time in the hospital. Just try to keep fighting through and believe the chemo is also doing it's job!!!!! My prayers are with you, hope mom feels better soon!! Dana
  18. Hello Peachy, I am so sorry to hear that you have to make such difficult decisions. Only you know what is right for you, but please also listen to yur family. My mom has sclc, and it has been a bumpy ride, but right now she is doing well, enjoying life, has vacations planned, looking ahead. We always had a great relationship, but her diagnosis made it stronger. We will walk every step with her, supporting her. We take nothing for granted and feel blessed for everyday. We said many things that may not have been said and I am thankful for that. I shared my feelings and she shared hers. I pray for strength for you as you face this decision. Include your family, they just may be your stongest supporters. Prayers, Dana
  19. ((((Missy)))), I am sending a big cyber hug. This hug is for the happiness of your new beautiful baby and also for the saddness of missing your mom. I too believe your mom is looking down and holding that precious baby near. I believe in time you will "Feel" it and know! I can't say I understand, because I haven't walked in your shoes, but please know your family is in my prayers. We are all here to support you. Sending prayers, Dana
  20. I am thankful that my mom and dad and my two kids got to spend the day together golfing, laughing and just being together! I am so thankful that my parents are the best grandparents around!!! Prayers, Dana
  21. dscherer

    Thank You All

    I am so sorry. I send prayers to your family! Dana
  22. There is plenty of hope here!!! Please tell us about yourself. Welcome Dana
  23. dscherer

    My Dad

    I am so sorry for your loss. Prayers for strength and peace. Prayers, Dana
  24. Jen, I could just add my name to the bottom of your post. I do reading support at an elementary school and I am home with my kids during the summer. My mom also has scans on Monday and already I can't sleep. I find myself wanting school to start, not wanting to do much. I am going to give the advise that I to must follow. Worrying will get you nowhere! FInd some time for just you to relax! Most important, put all that worry into Gods hands. Pray and have faith, believe! Prayers to you, Dana
  25. I am so thankful that I got to spend the whole day with my mom back to school shopping with my kids. I am so thankful that my mom feels good! I am thankful that I have a wonderful husband who understands my emotional roller coaster. I am thankful my children have their grandma. I just love this, it's a great way to start or end a day. Prayers to all, Dana
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