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Everything posted by dscherer

  1. I am so excited to see recipes being posted, tried the salad and it was great. I have many recipes I will have to dig out and share. It is such an important part of taking care of yourself. This is great, Dana
  2. I really wish you luck as you enter this new treatmwnt. I wanted to let you know that my mom had a horrible time with cisplatin. She has had 5 treatments with carboplatin and doing much better. It has been nothing like te first time. I know that things are different for every person but this chemo has been great. She is out and about and doing her daily activities. Maybe a little more tired but otherwise so far so good. Nothing like the first time! My prayers are with you, Dana
  3. Debi, I am so very sorry for your loss. My heart is heavy for you and your family. I pray you find strength and comfort in the days to come. You and Alan have always been an inspiration to me and you will both continue to be! You are in my family's thoughts and prayers. Dana
  4. dscherer

    Moms Eulogy

    That was so very beautiful! With tears in my eyes I pray your family finds strength and peace in the days to come. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. Your mom was an inspiration. Dana
  5. Jen, Your family has my prayers today and everyday!!! I am going to eat a little chocolate for you! I pray for continued healing! Dana
  6. dscherer


    Ok I came here to see if you had checked in Bruce and now you are in trouble. I am starting to worry!!! Has all those wedding expenses sent you packing? I hope we hear from you soon and that all is well. Dana
  7. dscherer

    Raney Fleck

    I am so sorry to hear this news! My thoughts and prayers go out to your family. She will be remembered! Dana
  8. dscherer

    My mom is gone

    Robbi, I am so very sorry to hear this news. I pray for peace and strength for you and your family in the days to come. Dana
  9. I feel those words deep in my heart tonight. See, my mom's cancer returned and I have struggled with it all. My mom jumped right into fight mode. She told me "Don't you dare count me out!" I am supportive and will be with her everystep of the way. But....privately I have struggles. Your words opened my eyes! We don't know what tommorow will bring for any of us, so live each day fully. I printed those words and hung them up so each day when I wake up I can read them, what a great way to start the day. Thank you, you are an inspiration! Dana
  10. Ok, I need to start by saying my mom is agian in treatment and so far it is going well. Her last PET scan showed the one tumor and suspious spots on her bones. Her pain is better since in treatment and her new chemo isn't so hard. I see all these blessings and I am trying to believe with all my heart in the power of prayer. I pray everyday and I beleive I am heard but.... I am still angry. I am still scared out of my mind. I can't get this fear of losing her out of my mind. I believe I need to be believe and my faith needs to be complete. I just can't seem to completely give this to God. I can't seem to give it up to him and find comfort. I do believe in my mom and I do have faith, I don't want to send the message I have given up hope because that is the farthest from the truth. I just can't get rid of this fear. Can you have faith and still be so scared? I had a terrific Easter with my mom. We had fun. She is doing great and I am SOOOO thankful for that. I pray with all my heart that my mom is blessed with healing. I just don't know why I can pray with all my heart, believe I am heard and still be so afraid. Thank you all for giving me a chance to share my feelings. I am so thankful for this site and all of you. I do believe, it is just so hard. Prayers to all of you, Dana
  11. I licked a goat because I'm sexy and do what I want. Dana
  12. I am so sorry for your loss. I pray for peace for you and your family in the days to come. We are here to support you, let us know if there is anything we can do. Dana
  13. dscherer

    I am so excited

    I LOVE this news! Congrats!!!!!! Dana
  14. Jen, I am so happy for your family. I also need to share what an inspiration you are. I think of you at times when my faith is low. It reminds me to believe and have faith even at times when it is hard to see. I am glad that "Desperation" has left, though I know that you are thankful for everyday and for the gift of healing. I just want you to know that you helped me when I needed it most. Thank you. Continue to be greatful for everyday. Though it is different, time and healing are the greatest gift. Though my mom's cancer has returned I continue to pray. I continue to pray for those gifts. I still believe they can happen, miracles happen. I continue to pray for your family. I am so happy for you! Dana
  15. I am so happy to hear this news. At times it is hard to stay positive but you have to keep the faith.I will continue to send prayers your way. Keep the good news coming!!!!!! Dana
  16. dscherer


    Oh how my heart breaks to hear this news. Your unconditional love and devotion always shined through your words. I pray for strength and comfort for the days ahead. My hearts aches, Prayers, Dana
  17. Welcome, I am so sorry to hear that your mom has this diagnosis. I understand your feelings. My mom was diagnosed with sclc in Feb 07. Yur emotions will come. It is a roller coaster ride. I want you to know to keep hope. There many long term survivors of sclc. I pray for your family. Let us know any news we are here to help. Prayers to your family, Dana
  18. Well we found out today my mom's cancer is back. She found a lump right where her chest tube scar was from her surgery. Dr had scans done and it showed up on those. He had a biopsy done and it came back as sclc. Even the her Dr's were surprised they said this is very uncharacteristic for sclc. A first for them. Well at least we are the first at something! So we again go into treatment mode. Her Dr's are great and jumped right back in. They were shocked but ready to fight. They had other Dr's on the phone while we were still there, getting their opinions. My mom is ready to fight. She is the world to me. Her strenght and courage amazes me. I will walk every step of the way with her and my dad. We fight this as a family. Now I will again get into fight mode, but tonight I am sad and scared and angry. Just when I started to have days when cancer wasn't the first thing I thought of it comes rushing back in. I hate cancer! I hate that my mom has to endure so much! I hate the fear I see again in my dad's eyes! I hate that I had to tell my children! I hate that it is again in the front of my mind. (It never will leave my mind but at least for a while it was in the back.) I need to return to my faith and belief that this treatment will work. I need to find that place again, but tonight, it is just hard. Dana
  19. dscherer

    She's here

    Congrats to you both. This is wonderful news! CHerish every moment! Your mom is soooooo proud! Dana
  20. I am so sorry to hear this news. I pray for strength and peace for his family and all who knew him. Prayers being sent, Dana
  21. Was thinking of you also...I miss your posts. Hope all is going well. Dana
  22. dscherer

    Update on Mary

    My thoughts and prayers are with you. Dana
  23. I am sending prayers your way. Try hard to keep your faith and believe in your treatment. Believe this next treatment will be a success! Anytime you need support you come straight here, we are all cheering you on! You are in my family's prayers, Dana
  24. My mom had a horrible time with pain from her radiation. She used the magic mouthwash and had liquid morphine for awhile also. My mom did use the patch and it did help. I know this is a very difficult decision and I hope you find relief soon. Prayers to you, Dana
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