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Everything posted by dscherer

  1. I can relate to every word you said. I hate that this disease changes whole worlds. I have come to realize my life will never be the same.I hate that I live in fear of what will come next. I know that sick feeling you talk about and the pain in watching my dad really cry for the first time. I try to stay strong and have faith. I believe in prayer and pray each day! My life changed the day my mom was diagnosed, I just wish I could move past the fear. I am sorry I didn't help much, but as you can tell your post touched my heart and I can truely say,I understand. Prayers to you and our family, Dana
  2. dscherer

    Two Years!

    I am their to join the celebration! COngrats!!!! Prayers continue, Dana
  3. Oh I am so sorry that you have to have this weight on your heart. I too hat ethis disease! I pray that the chemo is working and with that comes renewed hope. Try to stay strong and believe and have faith. THis disease can drain us of those things, and Dr. who give time lines do not help, but it is so important to try to stay strong. I know that it is easier said than done, and all those feeling you have are real and OK to have. We all understand and are here to support you! Prayers to your family, Dana
  4. I am thankful, that since my mom was diagnosed, I have learned to truely put things in gods hands. I am thankful I have been blessed to feel the comfort and strength this gives me. This is a great idea! Prayers, Dana
  5. Nick, COngrats! A baby is such a precious blessing. Your excitement will grow. I wish your mom was here but she is with you! This child already has it's own guardian angel! I think Teri's book idea is a great idea! Prayers to you, Dana
  6. I am sending prayers to you today, I hope all goes well! Dana
  7. dscherer

    Weak moment

    Kelly, I wish I could say something real profound and ease your pain. Your feelings are real. There isn't a time limit for grief, each must walk that path in their own time. It isn't something you can rush! You sound like an amazing teacher, your students are very lucky! Take one day at a time. You can't loss that passion, it is still there, in your heart, give it time! Together, your family will find a new "routine" I know you don't want to, and I am so sorry that you have to, but together, you will make it through. Please know we are all here to support you, let us know how that first day back goes, Dana
  8. I think what you said is very important. I believe it is very important to have someone who truly understands. Also I think it is so great that you shared your stories with each other! I am so glad you found some comfort in being with her. In any situation, I think people do try to be sincere and well intentioned, but like you explained, they just don't get it, because they haven't been there. You are in my family's prayers and I thank you so much for sharing your story and your thoughts. In doing this you are helping many! Prayer to you, Dana
  9. Happy Days! Even I knew that one, and I'm not very good at this. Try this one............... It's time to play the music It's time to light the lights It's time to meet the ....... on the ...... Show tonight. Dana
  10. I am so glad that things are looking up. Please keep us posted! Prayers to your family, Dana
  11. ((((VESPA)))) A giant cyber hug! I am so sorry that you have so much on your shoulders. We all feel overwhelmed, but lack of support can make that worse, But please remember you have the support of everyone here! We all support you and your mom. Try to stay strong. Have faith! Prayers to you and mom, Dana
  12. This is something that I have had on my mind and I finally decided to put it into words. July 20th I captained a Relay for Life team in honor of my mom. I believe in the effort to promote funding and I can't wait for the day there is a cure. There is a great commercial that says "I dream of the day cancer is the little c" Anyway, I was lucky to win a raffle for dinner for 2 at a local bistro. I won it from the American Cancer Society. I believe the ACS does great things but here is where my frustration comes in. I pulled out the flyer with page after page talking about different cancers. Then on the last half of a page they listed Lung Cancer. The first line stated that 80% of lung cancers are due to smoking. A few more lines and that was it. For some reason this really bothers me. We try so hard to get more funding and to get rid of the "stimatism" that comes with LC and there it is in words. That just doesn't help. I come to this site everyday and read the posts and share hope and faith. We all know how hard we fight this disease and seeing it put in those words just bothered me. Thanks for letting me vent, I just want more funding and a cure!!! Prayers go out to you all, Dana
  13. Prayers you will all be home soon. COngrats and best wishes! Can't wait to see those pictures! Prayers to your whole family, Dana
  14. Just what I needed. THank you for sharing! Prayers, Dana
  15. dscherer

    An Unexpected Gift

    Teri, Thank you so much for sharing your special gift. The connection you and Bill had was so strong and that connection will go on. My prayers go out to you, Dana
  16. dscherer

    Thank You

    I am so sorry for your loss. I pray for comfort and strength for you and your dad. Prayers, Dana
  17. Do NOT back down. SOmetimes we have to push to get the care we want and deserve. If this Dr isn't doing it find one that will! I am so sorry that your dad has to go through this again. He is very lucky to have your support and love. YOu keep it up! Prayers to your family, Dana
  18. It's these stories that remind me what faith and hope and prayers can bring! Thank you so much for sharing! Prayers, Dana
  19. Beautiful tribute! Prayers to your whole family for peace and comfort. Dana
  20. Jen, This disease changes everything. I know that the day my mom was diagnosed was a day my whole life changed. I tell myself that I won't let it take over, but it is never far from my thoughts. I did noticed your dad is having scans on the 20th (My mom has her scans that day also) Do think that it is his way of letting out fear. May be instead of tears, he is just angry? (Just a thought.) I think when you in treatment that is all you can focus on. After the treatment is done and you are having scans and waiting I believe many emotions can surface. I have am not sure but it was just a thought. I will pray for your dads upcoming scans to be good! Prayers to you, Dana
  21. I am sending prayers your way. We understand your need for a break, but we always support. PLease let us know what you find out! Prayers, Dana
  22. Ray, I am so sorry that this has happened. Please know that there are many who are fighting and doing well. I found so much hope when I came here and read all the stories here. Please let us know all the details so we can help you further! Have faith and hope! Prayers to you and your family, Dana
  23. I am so sorry for your loss. I pray you find peace and comfort. You are an amazing daughter. Prayer to you, Dana
  24. My deepest condolences to you and your family. I pray you find peace and comfort. Dana
  25. Jane, My heart breaks for you! I am sending prayers of strength and courage for you as you walk this path. You are an amazing daughter! Prayers to you, Dana
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