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Patti B

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Everything posted by Patti B

  1. Michelle- You did REAL good, girlfriend!!!!!!!! Hugs - Patti B.
  2. Hey sistersue- We needed some good news around here!!!!! I am dancing with ya!!! Keep up the good work!!! Hugs - Patti B.
  3. Annette- I have never heard about not drinking soda or coffee - I guess everything in moderation is the key altho I drink A LOT of coffee!!! As far as the heating pad goes - I do know they told me when they gave me my pain patches not to use a heating pad but other than that - I really don't think its a problem!!! Hugs - Patti B.
  4. Tova- You are probably home already as my appt was at 10 am. The radiology onc met with me for over an hour. Told me every little thing that will happen and all about side effects. I guess the biggest side effects are fatigue, hair loss, temporary hearing loss and some cognitive thinking loss, esp. short term memory, which hopefully will be temporary. I asked again about gamma knife since Cleveland Clinic offers it and I really am being a big, huge baby about losing my hair again. He explained to me that I have 3 mets, the biggest being only the size of the end of a ballpoint pen. Thats the biggest!!! Since my last MRI in October was clear, they are concerned that others could be starting that are too microscopic to show up yet on a MRI. So I HAVE to have WBR!!! They made my mask and I go for a dry run on Monday and start the actual radiation on Tuesday x 15 sessions!! Feel free to PM me if you have any questions that I may have the answers for. Hugs - Patti B.
  5. Ceedee- I was on Alimta for about 8 months. Side effects were SOB and fatigue but they were cumulative in nature - didn't get the SOB until I had been on it for quite some time. A phone call to the doc may be in order. Hugs - Patti B.
  6. Katy- If the chemo drug was Alimta, that has been in use for quite a while. I was on it for about 8 months, until I showed some progression. Absolutely you should go on your trip. I am sure your hubby would feel bad if you didn't go and as Cat said, care-givers need a break every now and then. So go and enjoy yourself and try (easier said than done) not to worry too much about whats going on back at home. Take pics and let us see them when you get back........enjoy!!!! Hugs - Patti B.
  7. Ginny- So sorry to hear about your friend. I hope the Tarceva works well and she feels better soon. Hugs - Patti B.
  8. Tova- I just posted over on your other thread. I will be starting whole brain radiation probably next week. I am scared, too. Hugs - Patti B.
  9. Hi Tova- Well, I just found out Friday that I have numerous mets to my brain. I really had only been having slight headaches and the verdict is still out as too whether they are from the mets (which are very small) or from my sinuses because sinus meds made the headache go away. Anyway, because of the number of them, I am not a candidate for gamma knife. So I need whole brain, which of course means you lose your hair (you don't with gamma knife since its so concentrated in one area). I go tomorrow to see the radiology onc and I think they may begin to make my mask then, so I will get back with you on what he said. So far I have been told there may be some short term memory loss and fatigue. Bad part is they can't give me chemo until after I am done with the radiation. I have to go Mon thru Friday for three weeks and then still wait until 2 - 3 weeks after that to restart chemo. Give your mom a hug from me - we WILL get through all this!! Hugs - Patti B.
  10. OMG Michelle- I am so happy. Maybe they can even investigate these jerks. Just because you have the guts and the fight to go after them doesn't mean everyone does. Just think of the poor people who just gave up!!! Let us know what happens next!!!!! Its like a soap opera on TV, isn't it. But I know you will come out the victor!!!! They will be sorry they ever messed with you!!!! Hugs - Patti B.
  11. Paula- Sorry that I cannot help you out regarding those doctors but just wanted to say good luck and I hope dad gets to feeling better soon. Hugs - Patti B.
  12. Hi Mary- Glad you found us. This is a great site with lots of good people with lots of wisdom. Sorry about your dads diagnosis. Just to let you know, I am one of those people who never have had side effects from any of the chemos I have been on, so maybe your dad will be lucky like me. And, they have so many drugs now for nausea, etc. Let us know how things go. Any question, please feel free to ask us - someone will know the answer for you. And - if you just need to vent - this is the place!!! Hugs - Patti B.
  13. (((((((Michelle))))))) THIS IS ABSOLUTELY Bull-@@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How can they do this??? I am so mad right now I feel like coming out there and denying them a few things!!!! Once again, I think calling your state representative or congressperson may help. I have known many people who got things done that way. Glad you are in fighting mode - YOU ROCK!!!!!!! Don't let the idiots get you down!!! Hugs - Patti B.
  14. Lisa- Welcome from another Ohioan!!! Sorry you find the need to be here but am glad you did find us. I agree, stats are stupid. I was told 12 months tops and in a week and a half it will be 34 months for me!! So don't let that get you down - the docs really don't know. Glad you are getting a second opinion - my first onc was very big on that -actually encouraged his patients to do that. Said then if you came back to him, you were 100% sure you wanted him as your doc!! As far as supplements go, please check with your doc before he takes anything. I remember early on, a friend gave me some super-duper vitamins and the doc actually said NO - they might have grapefruit in them. Something that innocent!!! Please keep us posted as to how both you and your dad are doing. Your dad sure is lucky to have you by his side. Hugs - Patti B.
  15. Randys right on with that one, Bud!!!! Hey - I think I could ride one of those bikes!!! My husband bought me a bike many years ago but all I could do was left hand turns, not right hand turns. Don't know why!!! Finally he had to forbid to cross the street with it!!! In all fairness to me, I had told him to buy me a bike with coaster brakes since thats what I grew up with but he bought me some fancy thing with all kinds of gears and hand brakes!!!! It was pretty pitiful!!!!! You look downright awesome, Bud!!! Keepup the good work. If you know anyone who needs a pink bike, let me know!!! Hugs - Patti B.
  16. Denise- Please let Michelle know I am pulling for her!!!! Hoping for a successful surgery and an uneventful, speedy recovery!!!! Hugs - Patti B.
  17. Tammy- So very happy for you!!! Hope your receovery is quick and easy! Hugs - Patti B.
  18. Good Job, Michelle!!! They know not to mess with you again!!!! Hugs - Patti B.
  19. (((((((Connie))))))) I too know nothing about that chemo - but have heard of it through others here and am sure that they will be around soon to tell you more details about it. I can absolutely understand her not wanting to lose her hair again - pretty devastating for most of us girls. Want you to know that I will be keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers. Give mom a hug from me. Patti B.
  20. Hey Dana- Altho I don't have small cell, I am on a cancer-@ss kicking roll right now, too. So if you need some help in kicking butt, let me know. Now.............I am worried about you - did anything happen new that made you feel like this or is it just an I hate cancer day (which for me is every day). Hugs - Patti B.
  21. Hi Maddie- Welcome to the forum. Hope you will find this site helpful to you. I do not have BAC, I have non-small cell, but I am also Stage 4. Hope you realize that there is much hope these days with LC, and please do not listen to statistics. Please keep us posted on how you are doing. Hugs - Patti B.
  22. Patti B

    Mom's chemo

    Hi Mary- Hoping and praying that the chemo kicks some cancer @ss!!!!!! Give mom a hug for me!!! Hugs - Patti B.
  23. Patti B

    Grieving and Work

    ((((((Marci))))) I am a cancer survivor, not a caregiver so I cannot relate to what you are going through. Just wanted to let you know that I am so sorry you are going through this and hope things get better for you. Hugs - Patti B.
  24. YOU GO, GIRLFRIEND!!!!! If they threaten to call the cops on you, tell them your one call will be to the news media!!!! NOONE deserves the treatment you have been given!!!! I am beginning to not like the state of California at all!!!! Good luck!!!! Hugs - Patti B.
  25. Patti B

    The 8th

    I am so sorry, Dana. Sending you a huge hug. Remember, your mom will always be by your side. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((DANA)))))))))))))))))))))))) Patti B.
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