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Patti B

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Everything posted by Patti B

  1. Hi and welcome!! So glad your treatment went well. We need inspirational people like you here!! Hugs - Patti B.
  2. Patti B


    Lilly- My thoughts and prayers are with you tonight. I know this is scary but you have been such a rock and have endured so much and this will just be another bump in the road. Can't wait to talk to you on Friday!!! Sleep tight tonight, my friend. Hugs - Patti B.
  3. (((((Linda))))) I am just so sorry. Hugs - Patti B.
  4. Great news, Judy. Keep kicking butt!!!! Hugs - Patti B.
  5. Hey Geri- YIPEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! I love seeing posts like this. Hey, if someone will open the Pub, I am buying!!!!!! Hugs - Patti B.
  6. Patti B

    Final chemo

    Hey Donny- YOU ROCK!!!! Congrats on NO CANCER and finally getting rid of that pesty pneumonia!!! Bet when that chemo was over you felt like doing cartwheels across the floor. Hope you are feeling 100% real soon and I just want you to know that you have and will continue to be an inspiration here!! Hugs - Patti B.
  7. Katy- I am so glad you got to get away for a while - I am sure you needed that BIG time. Congrats to Gene for the good scan - I remember when I was on Avastin the onc was so excited about the hole in the middle of my tumor - guess thats how they start to die!!! Tell Gene to keep up the good work!!!! Hugs - Patti B.
  8. Love it, Randy!!! And hey, noone really cares if men have hair growing out of their ears, do they??? Hugs - Patti B.
  9. (((Deb))) Oh, Deb, how could I have missed this post. You are such a dear friend to me. I am so sorry - I hate this disease so much!! I am so tired of crying for people and their families. You know you are always in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs - Patti B.
  10. Thanks Caren- We all get so worried when one of our friends goes missing!!! Glad she is OK!!! If you talk to her again tell her we miss her!!! Hugs - Patti B.
  11. Keep the good news coming, Jim!!! We all need it!!! Hugs - Patti B.
  12. Please let us know all is well!!!! Hugs - Patti B.
  13. Dana- Would it be so terrible to just go along with them and get an MRI of your brain???? If nothing shows up, then maybe everyone would feel more comfortable with your decision not to have the WBR. My doc routinely gives me an MRI every 6 - 8 months (and I have NSCLC) and thats how they found the mets. I am so surprised sometimes when I hear that many people with LC never have an MRI - unfortunately, whether you have SCLC or NSCLC, it likes to take up residence in our brains Just an idea................ Hugs - Patti B.
  14. TOLD YOU!!! TOLD YOU!!! I KNEW TOM WOULD ROCK THAT SCAN. Tom is such a tough guy and of course, hes got you watching his back!!!!! Hugs - Patti B.
  15. Patti B

    5 Years

    (((((((Ginny)))))) I hope the day passes gently for you. Hugs - Patti B.
  16. ((((Barb)))) Glad you got out and are going to stay in toucvh with old friends. Hugs - Patti B.
  17. Patti B

    Thom Harmon

    (((((Jean))))) I am so terribly sorry for your loss. Plase accept my sincere sympathies. Hugs - Patti B.
  18. Hang in there, Joy- I just finished a 15 treatment session of whole brain due to 3 small mets they found. At first, I was totally overwhelmed with the fact that I would lose my hair again (I have had it back for 2 1/2 years now). The WBR itself was not hard for me - I know that stupid mask is just sooooo tight!!! Anyway, my hair started to fall out before the 15 treatments were over and they would not let me cut it - said the mask wouldn't fit right. So the last day of my tx, I came home and got rid of it all!!! Bummer!!! I had no bad side effects - no nausea, vomiting, severe fatigue, etc. They did put me on decadron because I do have some headaches and some earaches but nothing horrendous. I have a sunburn on the top of my head and behind my ears is peeling and my forehead has tan blotched marks. But all in all, things could be worse!!!! You hang in there, Joy - you will get through this OK!!! Feel free to PM me if you hae any more whole brain radiation questions!! Hugs - Patti B.
  19. Hi Barb- I tried to think of something that would go with Nebraska and came up empty. I do like Lincoln Lungs, tho. Good luck on the team. Keep is posted on how its going!!! Hugs - Patti B.
  20. (((((Caren))))) You're a great mom - kids need to learn that its OK to cry sometimes and that unfortunately life is not always fair. I know it hurts so much and we never want to see our children hurt, but as my 17 year old Nick just told me "sometimes I think you being sick has made me a stronger person". I wish you all peace during this time. Hugs - Patti B.
  21. Susan- How wonderful of your boss to do that. Isn't it amazing how some people can just step up to the plate for us when we need it?? I hope you are having a good visit with your mom and that she is feeling better. Give her a hug from me!!! Hugs - Patti B.
  22. This must be so hard on you. I, too, am not a care giver so I don't know what advice to give you. But I am thinking of you and sending hugs and positive vibes for both you and Glenn. Please keep us posted. Hugs - Patti B.
  23. This saddens me so much - Bucky was such a breath of fresh air here on the boards and always seem to keep her sense of humor no matter what happened. I truly would have loved to have been able to meet her. Kasey - I picked up her expression, too. I believe whenever she had a good scan she would say "another 3 months out on parole" and I started saying that, too. My sincere condolences go out to her family, friends and everyone who knew and loved her. She was the best!!!! Hugs - Patti B.
  24. (((((Dana)))) I have heard of WBR being a preventative measure for small cell but I have always heard to it as referred as PCI. I am not sure since I have non-small cell. I have just finished 15 treatments of WBR and I have to tell you, it went without a hitch and I feel great. A few headaches and earaches but nothing bad at all. I am glad you are contacting Dr. West - maybe he can give you some insight into this. I wish you only the best no matter what decision you make and if you want info on how WBR goes, PM me. Hugs - Patti B.
  25. Kim- I was on Taxotere when I had an allergic reaction to Taxol. I had it in combination with Carboplatin and Avastin. Nothing out of the ordinary that I think was caused by the Taxotere. I know how bad it sucks to lose your hair - just lost mine again after having it for 2 years - what a bummer that is!!!! Sending you and your mom lots of hugs and healing vibes - please remember to take care of yourself, too. Hugs - Patti B.
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