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Everything posted by CLB

  1. CLB


    Fred, you got me giggling again!
  2. CLB


    that's a good one, Jackie!!
  3. not strange at all patut, I feel invisible quite often myself!!!!
  4. wow - this is a tough one. i think i might want to be invisible. like Janet said, i think it would be great to be able to watch Jack interact with other kids & adults without him knowing i am there. there is the added plus of being able to "catch" people in a lie since you could hear what they are saying to other people without them seeing you in the room. then again, reading people's minds might be good too - but, I agree that I might just find out a lot of things that I don't want to know! So, I guess I would say invisble (I think)
  5. CLB

    The Human Body

    yep, here I am measuring my nose with my thumb!! this was really interesting, thanks Ann!!! i think it was in the movie "Pretty Woman" where they say that your foot is as big as you forearm from your elbow to your wrist.
  6. well, it seems that i am the odd ball here.....i never thought i could go an entire day without talking, but since i have been home instead of work since dx, i often go all day without talking to anyone until i go to get Jack from preschool. i guess if i didn't have him around, i might be able to not talk all day
  7. Ann - we have the same answer!!!! I am in the mood for working again. I so miss having that connection with friends and the challenge work always gave me.
  8. CLB

    Great Lunch!!!!

    We had such a great time on Saturday!!!! Can't wait to do it again!! Jack is here with me and is LOVING seeing his picture on the sight. He said "hey there I am in the barrel at the fun lunch." hahahahaha!!! Thank you!!!!
  9. I forgot about the water softener!!!!!! Thanks for reminding me!!
  10. the parking spot is awesome!!!!! and the manogram is priceless!!! Thanks Ann!!!!
  11. this is great! I should send this to my Dad - we are always on his case about his hearing and going for a hearing aid. He would get a kick out of this one
  12. Wow - you got me on that one!!!!!
  13. I am thinking that we have about 10 (including cars) oh and then a few watches too!
  14. CLB

    Farmer's wife

    Fred- you did it again!!!!! Another good one....hahahahahahaha.
  15. CLB

    Feeling of Doom?

    Oh wow! Thanks everyone. Dar, the funny thing is that my Dr. also prescribed Zoloft for me right before my dx too!!! I was so emotional and having these strange flashes, so he thought that I might just need a boost from something like Zoloft. I am still taking it and haven't really had one of those flashes until the other day....and you know I think I may have forgotten to take a few of my morning pills that day, one of them being the Zoloft.....hmmmmmm. Thanks again everyone!!!! See you on Saturday Gail!!
  16. mint chocolate chip choclate chip orange sherbert
  17. CLB

    Feeling of Doom?

    Ned, thank you so much for that! I actually had one of those moments again yesterday and the first thing I thought was "Oh no, something is going wrong with my treatment, this isn't good." But your post made me realize that it might just be something else that might be about to happen - not necessarily to do with MY health or family. Whew...thank you!!!!!!!!!!
  18. This may sound really strange, but I wanted to put it out here and see if any one else may have experienced anything like it. I was dx w/ nsclc & brain mets in 10/06. During the summer before that I noticed that every once in awhile a strange, almost scary, feeling came over me. I couldn't shake it for atleast 5 minutes each time. At the time I contributed it to a freaky movie I had just seen, but now I look back and wonder if my mind was trying to somehow alert me that something was very wrong (cancer in my body). Has anyone else ever experienced anything like this? Somedays I think that I just must be nuts. Just wanted to see if I am the only to have experienced this. Col
  19. My diagnosis has definitely made me less tolerable of bullsh*t. I am usually very tolerant and don't let things bother me, but since my dx, I can't deal with the crap and the negativity that comes with it. I agree that people need to think before they speak. Most people are wonderful and are cheering for me all the way, but there are a few who are constantly reminding me that I have cancer & it could end badly. This may be a dismal dx, but I need to believe that I can beat this or at least keep at bay for some time. I think I may need to do a clean up of all the negativity around me - all it does it bring me down.
  20. Fred - that was great!!!!!!! JB better hope that he keeps a watch on his toothbrush.
  21. That's a good one, Fred!!!
  22. Oh man - I always get a lemon in iced tea or diet coke. I guess I should be thinking twice about that now.....yuck!!!!
  23. I am torn between Jack's first year or the past year as he has grown up so much. Whatever I would remember I would want it to be a year that was full of good times with Jack
  24. >>> 4 Things about me. >>> Four jobs I have had in my life: >>> 1. Sales clerk/warehouse worker at a uniform store for Catholic schools (during High School) >>> 2. Burger King (also in High School) >>> 3. Staff/Senior Accountant at two different co. >>> 4. Accounting Supervisor >>> 5 and I think I'll add Mom to that as well Four places I have lived: >>> 1. NE Phila, PA >>> 2. Center Valley, PA (near Allentown) during college >>> 3. Bridgeport, PA >>> 4. Upper Pottsgrove, PA >>> Four places I have been: >>> >>> 1. New Jersey shore (Atlantic City to Cape May) >>> 2. Cruise to San Juan, St. Thomas, & St. Crioux >>> 3. Mexico - Cancun, Puerto Vallarta, Mazatlan, and Cabo San Lucas >>> 4. Outer Banks, NC >>>>5. Florida - Orlando, Clearwater, Tampa >>> >>> Four of my favorite foods: >>> >>> 1. Steak >>> 2. Itallian >>> 3. Pierogies >>> 4. Pizza >>> Four places I would rather be right now >>> >>> 1. On a cruise >>> 2. In Hawaii (or somewhere tropical sitting on a beach or by a pool) >>> 3. can't believe I am saying this - but back at work being a normal person again >>> 4. maybe Las Vegas - have always wanted to go there >>>> 4 favorite TV Shows. 1. Lost 2. Greys Anatomy 3. Survivor 4, 5. >>>> If you had to evacuate what would be 4 things you would take. 1. Jack & and his stuffed Monkey toy 2. Pictures 3. My good jewelry 4. Lap top/cell phone & purse 5. Medications >>>>> If you could bring 4 cds to a desert Island 1. CD mix my sister made me when we found out I had cancer - "Sissy's Kick *ss CD" - has some great stuff on it 2. probably just a few other mix CD's I have made 3. 4. >>>> Favorite sports team 1. E-A-G-L-E-S EAGLES!!! 2. Flyers 3. Phillies 4. Notre Dame >>> Desert Island again.... who would you like to be stranded with, excluding your spouse. 1, Matt Dillon 2. Colin Farrell (don't think I spelled that correctly) 3. Tom Cruise - in his younger years....around the Top Gun era 4. Maybe my sister - we can always find fun no matter where we are >>> Who do you think would be interesting to meet in this life...past or present... 1. My grandmothers (both passed away when my parents were young) 2. JB's grandfater (he passed away before I was in the picture) 3. Pricess Diana 4. >>>> Do you know what where your first love is today? 1. Yes, I'll leave it at that. >>>>> To find information do you Google, Yahoo, Ask.com >>>> 1. Google - or Yahoo every once in awhile >>>>> Favorite authors >>>> 1. Maeve Binchy 2. Nora Roberts 3. Jennifer Weiner 4.
  25. No coffee for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I like orange juice in the morning or a nice cup of hot tea!!
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